Template:Random image

From Ultimate Tails Gets Trolled Wiki
Revision as of 02:40, 27 April 2020 by TrollSlaiyer (talk | contribs)
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The Troll Slaiyers posing in Chapter 2: trolls attack.


This template shows a random image based on a selection.

Adding an image is simple, simply add a new set of option tags and the image, plus a short caption describing it. In other words, it should appear as:

caption here

You may want to check the list of files already uploaded if you want to add an image to help prevent dupes.

Image Size

Be wary of images that are "tall" as they might make things look strange if chosen to be displayed. You can fix this easily by adding "x250px" to force an image to be of a certain height. (In general, x250px-x300px is a nice sweetspot.)