User:CupcakePelle/Archives/Polished OG script

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TGTP - The Script (Chapter One.) Part One.

Tails Gets Trolled Polished - Chapter One. (Currently holding pages 1-20)

Page One.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Tails pokes his finger towards frog.)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
(The frog licks Tails' Finger.)

Panel Three.
Hahaha... Tails

Panel Four.
(Two figures in the shadows of a cave, are observing Tails.)

Panel Five.
Oh, look at that noob! What a talentless looking fox! Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Six.
..Huh? What was that noise!? Tails 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Seven.
..Who's there!? Tails

Panel Eight.
(Butter Tits & The Dick Taker reveal themselves from the shadows, as they approach Tails.)

Panel Nine.
You're a gay retard, you look so stupid.. You're such a friendless ugly noob. Butter Tits says to Tails

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
You should fix that ugly face of yours, retard! The Dick Taker says to Tails

Panel Eleven.
You mad? You mad? You look mad, you stupid bitch! Butter Tits says to Tails 1
Yeah, she's mad! The Dick Taker 2

Panel Twelve.
(Tails is in shock.)

Panel Thirteen.
You have no talent, you big retarded hoe! Butter Tits says to Tails

Panel Fourteen.
(Tails begins to cry.)

Panel Fifteen.
Hahaha! Look! She's crying! The Dick Taker

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Tails flees from Butter Tits & The Dick Taker)
..No, come back! We're just playing! Hahaha... Butter Tits says to Tails 1
Hahahaaa.... The Dick Taker 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Tails continues to run while crying.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
(Tails continues to run while crying.)
...Sonic! Tails

Page Two.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Tails while in tears, confronts Sonic.) Sigh... Sigh... Sigh... ...Sonic! Tails says to Sonic

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...What's wrong!? What happened!?.. Sonic says to Tails 1
.....There were these people, they were calling me names!... Tails says to Sonic 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..They were calling you names?... Sonic says to Tails 1
....Mhm... Tails says to Sonic, as he continues to cry 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Did they hurt you!? Sonic says to Tails 1
....No.. Tails says to Sonic 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..Hmm... Yeah, whenever i went into town the other day, there were some trouble making kids there.. Everyone there were calling them trolls.. Sonic says to Tails

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...I remember something about them from what Shadow once told me.. Maybe we should ask him about this.. Sonic says to Tails 1
....Okay.. Tails says to Sonic 2

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Come on, let's go.. Sonic says to Tails

Panel Eight. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Two figures in the shadows of a cave, are observing Koopa Mang.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
Oh, look at that noob! What a talentless looking turtle! Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..Huh? What was that noise!? Koopa Mang 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
..Who's there!? Koopa Mang

Panel Twelve.
(Butter Tits & The Dick Taker reveal themselves from the shadows, as they approach Koopa Mang.)

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..Oh, hi! My name is Koopa Mang. I was a baddie, but now I'm not! There was a lot of soul searching involved in that, let me tell ya.. Koopa Mang

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
You're stupid, and gay. You should fix that ugly shell of yours, Squirtle! Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang 1
Hahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...Oh? Well.. I don't know about the stupid or ugly part of what you've just said, but.. Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..And, you're a friendless ass mouth! Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang 1
Oh, snap! The Dick Taker 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Koopa Mang begins to tear up.)

Page Three.

Panel One. (New Panel)
Oh?.. I see how it is! Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Two. (New Panel)
Look at that faggot! He's crying! The Dick Taker

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Yes, I'm crying!.... Because it hurt.. It hurt real good... Koopa Mang says to The Dick Taker

Panel Four. (New Panel)
I didn't go through all of that horror, just to be broken down here today! Koopa Mang

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..God damn it!... Koopa Mang

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Uhh, dude.. I'm sorry man, i was just playing.. I didn't mean anything by it... Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Look man, you want to play some Xbox or something? Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Nope! It's too late for that now... Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...You done gone and ruined the potential of a wonderful friendship, and maybe even something more.. Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...Wait, we can start over man! Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang 1
Yeah... The Dick Taker 2

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Nope! Yer done fucked the pooch, SIR!! I will take my leave now.... ASSHOLE!! Just shit on someone's heart why don't ya.. Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Now i have to mend the pieces back together... Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits 1
...I'm sorry man.. Butter Tits says to Koopa Mang 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..It's too late for that.... It's just too late.... Koopa Mang says to Butter Tits

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Koopa Mang walks away.)

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
....Damn, he was cool.. The Dick Taker

Page Four.

Panel One. Meanwhile
.... Tails 1
Hmmm... Shadow 2

Panel Two.
Ahhhhhhh... Tails says, as he continues to cry.

Panel Three.
...What's he crying about now? Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Four.
...I think he's been getting trolled.. You said before that you've had some bad tension with some trolls, right? Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Really? He's crying over some troll's aimless spew? Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...They're calling him names, you know he can't take it.. Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...If you stopped pampering him then maybe he could.. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Eight.
....Look Tails, the way to stop a troll is to become their friend! As their friend, you could show them the right path! Sonic says to Tails 1
... Tails 2

Panel Nine. Sigh...
...That's bullshit.. Don't listen to him Tails, that won't work.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Ten.
Well.. Then how would you deal with a troll, Shadow? Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Eleven.
..Here, I'll show you. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Fourteen.
Fuck you trolls! Shadow

Page Five.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..Don't worry about it, I'll take it from here.. Hahahaa.. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Two.
....There's no need for violence! This problem can be solved without any blood shed, Shadow.. Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Tails, don't listen to anything that Shadow has to say.. Sonic says to Tails

Panel Four.
Okay... Tails

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..And I'm ashamed of you Shadow... I thought you were changing, i guess i was wrong.. Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Six.
..Sonic... Sometimes there is a need to do what's needed.. If it were up to me? Eggman would be dead, so we wouldn't have to live in fear.. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
... Sonic

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Shadow glares at Sonic.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..You know I'm right.. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Ten.
...The ones who trolled Tails are probably just misunderstood kids though.. Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
..Does it matter? Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Yes it does, Shadow.. Sonic says to Shadow

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...Bullshit.. Shadow says to Sonic

Panel Fourteen.
..Tails come, i will talk with these kids and stop this hate, with kindness.. Sonic says to Tails

Panel Fifteen.
..That's not going to work Sonic... Tails, trust me when i say this! I know what I'm talking about.. Shadow

Panel Sixteen.
..I don't know... Maybe Sonic is right.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Seventeen.
..Phh.. Go ahead and leave then, you'll find out the hard way.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Eightneen. (New Panel)
..Come on Tails... Sonic says to Tails 1
Okay... Tails says to Sonic 2

Panel Nineteen.
(Sonic and Tails leave the area.)

Panel Twenty.
..Dumbasses will learn.. Shadow

Page Six.

Panel One. (New Panel) Sigh
...I think I'm going to call Knuckles over, i need to get high... Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...Shadow? Amy says to Shadow

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..What is it? Shadow says to Amy

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Where are they going? ..Sonic didn't even tell me that he was leaving... Amy says to Shadow

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Don't drag me into your drama, woman.. They left to deal with some kids who trolled Tails earlier.. Shadow says to Amy

Panel Six. (New Panel)
....Thanks.. Any says to Shadow, with an annoyed facial expression.

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..By the way, I've noticed that you and Knuckles talk often.. So i must ask, do you know where he disappears off to, hm? Shadow says to Amy

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...I don't talk to Knuckles.. He confronts me to ask if i want to smoke weed with him, and i keep telling him to leave me alone, that's all.. Amy says to Shadow

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Bullshit! You know why he bothers you.. Hell, I'm pretty sure that everyone knows why he's always near you, at this point.. Shadow says to Amy

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..Though i wouldn't be surprised if Sonic were in denial of this, kind of like you are right now huh? Shadow says to Amy

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Whatever Shadow, i thought you didn't want to be brought into my so called Drama? If so, then fuck off.. Amy says to Shadow

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..I wouldn't be so flattered if i were you, i couldn't find it in myself to give two shits about you or your pathetic drama.. Knuckles is my friend, and i care about what happens to him.. Shadow says to Amy

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..I'm completely aware that you know what's happening to him... So you need to tell me right now! Cut this clueless bimbo act and take this shit seriously! Shadow says to Amy

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..Fuck you, prick! I don't know what that man child's up to, so stop asking! Amy says to Shadow

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..You want to act like that, then fuck you! Shadow says to Amy

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..Just leave me alone... Amy says to Shadow

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
..Fuck you Amy.. Shadow says to Amy

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
Hmm... So, hey guys! I see that you both are fighting again... Vector

Page Seven.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..I'm actually kind of confused about who's dating who, you all fight like you all are dating.. Vector

Panel Two. (New Panel)
.... Amy

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...What do you want, Vector? Shadow says to Vector

Panel Four. (New Panel)
I wanted to ask Sonic if i could have some of that jerky that he made. That shit's the bomb! Hahahaa.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Just fucking take it, he can make more.. Shadow says to Vector

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Sweet! Tell him that i said thanks! Vector says to Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
Sure.. Shadow says to Vector

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Oh and the Pink Guy needs the other wrench, he said that he will have Tails' plane back up and going again by tomorrow.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..You can feel free to take what you need, Vector.. I will let Sonic know whenever he returns.. Amy says to Vector

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
Thanks again.. So Amy, how's everything been going? You haven't stopped by in awhile.. I hope things aren't too hectic over here.. Vector says to Amy

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Hahaha... Shadow

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Shut up.. Amy says to Shadow

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...I'm sorry Vector, things here have been crazy and i haven't had the time to come visit... How is Cream? Amy says to Vector

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..She's been doing well, she misses you.. Vector says to Amy

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..Are you sure it's Cream who misses her? Shadow says to Vector

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
... Vector 1
..Shadow, SHUT UP!.. Amy says to Shadow 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..Hahaha... Shadow

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...I'll come by soon, okay? Amy says to Vector

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
..Yeah? Ok, alright. We'll see you then.. Vector says to Amy

Page Eight.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Two figures in the shadows of a cave, are observing Toad.)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
Oh, look at that noob! What a talentless looking Mushroom! Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Huh? What was that noise!? Toad 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Who's there though!? Toad

Panel Five.
(Butter Tits & The Dick Taker reveal themselves from the shadows, as they approach Toad.)

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Hi? ..Have you seen a man in a red jump suit and hat, by any chance? Toad

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
Well duh.. The Dick Taker says to Toad 1
Yeah, we seen him sucking on your mushroom! Butter Tits says to Toad 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
Pardon?.. Toad

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
You're gay and an ass licker, and you're gay! Butter Tits says to Toad 1
You're so gay! The Dick Taker says to Toad 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
They're over there! Tails says to Sonic

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Toad while crying, runs passed Sonic and Tails, as they both look at Toad in confusion.)

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Man.. I'm running out of things to say.. Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Yeah... There's been a lot of people walking in front of our cave today.. The Dick Taker says to Butter Tits 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..If i would have known before hand, maybe i would've prepared a little more... Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Yeah.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..Excuse me... Sonic 1
..Hm? Butter Tits says in confusion 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Sonic and Tails Confront Butter Tits and The Dick Taker.)

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..May i have a word with you both? Sonic

Page Nine.

Panel One.
..What you both said to my friend was really hateful, and i would like an apology.. Sonic

Panel Two.
..Hey man, look! That dumbass fox brought his gay friend to try and talk to us! The Dick Taker says to Butter Tits

Panel Three.
..Gay? I'm not gay... I have a girl friend.. Listen, i would like it if this conflict were to end in peace.. Sonic

Panel Four. (New Panel)
Look! The talentless blue Pokemon, wants to end this in peace! The Dick Taker says to Butter Tits 1
..Oh? Hahaha... Butter Tits 2

Panel Five.
You're an ugly, friendless, retarded, faggot, NOOB! Trollololol.. Butter Tits says to Sonic

Panel Six.
...You must know who i am.. I have a lot of talent and a lot of friends, one of those friends are standing right beside me.. Sonic says to Butter Tits

Panel Seven.
..Therefore, what you're saying isn't true.. So I'm not offended by your misconstrued and hateful comments.. Sonic says to Butter Tits

Panel Eight.
..Retard, You're so stupid.. Butter Tits says to Sonic

Panel Nine.
..Why don't we just be friends? This isn't going anywhere.. Sonic says to Butter Tits

Panel Ten.
I bet your girl friend is a stupid cow and, a town slut! She really knows how to take it by a man! Butter Tits says to Sonic

Panel Eleven.
... Sonic

Panel Twelve.
Your girl friend's a stupid hoe and because of that? You're gay with that retarded fox! Butter Tits says to Sonic

Panel Thirteen.
..Ehhh... I'm just going to ignore what you've just said and ask you this, one more time.. Let's end this hate, and become friends.. What do you say?.. Sonic says to Butter Tits

Panel Fourteen.
Your girl's a bitch and you're a retard! Butter Tits says to Sonic

Panel Fifteen.
...Tails, let's get out of here.. Sonic says to Tails

Panel Sixteen.
Okay... Tails says to Sonic

Page Ten.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
Hey guys, I'm back! I got the good stuff! Vector

Panel Two. (New Panel)
Oh... Oh, yes... That Jerky.. God damn Sonic, that jerky though... Pink Guy

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Well, it's not as good as chili dogs from the Branch Cranch, but it will do.. Pink Guy

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Mmm, i love the Branch Cranch... Cream

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..By the way, did you get me that wrench? Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Six. (New Panel)
Yeah, here! Vector says as he tosses the wrench to Pink Guy

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
(The wrench clashes with Pink Guy's hand.)

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...AHHHHH!! Man! Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
Oh... Cream says in worry

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
Uhh, sorry man.. Vector says to Pink Guy

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
....It's a fucking wrench man, why are you throwing it!? Jesus.. Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Mybad.. Vector says to Pink Guy

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
... Pink Guy

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...That fucking hurt man.. Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
Don't be a wuss! Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Look at my finger!! Pink Guy

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy lifts his hand up and reveals that one of his fingers are bent completely backwards.)

Page Eleven.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..Oh my God.... Cream

Panel Two. (New Panel)
....Uhh, oops.. Vector

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...Dude, seriously? Why did you throw it!?... Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Four. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy grabs onto his finger with his other hand.)
... Pink Guy

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy bends his finger back into place) Crunch

Panel Six. (New Panel)
....GOD DAMN IT!!! Pink Guy

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...I'm so sorry man! I didn't mean to! I thought you were going to catch it! Vector says to Pink Guy

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..IT'S A FUCKING LARGE WRENCH!! ..IT WEIGHS LIKE 25 POUNDS!!... My hands aren't are big as yours, you dick!.. Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Well, uhh... Yeah, good point... Vector says to Pink Guy

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..It's whatever man, it's whatever... Pink Guy says to Vector

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Not to change the topic but, how's Sonic and Tails doing? I miss them.. Cream says to Vector

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..I have no clue what they're doing... They were gone when i got there, but Shadow and Amy were fighting again.. There's like, always some sort of drama going on over there.. "Vector says to Cream"

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..I was talking to Sonic earlier, something was bothering him.. I think him and Amy are fighting more than usual.. "Pink guy"

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..It's probably about Amy and Knuckles... "Cream" 1
..What about Amy and Knuckles?.. "Vector says to Cream" 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..They've been talking a lot, from what I've noticed anyway.. "Cream says to Vector"

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..I think they've been fucking.. "Pink guy" 1
..Huh!? ..Why would they be doing that!? She's with Sonic!! "Vector says to Pink Guy" 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..I don't know man, This shit does happen... I'm just saying, it looks like something is going on.. Chill man, chill.. "Pink guy says "

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
... "Vector says as he expresses a depressed facial expression" 1
..Let's not bring her up, i don't want to talk about her anymore.. "Cream says with an annoyed facial expression" 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
..I'm a robot... Emerald 1
...Shut up Emerald.. Pink Guy says to Emerald 2 ..I'm still trying to fix him.. Pink Guy 3

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
..I think that Shadow might know something.. I'll be right back then... I'm going to have a talk with Shadow!.. "Vector"

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
(Vector leaves the area.)

Page Twelve.

Panel One. (New Panel)
Cream... Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..You know You're torturing yourself.. You gotta tell Vector how you feel, don't hold it inside anymore.. "Pink guy says to Cream"

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..I can't compare to Amy... Her vagina has a gravitational pull for penises.. She's a slut! There's no competing with that.. "Cream says to Pink Guy"

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Yeah, she is one hardcore butt slut.. "Pink guy says to Cream"

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..It's like I'm the only one who doesn't want a piece of that, delicious cherry Pie.. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm! "Pink guy says to Cream"

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...What?.. Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Uhh... I mean, ew.. Nasty Bitch.. Amy! Not, not you.. In case you were confused.. I meant that Amy's the nasty bitch.. Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Yeah, i got that.. Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..You know... Me and you could like, you know? Get together.. Uhh, we could go to the Branch Cranch, or something... What do you say? Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
....Pink Guy, i just don't see you that way.. You're like a brother to me... Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
..Oh... So just to clarify, I'm the type of brother you don't want to fuck, right? Like some hick or Japanese shit? Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...No, sorry.. It would be too weird.. Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Cream walks away.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
... Pink Guy

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..I'm a robot! Emerald 1
...Shut up Emerald.. Pink Guy says to Emerald 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..You know what? Fuck this, ima get me some of that delicious cherry pie! Pink Guy thinks to himself

Page Thirteen.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
Hey man, how's it going? Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Two. (New Panel)
About fucking time.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Don't worry! I got the good stuff this time.. My dealer was on a run, i had to wait.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..You better have some good shit, I'm tired of all that ditch weed.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..I get high grade stuff now, look! It's called Banana Kush. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Hmm.. Where did you get this from? Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..My dealer has better connections now man! I call this my smart weed. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..And who is your Dealer? Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Oh man, don't worry about it! He's cool, he gets good shit.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Shadow grins.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
..By the way, Amy was talking about you earlier.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
... Knuckles says with a curious facial expression.

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..Oh yeah? ..What did she say? Knuckles says so Shadow

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..She's been telling me all about the drama that you've been dealing with.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Oh, did she? Knuckles says to Shadow with a depressed facial expression.

Page Fourteen.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..You should have told me man.. I thought we were friends... Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...I'm sorry man, things are just getting out of control.. Knuckle says to Shadow

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..I can help you know?.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Oh, no you can't... Not with the history that you both have.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..What? Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Wait, oh shit.. Amy didn't tell you, did she? Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Damn it.. Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Just fucking tell me!.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Oh no, you'll only make it worse, Shadow.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..That's bullshit! Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Eleven.
..I'm telling you man! Knuckles says to Shadow ... Shadow

Panel Twelve.
..Oh hey Sonic, you're back! How's it going? Knuckles says to Sonic

Panel Thirteen.
..I'm so mad! I'm going to go have sex with my girl friend, so i won't be so mad! Sonic

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Sonic walks away.)

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...Oh.. Knuckles says with a depressed facial expression.

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..Don't be a pussy, you know that what you and her have is meaningless.. Shadow says to Knuckles 1 ... Knuckles 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Tails pounds on a tree.)
..Egghh.. Tails says with a angry facial expression and with tears in his eyes.

Panel Eighteen.
...Ok, I'm going to take a random guess and assume that you both failed with that peace crap, am i right? Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nineteen.
...You were right Shadow.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Twenty.
..I fucking knew it! Shadow

Page Fifteen.

Panel One.
...What are you guys talking about? Knuckles

Panel Two.
..They've been getting trolled.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Three.
..Oh Tails, You have nothing to worry about.. Shadow is good at dealing with trolls, I've seen it! Knuckles says to Tails

Panel Four.
..Alright Shadow... Can you help me deal with these haters?.. Tails says to Sonic

Panel Five. (New Panel)
Absolutely.. But before we begin, i need you to describe them to me.. What did they look like? Shadow says to Tails

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Uhhh.. One was fat, the other one was tall and skinny.. They wore pink and purple clothing.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Oh, that's gay.. Reminds me of a person i know, his name is Doug.. He swears that he isn't gay but we all know... We all know.. Knuckles

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..How fat are we talking here? Does he go to Burger King every so often or does he go there every day, kind of fat? Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Uhh, i don't know.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
....Like, does he crack the scale or just break it? Shadow says to Tails

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Umm.. I don't know.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Damn it Tails... Shadow says to Tails 1
..Is he really fat!? Shadow says to Tails 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
Uhh, Umm... Uhh, yes? Tails says to Shadow 1
..Excellent! Shadow says to Tails 2

Panel Fourteen.
Ok, now listen closely.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Fifteen.
I'm going to show you how to defeat a troll.. Observe carefully, so you'll know how to do it yourself.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Sixteen.
You both will only watch me.. You will not speak, because that may make it more difficult.. Do you understand that? Shadow says Tails

Panel Seventeen.
...Uh, yes! Understood!.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Eighteen.
Alright, Let's go.. Tails, lead us to them bastards! Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nineteen.
..Great! You can teach them who's boss, right!? Tails says to Shadow

Panel Twenty.
..Hahahaa.. Oh, I'll teach them good! Shadow says to Tails

Page Sixteen.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Sonic, i think that you're overreacting.. Amy says to Sonic

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..How could you think that I'm overreacting!? Sonic says to Amy 1
... Amy 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...I'm used to people saying things about me.. Some of it is true, and well.. There's something i need to tell you.. Amy says to Sonic

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...I never meant to hurt you, you have to know this.. Amy says to Sonic

Panel Five.
..Those trolls don't know anything.. Calling you a slut? They'll pay.. Hmm! No one says that about you! Why would they do that!? Huh!? Sonic says to Amy
... Amy Sigh..

Panel Six.
..What do they know? NOTHING!! Stupid trolls, you're NOT a slut! Damn it.. I can't even think clearly... AHHHH!! Sonic says to Amy

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Sonic... Me and.. Amy says to Sonic

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Sonic and Amy stare into each other's eyes.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Sonic and Amy get closer as they continue to stare into each other's eyes.)

Panel Ten.
(Sonic begins to kiss Amy.)

Panel Ten.
(Sonic continues to kiss Amy.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Vector approaches Sonic's camp.)
..Hmm, where's everyone at?.. Thinks to himself

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Oh, maybe Amy is here by herself! ..This is my chance! Vector thinks to himself

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Vector approaches Amy's sleep area.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Vector looks down)

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Vector witnesses Sonic on top of Amy while they're having sex.)
..Sonic... Amy says to Sonic

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Vector's eyes widen.)
... Vector

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Vector leaves the area.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...I don't know what to think anymore.. Vector thinks to himself

Page Seventeen.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Two figures in the shadows of a cave, are observing Ant Lion.)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
Oh, look at that! What a talentless looking noob! Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
Hahahahaa.. The Dick Taker 1

Panel Four. (New Panel)

Panel Five.
(Butter Tits & The Dick Taker reveal themselves from the shadows, as they approach Ant Lion.)

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..You're gay, and small, and gay, and... Small! Butter Tits says to Ant Lion
..It's a little bit gay... The Dick Taker says to Ant Lion

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...What!? Man, fuck you mother fucker! I eat rocks n shit, fuck you! Ant Lion says to Butter Tits

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Hahaha.. I almost can't even hear it! Butter Tits 1
..Hahahahaha! ...AHAHAHAAAHAAAHA!! The Dick Taker 2
..Calm down man... Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 3

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Man, fuck ya'll niggas! I'll bite ya'll dickheads off! WANNA FIGHT FOO!? Ant Lion

Panel Ten. (New Panel)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(From a side view, reveals the size difference between Butter Tits & The Dick Taker from Ant Lion.)
... Butter Tits

Panel Twelve.
..They're right over there! Tails says to Shadow 1
Perfect!.. Shadow

Panel Thirteen.
..Hey, do you see that over there? The Dicker Taker says to Butter Tits
..Hm? Butter Tits

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..Oh, it looks like a group of Pokemon heading our way.. Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 1
...It must be new generation shit, because i don't know any of them.. The Dick Taker says to Butter Tits 2
..At least their designs are getting better again... Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker 3

Panel Fifteen.
..Oh shit! It's that retarded fox again! And it looks like he brought two more of his gay friends with him.. Butter Tits says to The Dick Taker

Panel Sixteen.
Hello dickheads, so you're the trolls I've heard about? Shadow

Panel Seventeen.
..Oh, how cute! It knows how to talk! You're a talentless, retarded faggot! You're really ugly, even for a Pokemon! Butter Tits says to Shadow 1 ..Oh snap! The Dick Taker 2

Panel Eighteen.
..Oh my God, this is perfect! This will be easier than i thought!.. Shadow

Page Eighteen.

Panel One.
..Oh shit! There's gonna be a fucking fight! Ant Lion

Panel Two.
Watch and learn, Tails! Knuckles says to Tails

Panel Three.
..Tell you what, I'll let you get another one in for free! Shadow says to Butter Tits

Panel Four.
Well.. You're stupid and you have no friends! Butter Tits says to Shadow

Panel Five.
..Hey Butter Tits, it looks like you've ate a little too much KFC, fat fuck! Shadow says to Butter Tits

Panel Six.
..Uhh, Knuckles?.. Is this how you stop a troll? Tails says to Knuckles 1
..Nah, he's just playing with them right now. Knuckles says to Tails 2

Panel Seven.
..You inbred donkey! You're so ugly, and your friends are ugly too! The Dick Taker

Panel Eight.
..For an inbred donkey, i can sure fuck your mom hard! Shadow says to The Dick Taker

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Yeah!! You tell that dick taker who's mother fucking champ! Ant Lion

Panel Ten.
...Shut up! You're a retarded, ugly noob! Butter Tits says to Shadow

Panel Eleven.
..Only fat and retarded people repeat the same insults.. Shadow says to Butter Tits

Panel Twelve.
...You're stupid, you don't know anything you dumb faggot!.. Butter Tits says to Shadow
(Shadow approaches Butter Tits.)

Panel Thirteen.
(Shadow in a swift dash, confronts Butter Tits. Butter Tits is in shock.)

Panel Fourteen.
.... Butter Tits

Panel Fifteen.
(Shadow raises his fist, preparing to strike Butter Tits.)

Panel Sixteen.
(Shadow Strikes Butter Tits in the face.)
..Agghh... Butter Tits

Panel Seventeen.
(Butter Tits hits the ground.)
..What do you have to say now? You stupid fucking troll! Shadow says to Butter Tits

Panel Eighteen.
...Uhh, i was joking about what I've said to you and your friends before! The Dick Taker says to Shadow

Panel Nineteen.
(Shadow kicks The Dick Taker in the face.)
..Egghhh!... The Dick Taker

Panel Twenty.
...Shadow! What are you doing!? Tails says to Shadow

Panel Twenty One.
..They can't troll you if they're dead! Shadow says to Tails

Panel Twenty Two.
(Shadow draws a knife.)

Page Nineteen.

Panel One.
..Wait!! No, there must be another way! I can't let you kill them!.. Please, stop! Tails says to Shadow

Panel Two.
(Shadow holds a knife to The Dick Taker's throat.)
..What?... Oh come on Tails, you're starting to sound just like Sonic.. Shadow says to Tails 1
...I know you have it in you.. Shadow says to Tails 2
....Oh my GOD!! Fucking HELP ME MAN!!.. The Dick Taker 3

Panel Three. (New Panel)
....What happened?.. Why does my face hurt?.. Butter Tits as he awakes from a daze

Panel Four. (New Panel)
(Butter Tits eyes widen.)
...No! Don't kill him!! Butter Tits 1
..We're sorry!! Butter Tits 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..Do it!! Just, DO IT!! MURDER HIM!! Ant Lion

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Shadow, you already stopped them though.. You don't need to kill them... Let's try to find another way! Tails says to Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..THE RETARDED FOX IS RIGHT!! The Dick Taker says to Shadow 1
... Shadow 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Yeah! We've changed! The retarded fox made us see the light! Butter Tits says to Shadow

Panel Nine.
...There isn't another way.. Remember what happened when you and Sonic tried peace? Shadow says to Tails 1
...Please... Don't do this! PLEASE!! The Dick Taker 2

Panel Ten.
..You can't reason with them.. They're too oblivious! Shadow says to Tails 1

Panel Eleven.
...But, this is murder.... This doesn't feel right.. Tails 1
..It never does, but he's right Tails... Knuckles says to Tails 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)

Panel Thirteen.
(Shadow slits the throat of The Dick Taker.)
.... The Dick Taker

Panel Fourteen.
...Blehhhh..... The Dick Taker

Panel Fifteen.
(Tails closes his eyes.)

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Butter Tits is in complete shock, with a fearful facial expression.)

Page Twenty.

Panel One. Plop
...And now for the fat one! Shadow

Panel Two.
...NO!! I'm so sorry! I will never troll again, I PROMISE!!... Butter Tits says to Shadow

Panel Three.
..It's too late for that, fucker! Shadow says to Butter Tits

Panel Four. (New Panel)
(Shadow standing over Butter Tits with a murderous grin on his face.)

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Shadow pictures Eggman, as he's about to stab Butter Tits.)

Panel Six.
(Shadow stabs Butter Tits in the chest as blood splatters on Shadow's face.)
...AHHHH!!... Butter Tits

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
(Shadow pulls back his arm in order to stab again.)

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Shadow stabs Butter Tits again, as blood splatters on Shadow's face.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Shadow pulls back his arm in order to stab again.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Shadow stabs Butter Tits again, as blood splatters on Shadow's face.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Tails is in shock, Knuckles is smiling.)

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
(Shadow stabs Butter Tits again, as blood splatters on Shadow's face.)

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
YEAH!! Ant Lion

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Tails and Knuckles both are in shock.)
... Knuckles

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow pulls back his arm in order to stab again.)

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow stabs Butter Tits again, as blood splatters on Shadow's face.)
..Hahahaha!! Shadow

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...Uhh, hey Shadow!? Don't you think you're going a little overboard here?.. Even for you... Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Eighteen.
(Shadow stands to his feet, over the dead body of Butter Tits.)
...There, that's how you stop a troll.. Were you paying attention? Hahaha... Shadow

TGTP - The Script (Chapter One.) Part Two.

Tails Gets Trolled Polished - Chapter One. (Currently holding pages 21-30)

Page Twenty One.

Panel One. (New Panel)
Yeah man, i was paying attention and that was SICK!! Hey, don't come over, I'll go over there! Ant Lion

Panel Two. (New Panel)
... Tails

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Hmm, we should probably bury these trolls so no one can ever find them.. We can't leave them here because Sonic might show up at some point.. Shadow

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..This isn't the fun part... Knuckles

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Hey Tails, you alright? You're not looking so good.. Knuckles says to Tails 1
... Tails 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..He'll be fine... Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..I don't know man, he looks really out of it.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Ant Lion begins to climb up Shadow's leg.)
...It's kind of humorous now that i think about it.. Tails, you cry over mean words but not over dead bodies.. Hahaha... Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Ant Lion continues to climb up Shadow's leg.)
...God damn.. These giants, some tall shit... Ant Lion

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..So Shadow, what do you want to do with these trolls then? Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Ant Lion continues to climb up Shadow's leg.)
...I have a spot.. It's pretty far from our camp, so no one will know.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Uhh... So we're going to have to drag them far huh?.. Knuckles says to Shadow 1
... Tails 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...I know.. I'm dreading it as much as you are.. We're going to have to drag that fatass a pretty long distance.. Maybe i should have planned this better.. He probably weighs like three hundred pounds... Shadow says to Knuckles 1
Hi! Ant Lion says to Shadow 2

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...What the fuck!? Shadow says in confusion

Page Twenty Two.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..Yo, on your shoulder! Ant Lion

Panel Two. (New Panel)
(Shadow looks at Ant Lion on his shoulder.)
...What the hell?... Shadow

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..What? Never seen an ant before? Man... I'm fucking offended, bitch! Ant Lion says to Shadow

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Woah! It's a talking ant, it's like that movie A Bugs Life.. Knuckles 1
...Shut up Knuckles.. Shadow says to Knuckles 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...What do you want? I could smash you right now!.. Shadow says to Ant Lion 1
..Woah woah woah, woah! Hold your shit man.. I just came over to tell ya, you're fucking koo. Ant Lion says to Shadow 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..You made a fan out of me... See, i fucking love the way you killed that fat mother fucker! Theys was trollin this ant, and i was going bite a mother fucka but... You guys stepped in and slayed a bitch! Ant Lion says to Shadow 1
... Shadow 2

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Man, i wanna be like you! Fuck yeah man, fuck yeah! Killing mother fuckas n shit! LET'S DO IT!! Ant Lion says to Shadow

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Aww, it's cute.. Can we keep it Shadow? Please?.. Knuckles says to Shadow 1
...I don't care.. Shadow says to Knuckles 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Sweet, we're going to be homies little guy.. Knuckles says to Ant Lion 1
Sick! Ant Lion 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Knuckles picks Ant Lion up.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Knuckles places Ant Lion on his shoulder.)
..There you go little buddy! Knuckles says to Ant Lion.

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Thanks, that saved me like.. Ten minutes? Ant Lion says to Knuckles 1
..So what's your name? Knuckles says to Ant Lion 2
The name's Ant Lion.. Niggas be scared! Ant Lion says to Knuckles 3

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..So you're a lion too? That's awesome! Knuckles says to Ant Lion 1
....Will you guys focus!? We have to deal with these bodies.. Shadow 2
..Oh yeah! Sorry Shadow.. Knuckles says to Shadow 3

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
I'll help you out with that! Ant Lion 1
... Shadow says with a dead eyed look. 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..Alright Tails, you carry the skinny twig while me and Knuckles drag the fat one.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Tails pukes in the grass.)

Page Twenty Three.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...That's sick.. Knuckles

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Punk bitch.. Clean yo self up nigga! Ant Lion says to Tails

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Tails... You probably should have came here on an empty stomach, that's fucking nasty... Shadow says to Tails 1
..Hey Ant Lion? Do ants eat like, throw up? Because that's a lot of food for you.. Knuckles says to Ant Lion 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Hell no, but ants eat yo mom's pussy! Ant Lion says to Knuckles 1
..Oh snap! I like this ant! Knuckles 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..Alright, let's get to this! Shadow

Panel Six. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Five figures are sitting at a large table in the shadows. Two of the figures are bird-shaped sitting on the shoulders of one of the humanoid figures.)
...Any reason why you chose this location for our meeting, Mr. Clair? Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...I'd rather not be seen by any of your filthy peasants, no offense of course.. Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..None taken, I'm fully aware of how disgusting they are.. Troll King says to Mr. Clair 1
..So, to business.. What is it that you need from me? Troll King says to Mr. Clair 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
Well, Troll King.. I have found the whereabouts of a legendary book titled, The Book of Ryzel.. I must ask you to retrieve it for me.. Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..What is in it for me? Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
After i translate it, i will part with a copy.. All of its secrets, yours as well.. Sound enticing, perhaps? Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Knowing you Mr. Clair, this book is very special.. But, i need to know that you'll follow through so i suggest this.. Let me barrow one of your legendary birds... I'll return it whenever the deal has been completed.. What do you say? Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...Mm, I'm not for certain.. You can understand my hesitation, can you not? Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..Yes i can.. I am in need an aerial scout, i am currently searching for The Words of Death.. Whenever i discover the location, you will be the first to know.. Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..If I'm not mistaken, haven't you already learned of it? You do know The Words of Death, correct? Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
Indeed.. But the tribe in which I've learned Them from, are the only ones who can teach them to others.. And they happen to be on the run.. I believe i can find them, I'm on their trail... Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
Hmm.... Very well, which one of my pookies would you prefer? Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
(Travous and Lord Thunder Claw jump onto the table.)

Page Twenty Four.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...I'll pick the red one. Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Wonderful, you couldn't sustain my magnificence! Truly. Lord Thunder Claw says to Troll King 1
Hmm.. Troll King 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Come, Lord Thunder Claw! Let's not upset our business partners.. Mr. Clair says to Lord Thunder Claw 1
...My apologies, Master... Lord Thunder Claw 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
The bird in which you've chosen, is named Travous.. He will serve you well.. Mr. Clair says to Troll King 1
..So we have a deal? Troll King says to Mr. Clair 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
Mm, certainly.. You've given me little reason to doubt your reliability, Troll King.. Mr. Clair says to Troll King 1
..Indeed, likewise.. Troll King says to Mr. Clair 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..So where is the location of this book? Troll King says to Mr. Clair

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..It is in the possession of Toadrake, reciting in Mushroom Kingdom.. Be sure to send someone with tracking abilities.. Mr. Clair says to Troll King

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..Mauller... Troll King says to Mauller 1
..Yes Sir? Mauller says to Troll King 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
Retrieve The Book of Ryzel! Troll King says to Mauller

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Mauller approaches the table and reveals his face.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
Yes Sir! Mauller says to Troll King

Panel Twelve. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Tails carrying The Dick Taker on his back as Knuckles and Shadow drag Butter Tits.)

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
..Man... I'm having troubles lifting this fat guy... Knuckles 1
...Stop your bitching and keep moving! Shadow says to Knuckles 2
..Ok Shadow! Knuckles says to Shadow 3

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Ant Lion dragging a strain of Butter Tit's eye brow hair.)
..You having trouble? Phh, bitch.. Look at me carrying this fatass doughnut roll, like it ain't no mother fuckin problem.. Ant Lion says to Knuckles

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
... Shadow Sniff Sniff Sniff 1
..I smell shit... Shadow 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Yeah, i smell it too.. I think he shit his pants... Knuckles says to Shadow 1
...That's just fantastic.. Shadow 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...I don't know what to tell Sonic.... Tails thinks to himself

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...Oh, and by the way Tails.. Don't tell Sonic about this, he'll have nothing but his self righteous preaching to spew.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...We're here.. Shadow says as they drop the bodies.
..Oh... I think we fucked up... Knuckle

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
..Why? Shadow says to Knuckles
...Look at this blood trail.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
..Shit... Shadow

Page Twenty Five.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...Damn it! We forgot to grab the fucking shovels.. We didn't plan this out... Shadow

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Don't you guys have a couple shovels at your camp? Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Yeah we do.. Alright so here's what we need to do, i will get rid of this trail while you go and get the shovels... And don't get caught! Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...I mean it! I would rather avoid Sonic having a hissy fit and trying to force feed to us more Peace is the way bullshit! Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..Yeah yeah, i got this! Don't worry about it! Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Six. (New Panel)
(Knuckles leaves the area.)

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Tails, stay here and guard the bodies.. Shadow says to Tails 1
... Tails 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Ima go with the red dude.. He might need help carrying some shit.. Ant Lion

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Hmm.. So how do i get rid of this blood trail?.. Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Ten. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Pink Guy is fixing the plane.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...And..... Done! Wooo! That didn't take as long as i predicted.. Pink Guy thinks to himself

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Now they're just going to give me something else to fix... They're all like HEY!! Can you fix this!? Because we don't fucking know how!! And I'm like SURE!! I'd loooooove to, it's not like i have a fucking life or something.. Pink Guy thinks to himself

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...They'll be like Thank you for fixing this for us! But we'll never hang out with you or talk to you, hardly at all! ...Damn it! Pink Guy thinks to himself

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...Well, maybe when i return the plane? Amy will finally get with me.. I can picture it now!... Pink Guy thinks to himself

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy begins to fantasize)
..Here I fixed your plane! I know, I'm awesome... It was really tough but i did it because I'm a strong and handsome stud.. I did it for you, my delicious cherry pie!. "Pink Guy says to Amy"

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..Thank you Espio! I really appreciate it.. "Amy says as she begins to blush"

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..Hey Espio! You're so badass! "Tails says to Pink Guy" 1
..I know... Pink guy says to Tails 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
Tails.. Leave! Me and Espio are busy.. "Amy" 1
Ok.. "Tails says as he leaves the room" 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
..I've been waiting for you to return! I'm so into you and stuff... Oh Espio, i need you to fertalize my eggs.. "Amy says to Pink Guy" 1
...I know.. I know.. I feel it too, in my penis... "Pink Guy" 2

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Amy begins to take off her shirt.)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
(Amy reveals her giant anime breasts.)

Page Twenty Six.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..Are you ready to cum all over my giant anime breasts?... Amy says to Pink Guy

Panel Two. (New Panel)
Well... I do have to get back soon, before the president knows I'm missing.. Pink Guy

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Aww... Come on Espio, you can do it! Tails says Pink Guy

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Tails! I told you to leave!... Wait, okay... You can stay and watch, just this one time... Amy says to Pink Guy 1
...Really!? YAY! Get in there and fuck her, so hard! Tails says to Pink Guy

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Thank you Tails, you've convinced me.. Pink Guy says to Tails

Panel Six. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy takes his jeans off to reveal his wrapped up massive penis.)

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy begins to unravel his massive penis.)

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy's massive penis plops on the ground.) Plop

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
Oh!.. I never knew it was so massive in stature... Amy says to Pink Guy

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...I know, i know... Pink Guy says to Amy 1
..Ready or not, here i cum! Pink Guy says to Amy 2

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy grabs his massive penis like a fire hoes and aims it towards Amy.)

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy begins to shoot a massive load of cum towards Amy.)
Cumehameha!! Pink Guy

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Amy's giant anime breasts are sprayed with Pink Guy's cum.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy stops fantasizing and looks around him.)

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy continues to look around him.)

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy begins reaching for his crotch.)

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy continues reaching for his crotch.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
..Pink Guy, what are you doing?... Are you trying to masturbate again?.... Really? Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
....What!? NO!! I Wouldn't do that! Man... You're really starting to see things, i think you need to go talk to a Doctor in Grave Town about this... Maybe get on some medication, you know? Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
...What!? Fuck you! Cream says to Pink Guy

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
...I WISH YOU WOULD!! Pink Guy says to Cream

Panel Twenty Two. (New Panel)
...You know, you creep me out sometimes... Cream says to Pink Guy as she leaves the area

Panel Twenty Three. (New Panel)
...Whatever... Pink Guy says to Cream 1
...Wait, that reminds me... I finished fixing Shadow's gun, i should probably return it to him.. Pink Guy thinks to himself 2

Page Twenty Seven.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Man, where are those shovels?... Knuckles thinks to himself 1
..I can't spend too much time here, i need to get back as soon as possible.. Knuckles thinks to himself 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Knuckles? Are you looking for something? Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Holy shit, you scared me... Knuckles says to Vector 1
..How's it going man? Knuckles says to Vector 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Not so good actually... Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..Yeah, we aren't doing so great either hahaha... Knuckles says to Vector 1
...Hmm, yeah.. Vector says to Knuckles 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Have you seen Shadow? I need to ask him something.. Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...Uhh, yeah man.. He's out doing some stuff, I'll tell him that you're looking for him.. We're helping Tails catch Lighting Bugs... I'm just looking for another net, do you know where the tools are? Knuckles says to Vector 1
..I think they're in that old shed over there, i think Sonic covered it with brush so it couldn't be seen from the sky.. Vector says to Knuckles 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Eggman hasn't been around lately, but better safe than sorry i suppose..Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Oh ok. Thanks, I'll go get Shadow.. You should probably go wait over there by the campfire.. Knuckles says to Vector 1
..Yeah, sounds good.. Thanks Knuckles... Vector says to Knuckles 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..No problem man! I won't be long.. Knuckles says to Vector

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Vector leaves the area.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Knuckles rushes over to the hidden shed.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Knuckles makes it to the hidden shed.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Knuckles opens the door to the hidden shed.)

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
(Knuckles enters the hidden shed.)

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Knuckles looks around and sees robot parts, hammers, war hammer, boots, gardening equipment, rope and several crates.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...There's the shovels! Knuckles 1
..I was about to say, it's pretty obvious.. What you can't see? Stupid.. Shovels are those weird looking foot gear things right?.. Ant Lion says to Knuckles 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Knuckles grabs three shovels.)
..Oh, yeah i knew that.. Shut up.. Ant Lion says to Knuckles

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Knuckles knocks over a box that was on the shelf, screws and bolts fly everywhere.)

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..I have to pick those up or someone will find out that i was here... Knuckles thinks to himself 1
..Look at you man! Clumsy ass mother fucker.. Hahaha, pick yo self up foo! Ant Lion says to Knuckles 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
(Knuckles begins to pick up the spilled box's content.)

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
(Knuckles picks up a ring box.)
...Oh shit.. Knuckles thinks to himself

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Knuckles opens the ring box and reveals the ring.)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
....Oh no... Sonic's going to propose to Amy!.. Knuckles thinks to himself

Page Twenty Eight.

Panel One. (New Panel)
... "Knuckles says with a depressed facial expression." 1
..Is that a wedding ring? I seen those before, i could never submit myself to be married to some chick man.. It just ain't my style nigga!.. Tryin to please one queen bitch was too much, so i left that cow and the hill.. Ant Lion 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...Sonic wants to spend the rest of his life with her... "Knuckles thinks to himself as he tears up"

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...What the hell am i doing!? This is so wrong... Knuckles thinks to himself

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Sonic's my friend.. He's stuck his neck out for me, so many times in the past.. And how do i thank him? By putting them through this!?.. "Knuckles thinks to himself while in tears" 1
...If it weren't for Sonic, i would still be in Eggman's lab... Knuckles thinks to himself 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...I'm fucking everything up!.. What the fuck is wrong with me!? This is all going to shit!.. "Knuckles thinks to himself while he continues to cry"

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Shit!..What am i going to do!?.. What the hell am i suppose to do now!?... "Knuckles thinks to himself"

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..I gotta focus on the task.. I can't think about this right now.. "Knuckles thinks to himself" 1
...Shadow's going to be pissed!.. I need to hurry, and get back.. "Knuckles Thinks to himself 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Amy and Sonic are laying next to each other with a distressed facial expression.) ... Amy

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Why won't you say anything to me?... Sonic says to Amy

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...I think i should tell him.. Amy thinks to herself

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
Amy... TALK TO ME!! Sonic says to Amy

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...No, i don't need to.. I know what i need to do... Amy thinks to herself

Panel Thirteen.
...Me and you are done.. Get the fuck away from me... Amy says to Sonic.

Panel Fourteen.
...Wait, what!? Are you breaking up with me!? But... Why!?... Sonic says to Amy

Panel Fifteen.
....Why? WHY!? You don't even speak to me often... You haven't even considered having sex with me, ever since of what happened in the past.. And now? You jump on me, just because you had an argument with a couple of kids?... Amy says to Sonic

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..You don't know how long i waited for you to put the past behind you, Sonic.. I wanted you to make love to me... But you wouldn't fucking touch me... Amy says to Sonic 1
...It made me feel like what happened was all my fault... Amy says to Sonic 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...Even now, it's been so long that i stopped waiting.. It was too late, you were just too late... I don't even want you anymore... But knowing all of this, you thought that i wanted to be man handled, like some fucking whore!? Amy says to Sonic 1
..That's the worst thing you could have done to me.. And you just did it... Amy says to Sonic 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
..So yes, i am breaking up with you.. I'm tired of trying to fix each other, I'm exhausted... I'm so very tired of trying to explain to you that i can't be fixed... I'm so tired of trying to be the person that you want me to be... Amy says to Sonic

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...There's nothing left of me to save, and i can't be responsible for your happiness any longer... This is the last time that i am going to tell you that i will only hurt you.. So accept this, and leave me to my worst... Or i will hurt you, right now!.. Amy says to Sonic

Panel Twenty.
....Ok Amy.. I'm sorry.. Sonic says to Amy

Page Twenty Nine.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Sonic leaves his sleep area with a depressed facial expression. The landscape is filled with an eerie fog.)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
(Sonic notices that there are two figures sitting by the campfire.)

Panel Three. (New Panel)
(Sonic approaches them.)

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...So yeah, if Cream says some shit about me? It's probably because she's on her period.. She's been making up all kinds of lies... Pink Guy says to Vector 1
....That bitch.. Pink Guy says to Vector 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...I have a heightened sense of smell, if she were on her period? Believe me, i would know.. Unfortunately... Vector says to Pink Guy

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Vector? Pink Guy?.. Why are you guys over? Sonic says with a depressed facial expression

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..Sonic! How's it been dude? Pink Guy says to Sonic

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
.... Sonic says while looking down in shame

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...That bad huh? Well, today just fucking sucks for everybody... Pink Guy 1
..Anyway, i brought back the keys to the plane.. I'm going to give them to Amy?.... Pink Guy 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..That's probably not a good idea... I'll take the keys, don't worry about it.. Sonic says with a depressed facial expression.

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Oh? Hmm, ok... Here! Pink guy says as he throws the keys to Sonic. 1
...Damn it... Pink Guy thinks to himself 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Thank you for fixing the plane Pink Guy.. It means a lot, really.. Tails is going to be happy... Sonic says to Pink Guy 1
...Can you guys start calling me by my real name? Or?... Pink Guy 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
....Wait, where is Tails and Shadow!? Sonic

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..So i take that as a no?... Hmm... Well then I'm just going to start calling you the Blue Guy Pink Guy says to Sonic 1
...Uhh, no i haven't seen them.. But i seen Knuckles a bit ago, and he was looking for a net... He said something about them catching lighting bugs? I don't know... Vector says to Sonic 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
..I'm here because I'm waiting for Shadow to return, i wanted to ask him something... But i think I'm just going to return to my camp and ask him tomorrow.. Vector says to Sonic

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..Come on Pink Guy, let's head back.. Vector says to Pink Guy 1
..Oh, and you're now the Green Guy Doesn't feel good, does it? Pink Guy says to Vector 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...If you see Tails or Shadow, tell them to come home, it's getting late.. Sonic

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
..Sure, no problem man.. Vector says to Sonic 1
...Oh! I almost forgot! I fixed Shadow's gun.. Whenever you see him, can you give it back to him? Pink Guy says to Sonic 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy hands Sonic Shadow's gun. Sonic with a concerned facial expression.)

Page Thirty.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Sonic grabs the gun from Pink Guy)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...Shadow's gun? This gun stopped working whenever we raided one of Eggman's outposts a few months ago.. Why did he get Pink Guy to fix it now? Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Takecare Sonic, i hope everything gets better.. Vector says to Sonic 1
...For fucks sake, it's Blue Guy now... Pink Guy says to Vector 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...See you later guys.. Sonic

Panel Five. (New Panel)
Vector and Pink Guy leave the area.

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Hmm, we don't have a net.. Sonic thinks to himself 1
..Knuckles only does what Shadow wants, and Shadow knows what kind of tools and equipment that we have in that shed... So why did he send him on a pointless task? Unless, Knuckles was lying to Vector... Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...Oh no, Shadow went to go beat up them trolls! He needed Tails to show him where they were... Damn it, why wasn't i paying attention!? Sonic thinks to himself with an angry facial expression

Panel Eight. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Tails is sitting down with a dead look in his eyes as he stares at the Butter Tits and The Dick Takers' dead bodies.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
..Dear fox... I see it in your eyes that you aren't taking all of this, very well.. Hm, am i right? Ant Lion says to Tails 1
... Tails 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
..Can you smell it? The scent of rotting corpses.. Ant Lion says to Tails 1
..Yes, at first the scent can be so upsetting, but.. Overtime you learn to accept it, and maybe even enjoy it... Ant Lion says to Tails 2

Panel eleven. (New Panel)
..Hahaha... The enjoying part of it all, is not for the lighthearted... Someone like you of course.. But even the wool of a purest white lamb can be dyed in red, surely you know this much, Dear fox.. Ant Lion says to Tails 1
..Now, i suppose if these living beings weren't living, would that make you feel less tormented inside for them, hm? But then again, were they truly living at all? Despite them being alive, they could have been wasting their breath.. If so, should you waste your breath on them? Ant Lion says to Tails 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
..Let's assume that they were alive, and that they were truly living... Should you feel any more for their deaths? Dear fox.. Or do you just feel this way towards the bitter end of all living creatures, hm? Ant Lion Tails 1
..They caused the weak willed suffering... Should they not deserve to meet their eternal sleep? Hahaha... Do you not want them to be silent? Forever... Dear Fox... Ant Lion says to Tails 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...They will never hurt anyone again, they won't make you cry... They won't hurt the ones that you love... All you have to do is, end their story.. And the world will forget them, just like they will forget you.. Ant Lion says to Tails 1
..I won't forget them... Tails says to Ant Lion 2

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..And what happens when you meet your sleep, hm?.. Will those memories be passed on to another? But, how will they see it through your soul?... Ant Lion says to Tails 1
..How could they hold it to such a regard, that they will pass it on to another before they pass? The world will never find the solution to this fate, this fact.. Though they still try... Ant Lion says to Tails 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...I'll find a way! Tails says to Ant Lion

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Hahaha... Oh, Dear fox... Ant Lion says to Tails

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
... Tails

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Hold up, Pink Guy.. Vector says to Pink Guy 1
...What is it, GREEN GUY!? Pink Guy says to Vector 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...I wasn't sure of this before.. I thought i smelled something earlier, but it wasn't that strong.. I figured that it was something that died up wind, but... Vector thinks to himself

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
...I'm sure of it now, i smell blood! Vector thinks to himself with a concerned facial expression

TGTP - The Script (Chapter One.) Part Three.

Tails Gets Trolled Polished - Chapter One. (Currently holding pages 31-40)

Page Thirty One.

Panel One. (New Panel)
Hey, hold up!.. Oh man! My stomach.. Ahhh!! "Vector says to Pink Guy" 1
..You alright!?.. "Pink Guy says to Vector" 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...I don't know, it must have been something i ate.. "Vector says to Pink Guy" 1
....I really need to take a shit!.. Oh my, holy hot tar!! "Vector says to Pink Guy" 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...Yuck! I don't want to know about the steamy, hot tar!.. "Pink Guy says to Vector" 1
..Wait!? Do you think it was the jerky!? Pink Guy says to Vector 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Yeah, Now that you've mentioned it... I feel it too!.. "Pink Guy says to Vector"

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Pink Guy! Can you Go away!? I need to go.. You know, Shit!.. "Vector says to Pink Guy"

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Oh, I gotcha! I'll go and leave you to your mud butt.. "Pink Guy says to Vector"

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy begins to rush back to camp.)
..Oh man I'm feeling it too!.. Oh, I'm gonna dukie all over the place if i don't hurry!.. "Pink Guy thinks to himself"

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Oh no! I feel some liquid on my butthole!... Pink Guy thinks to himself 1
...I should check.. Pink Guy thinks to himself 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Pink Guy dabs his butthole with his finger.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel) Sniff.. Sniff.. Sniff..
..Oh thank God, It's just sweat... Pink Guy thinks to himself

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
..I gotta Get the good leaves this time, not that shit that feels like sand paper... I hate how raw it gets after pressing it against my suck hole.. "Pink Guy thinks to himself"

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Good, he's gone.. Now I should find out where this blood trail leads.. "Vector thinks to himself, with a serious facial expression"

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Sonic rushing his way to the cave.)
...I'm almost there... If Shadow hurt those trolls... I don't know what i would do.. Sonic thinks to himself 1
..And he brought Tails!? I don't want him to see violence.. We fought Eggman so he would never have to fight.. Shadow, i told you this! Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow drops leaves on the blood trail.)
...And this is the last of it.. Shadow thinks to himself 1
..Now i need to get back, Knuckles better have those shovels... Shadow thinks to himself 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow notices someone approaching the cave.)

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Shit! Sonic is on his way to the cave... If he realizes the strange arrangement of leaves, he might uncover the blood trail... Shadow thinks to himself 1
...I need to find a place to hide!.. Shadow thinks to himself 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Shadow jumps into a bush.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
(Sonic makes it to the cave)

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...I don't see the trolls anywhere... Maybe they're inside the cave.. Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Sonic enters the cave.)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Oh man, I've made it back without getting caught!.. That was close... Knuckles 1
...Phh, you giants are so large and dumb.. I be all swift like the night, trick! Ant Lion 2

Panel Twenty Two. (New Panel)
(Tails' eyes widen in shock.)

Panel Twenty Three. (New Panel)
(Tails quickly looks at his shoulder.)

Panel Twenty Four. (New Panel)
...Hey! How did you get over there so fast!? Tails says to Ant Lion

Panel Twenty Five. (New Panel)
...Hm? Who me? Bitch, i was on his shoulder when we went to grab them giant sticks.. Ant Lion says to Tails

Panel Twenty Six. (New Panel)
(Tails is in shock.)
.... Tails

Page Thirty Two.

Panel One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Vector stops and observes the strange leaf pattern.)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
(Vector bends down and stirs up the leaves.)

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...There is fresh blood under these leaves.. From the look of this leaf trail, there's a lot of blood.. Vector thinks to himself 1
..I guess it was important enough to try to cover it up, that tells me that it wasn't just some random animal attack of some kind... Vector thinks to himself 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Which side of the trail should i follow? I guess i should follow the trail where the blood is most potent?... But if the body was dragged, then the blood wouldn't be as strong at the end of the trail.. Hmm.. Vector thinks to himself

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Vector begins to follow the leaf trail.)

Panel Six. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Sonic entered the cave, this is my chance to escape! Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
(Shadow rushes away from the area.)

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Sonic flashes his flashlight around the cave.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
....Wow.. These kids were living in very poor conditions... Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...There's an overfilled bucket of poop over there in the corner!... Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Why is there only one bed?.. And why is there poop in it!?.. Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...Is that a moldy Hot Pocket?... Gees, it has hairs growing on it.... Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
....Oh my God! My eyes are burning from all of the urine in the air!... Sonic says with tears in his eyes

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
(Sonic leaves the cave.)
... Sonic

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...These kids need help!.. And other than that moldy Hot Pocket, i didn't see any food in their cave... Sonic thinks to himself 1
...I might have missed Tails and Shadow, they might be back by now.. I should return, whenever i get there i should grab some food to give these kids... It's the right thing to do... I should still have some jerky left!.. Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Sonic leaves the area.)

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Tails and Knuckles are digging a hole.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
(Ant Lion is carrying a rock over his head.)
...Man, this reminds me when i was being forced to mine the walls... They made my skinny ass carry these fucking builders every day... And then i got mixed up in the military, and before i knew it! I was fighting these giant ass fucking termites... Ant Lion 1
...Oh, wait... I think that was the plot to Antz.. Nevermind dudes, i fucked up.. Ant Lion 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
(There's a figure in the shadows.)

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
..Oh Shadow! Took you long enough to get back... Did you take care of the trail? Knuckles

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
(Vector reveals himself from the shadows.)
...What in the world are you guys up to!?... Vector

Page Thirty Three.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...Oh, shit!.. Vector, how's it going man!? Knuckles says to Vector

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...What the hell are you guys doing!? I smell blood every fucking where... Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...You can smell blood? Oh yeah, i forgot about that... Hahaha.. Knuckles says to Vector

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Who are those people over there!? Why are you burring them!?.. Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Woah man, calm down! They're just trolls.. Knuckles says to Vector

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Why are they dead!? What happened here!?... Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
....Shadow killed them.... Tails says to Vector

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...What!? And what the fuck is Tails doing here!?... Have you guys lost your fucking minds!?... Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
.... Knuckles 1
...Fuck yeah we lost our fucking minds nigga!! Ant Lion says to Vector 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...Is that a fucking ant!?... You guys better start explaining, NOW!! Once Sonic finds out that you brought Tails to go and kill a couple of stupid fucking harmless kids, he's going to have a shit storm!.. Vector 1
...Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking!? Vector 2

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...They were giving Tails some trouble, so we took care of it! It's all good man... Knuckles says to Vector 1
..We took care of those mother fuckers good too, you should have seen it... It was so sick! FUCK YEAH!! YEAAAAHH!!! Ant Lion says to Vector 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...NO!! Haven't you been on the fucking internet!? You're suppose to ignore them! Vector 1
..We're not suppose to draw attention to us, and you thought it would be a good idea to kill two people!?... Wow... Just, wow... Vector 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...Tails, are you ok? You shouldn't have to see this.. Sonic didn't want you to get blood on your hands man.. Vector says to Tails

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
.... Tails 1
...Oh, Tails didn't do any of the killing, it was all Shadow! Don't worry.. Knuckles says to Vector 2
...Yeah, calm your vag dude.. Ant Lion says to Vector 3

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...He still shouldn't have fucking seen it, Knuckles!!.. What the fuck is wrong with you?.. Vector says to Knuckles 1
...I don't know how I'm suppose to react to this.. They weren't our enemies, Eggman is the only one we need to worry about... This, is not acceptable!... Vector says to Knuckles 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Bug net my ass, i can't believe i fell for that stupid shit... Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...I thought it was pretty clever, hahaha... Knuckles says to Vector 1
..Hahahaha... Stupid mother fucker! Ant Lion says to Vector 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...And where is Shadow!? I need to talk to him, right now!.. Vector says to Knuckles

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow reveals himself from the shadows.)

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
...God damn it... Shadow

Page Thirty Four.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...What the Fuck Shadow!? You brought Tails!? Really!?... What was going through your head!?... "Vector says to Shadow"

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Come on! You're not Sonic, don't act like you are.. I mean, shit! Is everyone too blind to see that Sonic's approach hasn't worked!? Eggman is still alive.. "Shadow says to Vector"

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...We don't need anymore trouble! We already have Eggman to worry about, and you want to start a fight with some trolls!?.. Vector says to Shadow 1
..We don't know anything about them!.. What if this starts another war!?.. "Vector says to Shadow" 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
Wrong! ...You are the one who doesn't know shit about them.. I am fully aware of what they're capable of, and it's not a problem.. Shadow says to Vector 1
..For one, no one is going to find their bodies... They can't smell blood like you can.. And even if they do happen to discover our location, I'll take care of it.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
..And for Eggman, I've reached my limit of being a fucking coward! If Sonic doesn't want to take Eggman out, then i will.. You want to be rid of a problem? You have to take care of it yourself, Vector.. Shadow says to Vector 1
...Hiding and pretending to live a peaceful life is nothing but bullshit! It's a lie! We keep acting like that we aren't being forced to live this way.. I'm not submitting myself to this any longer.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
.... Vector

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...What happens when Eggman finally finds us!? ...And you know that he will.. What will we do? Run again!? No! Fuck that... I'm done playing around with this shit... Shadow says to Vector 1
..I fully intend to kill that fat piece of shit myself.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...I understand what you're saying, i want us all to have a normal life one day... And the only way to do this is to take care of Eggman... But It's not worth it if our loved ones get hurt in the process, is it? You may not care much, but everyone else does.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...You're getting it all wrong... I'm doing this because i care... I'm taking it upon myself to rid our enemies, so the rest of you can live your peaceful life... Shadow says to Vector

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...But you brought Tails.. If you're taking it upon yourself, then why did you make him watch!?.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...Tails has been pampered and sheltered... Do you think it will be like this forever? He needs to be prepared ahead of time.. Currently, Eggman would use Tails to get to us.. Shadow says to Vector 1
He's weak! And he needs to grow up and start taking all of this seriously.. He needs to know how to take care of himself.. Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
....I still think we should try and convince Sonic.. Going behind his back isn't right... Also, i don't think you're taking into consideration of how much Sonic did for us... We can't just betray him like this... Vector says to Shadow

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
Hm.. Vector... If Sonic weren't in such denial, then he would be willing to get shit done... But he won't listen to a thing i have to say!.. Shadow says to Vector 1
...He would rather wait until it's too late.. Think about it, what if our guards were down? You're afraid to lose the people you care about right? If you follow Sonic, you'll lose everyone... "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
..Once Eggman finds us, and it is only a matter of time... He will make sure not to fuck up! He'll Probably ambush us or attack when we're all sleeping... That's what i would do if i were him.. I don't know about you, but i don't want to be back in his fucking lab!.. Shadow says to Vector 1
...Picture Cream and Tails, being experimented on again... Picture Amy there... Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
.... Vector

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...If you truly want to protect them, then shouldn't you be willing to fight or die for them!?.. It's time for you to make that decision for yourself, Vector... Shadow says to Vector

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
...Sonic want's Eggman dead more then any of us, but he just can't do it! ...But we can... We don't have to tell him about what we're doing here... Shadow says to Vector 1
...I need your help, please join us so we can finished this.. So we can all finally live in peace! Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
....Shadow, can i talk to you alone? There's something i need to ask you... Vector says to Shadow

Panel Ninteen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
....What do you want? I told you to leave me alone... Amy says to Sonic.

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
...There's something i have to tell you... Sonic says to Amy 1
..What? Amy says to Sonic 2

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
...I can't find Tails and Shadow... Sonic says to Amy with a depressed and worried facial expression.

Page Thirty Five.

Panel One. (New Panel)
....What!? You can't find Tails!?.. Amy says to Sonic in anger. 1
... Sonic 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...You better go find him, NOW!! And if Shadow laid a finger on him, i will kill him... Amy says to Sonic

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...Shadow wouldn't do that to Tails... Sonic says to Amy

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Listen to yourself Sonic... You're talking about Shadow... He has wanted nothing but destruction since we met him! Stop acting so ignorant to him... Amy says to Sonic

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...I'll find Tails, he might be in Grave Town... Sonic says to Amy 1
...I don't care, just go find him!! Amy says to Sonic 2

Panel Six. (New Panel) Meanwhile'
...So what did you want to ask me?.. Shadow says to Vector

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...Uhh, is Knuckles and Amy... Vector says to Shadow 1
...Are they what?.. Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Are they fucking?.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
....Really?.. Yes, they are... Shadow says to Vector 1
...Oh... Vector says with a depressed facial expression 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
....I'm leaving... Vector says to Shadow

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
....Are you fucking joking!? ...You say you don't want to betray Sonic, yet you want to fuck his Girlfriend?.. "Shadow says to Vector" 1
...And to top it off, you're acting like Knuckles just stole away your chances to be with her.. Yet, you're perfectly fine with trying to steal her from Sonic.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...And you're asking what is wrong with me!?... That's pretty twisted, Vector.. Shadow says to Vector 1
... Vector 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Vector begins to walk away.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...Do you want to know the reason why she's cheating on Sonic? And i guess, why she's cheating on you... Shadow says to Vector

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
(Vector stops.)
....Why?.. Vector says to Shadow

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
..Are you sure you want me to tell you? Shadow says to Vector 1
...Yes.. Vector says to Shadow 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..Sonic won't allow himself to break up with Amy, and it doesn't matter if Amy breaks up with Sonic, because Sonic won't leave her alone by herself... Shadow says to Vector 1
...Amy will never be happy, and because of this? Everyone who loves her is cursed to suffer the same fate... Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...So she has it in her head that if she cheats on him, that he will leave her alone for good.. Shadow says to Vector

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...The reason why she's willing to hurt Sonic and push everyone away in order to be all alone is, so that she can finally commit suicide... Shadow says to Vector

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Vectors eyes widen as he is in shock.)

Page Thirty Six.

Panel One. (New Panel)
..She hasn't gotten around to telling Sonic that she's been cheating.. My guess is that she thinks that it would break him, and it probably would... Imagine finding out that the one you love isn't an innocent little rose, but something else entirely.. "Shadow says to Vector" 1
..He intended to marry her in hopes to fix the wreckage, he even bought her a ring.. The thing is, she can't be fixed.. And some ring isn't going to change that.. You can't fix a succubus.. She has no soul to restore.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...Why are you so calm about this?.. You gotta stop her man!.. I can't let her do this!.. "Vector says to Shadow"

Panel Three. (New Panel)
....You don't get it, your feelings are compromised... There is no stopping what she is.. That is why Sonic can't leave her.. That is also why Knuckles can't stop following her like a helpless puppy.. Shadow says to Vector 1
...That is why every single one of you care about her, so deeply.. That is the curse.. To love what can't be loved, it will only result in pure suffering.. "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..And why am i so calm about this? ..Because I've forced myself to sever those feelings, before it was too late... It would have been the end to me, you understand?.. I created the immunity! She's aware of this, she despises me for knowing who she truly is... "Shadow says to Vector" 1
...I moved on, and you should too... Leave her to parish.. Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
You should listen to me... Hopefully it's not too late for you, like it is for Sonic and Knuckles.. Shadow says to Vector 1
..."Vector" 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...I think you just want her for yourself!! "Vector says to Shadow" 1
... Shadow 2 Sigh...

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...Did you not hear a fucking word that i just said!?.. Shadow says to Vector

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
..I've already had some of that and believe me, i regret it!.. "Shadow says to Vector"

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
...Fuck you Shadow! "Vector says to Shadow" 1
...You know what!? ..Amy fucked me real good, so fuck you Vector! "Shadow says to Vector" 2

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...You asshole!. "Vector says to Shadow with an angry facial expression" 1
...I'm leaving.. Vector says to Shadow 2

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
...By all means! But if you leave now, i won't tell you about why she wants to die... Shadow says to Vector 1
... Vector 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
....God damn you Shadow... Vector says to Shadow

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow grins.)

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Sonic is rushing towards Grave Town.)

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...I want to believe that Shadow and Knuckles took Tails to the Branch Cranch in Grave Town.. Sonic thinks to himself 1
..But since those kids weren't there at the cave, I'm convinced that Shadow did something.. And i hope that he didn't do something that the old Shadow would do... Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...If they aren't there, then I don't want to waste too much time in Grave Town searching for them... I better do this quick and get back.. Sonic thinks to himself

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Vector is in complete shock.)

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...So now you know.. Shadow says to Vector 1
..That's exactly why I'm going to kill him! Shadow says to Vector 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...I understand now... Vector says to Shadow with a depressed facial expression.

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Vector begins to walk away.)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
..Oh and Shadow... Vector says to Shadow

Panel Twenty Two. (New Panel)
...What? Shadow says to Vector

Panel Twenty Three. (New Panel)
...Sonic has your gun.. Vector says to Shadow

Page Thirty Seven.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...Damn it... That Pink moron! I told him to give it directly to me.. Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Two. (New Panel)
...If Sonic finds out about me killing those stupid fucking trolls? ..Then he will never give me my gun back... Shadow thinks to himself 1
...Tails is going to bitch out and tell Sonic, i already know that... Hmm... I have to convince him not to, and i know just how to do that.. Shadow thinks to himself 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...Knuckles?.. Tails says to Knuckles

Panel Four. (New Panel)
..Yeah buddy, what is it? Knuckles says to Tails

Panel Five. (New Panel)
...Do you believe that they deserved to die?... Tails says to Knuckles 1
... Knuckles 2

Panel Six. (New Panel)
..Honestly? Knuckles says to Tails

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...Knuckles, light up a joint.. I need to get high... Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...What!? Shit! You guys smoke the chronic stuff? I always wanted to try it! Ant Lion 1
..Oh Shadow, i thought you would never ask! Knuckles says to Shadow 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Knuckles lights up a joint.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
...Give it to Tails.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Knuckles attempts to hand the joint to Tails.)
Here buddy, try some! It calms your nerves and makes you happy.. Knuckles says to Tails 1
... Tails 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...I don't want to... Smoking is bad for you... Tails 1
..Nah man, this is weed! It's not the same thing.. It won't hurt you man! Knuckles says to Tails 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...Smoke it, stop wasting time.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
.... Tails says with a worried facial expressed.

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...I took care of your problem, the least you can do is smoke a harmless joint.. It's going to make you feel better.. So take it, and smoke it.. Shadow says to Tails 1
...Okay... Tails 2

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Tails takes a hit of the joint)

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel) Cough... Cough... Cough...
(Tails begins to cough out smoke.)
...Hahaha.. That's hardcore, Tails!.. Knuckles says to Tails 1
...Come on, my turn! Ant Lion 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...So Tails, how do you feel now? Tell me.. Shadow says to Tails

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...I feel weird.. Tails 1
..Damn... He's so high, and i have to wait... Fuck this shit man! Ant Lion 2

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(Shadow quickly approaches Tails)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
(Shadow grabs Tails by the fur on his chest.)
.... Tails

Panel Twenty Two. (New Panel)
(Shadow lifts Tails up against a tree.)

Panel Twenty Three. (New Panel)
(Shadow glares at Tails)

Page Thirty Eight.

Panel One. (New Panel)
(Tails is in shock)

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Woah! What the fuck are you doing Shadow!?.. Knuckles says with a confused and worried facial expression

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...If you tell Sonic about what happened here!? Then we'll have to take a walk back to this location, so you can dig your own hole! Shadow says to Tails

Panel Four. (New Panel)
(Knuckles rushes over to Shadow and Tails.)

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Knuckles grabs Shadow's arm)
...Let him go! I understand what you did to the trolls but you can't do this to Tails man!.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Don't fucking touch me! This little rat has to learn to grow up and keep his fucking mouth shut! Shadow says to Knuckles

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
...I'm sorry Shadow, but i can't let you do this.. Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
(Knuckles holds his arm back and makes a fist.)

Panel Nine. (New Panel) Pow!
(Knuckles punches Shadow in the stomach.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Shadow is winded and drops Tails) .... Shadow

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
(Shadow falls to his knees and spits out blood.)

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
...What the hell Knuckles!? Why did you hit me!?.. Shadow says to Knuckles 1
..Come on, you know why... You just threatened to kill Tails if he rats us out.. You can't do shit like that man.. Knuckles says Shadow 2

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
.... Tails says with a frightened facial expression

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
....You're right.. I don't know what i was doing... Shadow says to Knuckles 1
..Tails, ..Forgive me... It's just been a stressful day, are you ok?.. Shadow says to Tails 2

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...Yeah I'm fine, it didn't hurt.. Tails says to Shadow

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
(Shadow stands up but he's still holding his stomach.)
...Good, i wasn't trying to hurt you man.. Shadow says to Tails 1
..Come on guys, let's finish this.. I don't want to stay out here longer than we need to be.. Shadow 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
(Shadow walks over and grabs a shovel.)
..We cool man? Knuckles says to Shadow 1
...No, we're good.. I fucked up.. Shadow says to Knuckles 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
...High shovel? Knuckles says to Shadow

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...High shovel.. Shadow says with a smile

Panel Twenty. (New Panel) Clank
(Knuckles and Shadow clash shovel ends.)

Page Thirty Nine.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...Pass me that joint.. Shadow says to Tails 1
..Hahaha, he's hogging the shit now... Knuckles says to Shadow 2

Panel Two. (New Panel)
(Shadow smokes the joint.)

Panel Three. (New Panel)
...HIT ME!! HIT ME!! Ant Lion
..Oh i forgot you were there.. Knuckles says to Ant Lion

Panel Four. (New Panel)
(Knuckles smokes the joint.)

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Knuckles blows smoke in Ant Lion's face.)
...Ohhhh yeah... That's the mother fucking stuff right there... Ant Lion

Panel Six. (New Panel)
...Alright, let's get to work!.. Shadow

Panel Seven. (New Panel) Meanwhile
(Sonic makes it to Grave Town.)

Panel Eight. (New Panel)
...Knuckles is here, so the only place that i have left to check is the Branch Cranch... Sonic thinks to himself 1
..They should know better, we all agreed not to risk going into town unless we're running low on supplies... Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Nine. (New Panel)
(Sonic makes it to the Branch Cranch.)

Panel Ten. (New Panel)
(Sonic looks around.)

Panel Eleven. (New Panel)
....They're not here... Sonic thinks to himself with a disappointed facial expression 1
...I need to sit down.... Sonic thinks to himself 2

Panel Twelve. (New Panel)
(Sonic sits down on a stall.)

Panel Thirteen. (New Panel)
...What can i get you Sonic? It's been awhile. How's life in the country? Rudy says to Sonic

Panel Fourteen. (New Panel)
...Hi Rudy.. It's not going too well actually... I'm looking for Tails, have you seen him by any chance?.. Sonic says to Rudy

Panel Fifteen. (New Panel)
...I'm afraid not sweetie.. I'll keep an eye out for him though... Rudy says to Sonic

Panel Sixteen. (New Panel)
...Thank you.. Sonic says with a depressed and worried facial expression 1
..I'll have two chili dogs and a Capt. Hook's rum please.. Sonic says to Rudy 2

Panel Seventeen. (New Panel)
..Coming right up hun, you hitting the drinks tonight huh? That bad i see.. Rudy says to Sonic 1
... Sonic says as he looks down in shame. 2

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel)
..It's on the house!.. Rudy says to Sonic 1
..What? No i can't accept that.. Sonic says to Rudy 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
..Don't mention it! Your food will be done shortly! Rudy says to Sonic 1
...Thank you Rudy.. Sonic says to Rudy 2

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
...Sonic!?.. I can't believe it's you... Sally says to Sonic

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Almost done.. Man, that took awhile digging the hole for the fat guy... Knuckles 1
..Hmm... Shadow thinks to himself with a concerned facial expression

Panel Twenty Two. (New Panel)
...By the way Shadow, i'm getting a strange feeling... It's almost like.. Knuckles says to Shadow 1
..Yes, I'm fully aware.. Shadow says to Knuckles 2

Panel Twenty Three. (New Panel)
...We're being watched.. Shadow says to Knuckles

Page Fourty.

Panel One. (New Panel)
...I think ya'll niggas just paranoid... Quit playin, quit playin... Ant Lion

Panel Two. (New Panel)
..Who do you think it is Shadow? I don't think it is anyone that we know... I'm pretty sure that if it were Sonic or Vector again, they would have already approached us.. "Knuckles whispers to Shadow" 1
..You're right, it's definitely not a friend.. Hmm.. "Shadow whispers to Knuckles" 2

Panel Three. (New Panel)
..Let's act like we haven't noticed anything.. I don't really care to start anything at this time.. Hopefully this stranger isn't a problem.. "Shadow whispers to Knuckles"

Panel Four. (New Panel)
...Though.. This stranger will probably be one, considering the circumstances that we're in.. "Knuckles whispers to Shadow" 1
..Yeah, be on your guard.. If anything happens, i still have my knife.. "Shadow whispers to Knuckles" 2

Panel Five. (New Panel)
(Knuckles begins to show signs of panic, as he begins to sweat.)
...Oh man.. Knuckles thinks to himself

Panel Six. (New Panel)
(Shadow notices Knuckles' behavior.)
...Hmm... Shadow thinks to himself

Panel Seven. (New Panel)
..I'll come up with a plan.. But let's just hurry this up... Shadow whispers to Knuckles

Panel Eighteen. (New Panel) Meanwhile
...Hahahaha!.. Sally
..Haha.. I know right? And when we pulled him out of the sinkhole, he had the groundhog attached to his face... Espio sure likes to get himself into stupid situations.. Sonic says to Sally 2

Panel Nineteen. (New Panel)
...Wow.. That's crazy.. Sally says to Sonic

Panel Twenty. (New Panel)
(There's a person wearing a robe in the distance, watching Sonic and Sally.)

Panel Twenty One. (New Panel)
(Reveals the person in the robe to be Nack the Weasel, as he has a grin on his face.)
Oh... I think i found myself a prize!.. Eggman is going to love this.. Hahaha... "Nack thinks to himself"