The Adventures of Underbite Troll/Script: Difference between revisions

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==Stats (up to Page 22)==
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==Page 1==
==Page 1==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Hello my fellow people as you've notice TGT has gotten pretty big on the net, it is talked about in multiple forums and it has its own YouTube videos. The comic is surely rising and like most big Animes like naruto and bleach they have useless episodes that fill in the space which are called fillers and with ou no further A due I introduce to you the first Tails gets trolled fillers }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Hello my fellow people as you've notice TGT has gotten pretty big on the net, it is talked about in multiple forums and it has its own YouTube videos. The comic is surely rising and like most big Animes like naruto and bleach they have useless episodes that fill in the space which are called fillers and with ou no further A due I introduce to you the first Tails gets trolled fillers }}
(Underbite Troll sips a cup of tea.)
(Underbite Troll sips a cup of tea.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|its been awhil since i had a cup of tea hmm.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|its been awhil since i had a cup of tea hmm.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|hey bro whats the matter? you only drink tea when something is bothering you. so what is it now? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|hey bro whats the matter? you only drink tea when something is bothering you. so what is it now? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|well this one guy i pwned awhile back has been spreading rumors about us to the whole troll city man this guy is so butt hurt. well this prick as been saying things }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|well this one guy i pwned awhile back has been spreading rumors about us to the whole troll city man this guy is so butt hurt. well this prick as been saying things }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Rumors? what kind of rumors? what this dude say? i need to know man i am not a big fan of gossip unless I'm the one doing the shit talking. this is not cool at all I'm almost mad bro }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Rumors? what kind of rumors? what this dude say? i need to know man i am not a big fan of gossip unless I'm the one doing the shit talking. this is not cool at all I'm almost mad bro }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|well hes telling everyone that we are gay lovers and we like to 360 each other. Its likee a way more advance version of the 96 that normal people do. He also said you like to be Freddy got fingered in the butt by me, he said we are gayer then professional porno stars and he said we like to take all kinds of giant broom sticks from the behind up our asses }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|well hes telling everyone that we are gay lovers and we like to 360 each other. Its likee a way more advance version of the 96 that normal people do. He also said you like to be Freddy got fingered in the butt by me, he said we are gayer then professional porno stars and he said we like to take all kinds of giant broom sticks from the behind up our asses }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|ahah but hes lying that isn't true at all }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|ahah but hes lying that isn't true at all }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|no shit its a lie you fucking idiot, thats wat a rumor is a lie. man your one retarded bacon eating green hair dick sucker. you have so much faggotry you stupid fag butt hurt }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|no shit its a lie you fucking idiot, thats wat a rumor is a lie. man your one retarded bacon eating green hair dick sucker. you have so much faggotry you stupid fag butt hurt }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|what are we gonna do about this? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|what are we gonna do about this? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|were going to kick these noobs in the balls and Pwn them sorry bitches with our trolling }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|were going to kick these noobs in the balls and Pwn them sorry bitches with our trolling }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|out side Which is suppose to be one word not two }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|out side Which is suppose to be one word not two }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|we got to find that pussy face mother fucker }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|we got to find that pussy face mother fucker }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|there he is and he gots his fucktard friend with him too. okay its time to pwn this batsard }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|there he is and he gots his fucktard friend with him too. okay its time to pwn this batsard }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|oh lookie here that big teeth retard brought his gay friend to talk to us }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|oh lookie here that big teeth retard brought his gay friend to talk to us }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|that's the faggot underbite troll }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|that's the faggot underbite troll }}

==Page 2==
==Page 2==
(Underbite Troll flips the two off.)
(Underbite Troll flips the two off.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|my name is bite under troll not under bite troll }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|my name is bite under troll not under bite troll }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah fuck you I'm not gay bro and its you two who like it up the butt gay porn style not us so suck on those apples bitches }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah fuck you I'm not gay bro and its you two who like it up the butt gay porn style not us so suck on those apples bitches }}
(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker smirk.)
(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker smirk.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|oh there so mad bro }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|oh there so mad bro }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah there so mad }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah there so mad }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|says the fat ass who is in need of a diet, you guys always were terrible at trolling. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|says the fat ass who is in need of a diet, you guys always were terrible at trolling. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|what my non homosexual friend said }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|what my non homosexual friend said }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|why don't we settle this like men. You and your partner vs me and my partner }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|why don't we settle this like men. You and your partner vs me and my partner }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|troll off it is }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|troll off it is }}
(Markus screams.)
(Markus screams.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|TROLL OFF! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|TROLL OFF! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|the underbite squad vs the retard double threat }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|the underbite squad vs the retard double threat }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|your worse then chris chan }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|your worse then chris chan }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah you make sonicshu look good }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah you make sonicshu look good }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|your gay and a retard, you're so stupid and your friend is ugly just like you }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|your gay and a retard, you're so stupid and your friend is ugly just like you }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|look at this guy and his deformed teeth }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|look at this guy and his deformed teeth }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|you must eat a lot of food every part of you is huge, well almost every part. I suppose you have troubles finding your dick. not even a telescope can help you see your penis, a skittle would be a huge improvement. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|you must eat a lot of food every part of you is huge, well almost every part. I suppose you have troubles finding your dick. not even a telescope can help you see your penis, a skittle would be a huge improvement. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah every time you walk the earth shakes with your flab jiggling doing worse damage then hurricane sandy bitch and your trolling is just as terrible as somethingawfuls suggestions and assumptions }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|yeah every time you walk the earth shakes with your flab jiggling doing worse damage then hurricane sandy bitch and your trolling is just as terrible as somethingawfuls suggestions and assumptions }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|your gay and you don't know anything, you dumb retard. you have no talent you big tooth virgin }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|your gay and you don't know anything, you dumb retard. you have no talent you big tooth virgin }}
(Dick Taker takes on a smug expression.)
(Dick Taker takes on a smug expression.)
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|yeah you two are gay virgins who like to lick out each others butt holes like a dirty slut }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|yeah you two are gay virgins who like to lick out each others butt holes like a dirty slut }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hahaa your milk shake brings all the fags in the yard, oh hey I bet that if I took a shit on a piece of pizza and offered it to you then you would still eat it and probably end up licking off my fingers too huh? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hahaa your milk shake brings all the fags in the yard, oh hey I bet that if I took a shit on a piece of pizza and offered it to you then you would still eat it and probably end up licking off my fingers too huh? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh look at the skinny guy oh what's wrong? Did your friend here take all your food? It is easy to assume that you don't know what the inside of a vagina feels like }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh look at the skinny guy oh what's wrong? Did your friend here take all your food? It is easy to assume that you don't know what the inside of a vagina feels like }}
(Butter Tits appears somewhat annoyed.)
(Butter Tits appears somewhat annoyed.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|shut up you faggot you have no friends you talentless looking beaver }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|shut up you faggot you have no friends you talentless looking beaver }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|I got some pusspuss before shut your face! You just mad because I was with your whore mom last night yeah bitch! }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|I got some pusspuss before shut your face! You just mad because I was with your whore mom last night yeah bitch! }}
==Page 3==
==Page 3==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You both are so gay with each other that the only thing my mom would do is feed your skinny ass friend because he looks like he is starving, you should get an aids test }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You both are so gay with each other that the only thing my mom would do is feed your skinny ass friend because he looks like he is starving, you should get an aids test }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|go titty fuck yourself with a stick of butter, you prolly have doodoo stains in your whitey tighties that been there so long that it melted a hole through it }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|go titty fuck yourself with a stick of butter, you prolly have doodoo stains in your whitey tighties that been there so long that it melted a hole through it }}
(The Retard Double Threat begins to frown.)
(The Retard Double Threat begins to frown.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|wh... what? No way screw you that's not true. Fuck you man, fuck you hard }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|wh... what? No way screw you that's not true. Fuck you man, fuck you hard }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|you guys are stupid and don't know shit suck on these balls }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|you guys are stupid and don't know shit suck on these balls }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|finish it off man }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|finish it off man }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Titty bank titty bank titty bank bank, youa re the guy who's titties stank stank :D hey I bet when it gets cold at night you clothe your skinny ass friend with your fat rolls, and with your triple neck you could roll out to be the rug for your mass homosexual orgies you both attend to every single mother fucking day son }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Titty bank titty bank titty bank bank, youa re the guy who's titties stank stank :D hey I bet when it gets cold at night you clothe your skinny ass friend with your fat rolls, and with your triple neck you could roll out to be the rug for your mass homosexual orgies you both attend to every single mother fucking day son }}
(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker are shocked, mouths open.)
(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker are shocked, mouths open.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|........................ }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|........................ }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|................... }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|................... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|i win again. you guys sure like to get your ass pwned by me, you guys shouldn't of fucking gossiped about me it all brings you nothing but pwnage. now take your defeat like a man }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|i win again. you guys sure like to get your ass pwned by me, you guys shouldn't of fucking gossiped about me it all brings you nothing but pwnage. now take your defeat like a man }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|fuck you, you didn't win shit I'm still gonna talk shit about you guys behind your backs to everyone in this town. so in the end our trolling will win unless you spread rumors about us }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|fuck you, you didn't win shit I'm still gonna talk shit about you guys behind your backs to everyone in this town. so in the end our trolling will win unless you spread rumors about us }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|you might want to practice your trolling a bit. your still at noobie level and i am a pro bro, i hope you don't gossip about me anymore i wouldn't want to record the next time and put it on youtube. just face the facts I'm better then you in every way. no need to be mad bro }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|you might want to practice your trolling a bit. your still at noobie level and i am a pro bro, i hope you don't gossip about me anymore i wouldn't want to record the next time and put it on youtube. just face the facts I'm better then you in every way. no need to be mad bro }}
(Underbite Troll rushes towards Butter Tits.)
(Underbite Troll rushes towards Butter Tits.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|fuck you }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|fuck you }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|oh and this is for starting a fight you couldn't win! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|oh and this is for starting a fight you couldn't win! }}
(Underbite Troll kicks Butter Tits in the balls.)
(Underbite Troll kicks Butter Tits in the balls.)
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|WHY THE BALLS }}
{{Script|Butter Tits|Butter Tits|WHY THE BALLS }}
(Underbite Troll walks away, flipping the two off as he goes.)
(Underbite Troll walks away, flipping the two off as he goes.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|consider your self pwned bitch }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|consider your self pwned bitch }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|no not the balls, you went to far man. no no not the balls }}
{{Script|The Dick Taker|The Dick Taker|no not the balls, you went to far man. no no not the balls }}
(Markus stares with a blank smile on his face.)
(Markus stares with a blank smile on his face.)
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|what will happen to underbite troll next stay tooned :D }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|what will happen to underbite troll next stay tooned :D }}
==Page 4==
==Page 4==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Previously on the Adventures of Underbite troll, Him and his best bud Markus Pwned the two trolls who were spreading rumors about them in the troll city. What will happen now!? }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Previously on the Adventures of Underbite troll, Him and his best bud Markus Pwned the two trolls who were spreading rumors about them in the troll city. What will happen now!? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And I said, fuck you! 4Chan can dry suck my ballz-n-ass hair. Airy dry that shit like a hair dryer. And then he compared me to Chrischan. And I was like, sorry I already said that about you noob. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And I said, fuck you! 4Chan can dry suck my ballz-n-ass hair. Airy dry that shit like a hair dryer. And then he compared me to Chrischan. And I was like, sorry I already said that about you noob. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Noiceee mannne.. I was there but niceee. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Noiceee mannne.. I was there but niceee. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah, whatever faggot. Now listen up, I have an awesome idea. AWESOME IDEA BROSKOYOHO!! We make our own forum. And yes, I know we can pwn at it dude. And we will name this forum, drum roll..... DRUM ROLL GOD DAMN IT! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah, whatever faggot. Now listen up, I have an awesome idea. AWESOME IDEA BROSKOYOHO!! We make our own forum. And yes, I know we can pwn at it dude. And we will name this forum, drum roll..... DRUM ROLL GOD DAMN IT! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh sorry.. BANG!! BODIBOOH! BAM BING!! BODDA BODDA BANG A BOO BAW!! BITCH!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh sorry.. BANG!! BODIBOOH! BAM BING!! BODDA BODDA BANG A BOO BAW!! BITCH!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|DUDE!! What the fuck was that? I said drum roll dipshit! Not retarded fucking drum noises you dumb faggot. Whatever, you can't drum roll worth a fuck, just forget it man... But like I was saying, my idea is to make a forum. And it will be called, Underbite Troll Ride. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|DUDE!! What the fuck was that? I said drum roll dipshit! Not retarded fucking drum noises you dumb faggot. Whatever, you can't drum roll worth a fuck, just forget it man... But like I was saying, my idea is to make a forum. And it will be called, Underbite Troll Ride. }}
(Markus opens his mouth and makes a wide smile. A smiling face also appears in the air around him.)
(Markus opens his mouth and makes a wide smile. A smiling face also appears in the air around him.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|...... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|...... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Nah.. That idea is kind of gay, not the good kind of gay, the bad kind of gay. The kind that is just WOAH!! That is totally maximum faggotry. Think about it man, we would have to make a fourm, and that's a bitch.. And then we would have to invite people and shit. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Nah.. That idea is kind of gay, not the good kind of gay, the bad kind of gay. The kind that is just WOAH!! That is totally maximum faggotry. Think about it man, we would have to make a fourm, and that's a bitch.. And then we would have to invite people and shit. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Fuck you, you're gay. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Fuck you, you're gay. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|No you're gay, but whatever you say faggot. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|No you're gay, but whatever you say faggot. }}
(Underbite Troll and Markus approach Jayce's stand of goods.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus approach Jayce's stand of goods.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey, can I get the new addition of Troll Daily. You furry loving bastad you! ;) }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey, can I get the new addition of Troll Daily. You furry loving bastad you! ;) }}
{{Script|Jayce|Jayce|That be like $20, you fucking idiot. You like masturbating to cartoon porn of Nickelodeon characters fucking each other. }}
{{Script|Jayce|Jayce|That be like $20, you fucking idiot. You like masturbating to cartoon porn of Nickelodeon characters fucking each other. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hey Jayce, it's been awhlie. How's that gold digging succubus bitch wife of yours? And how are those mentally retarded children of yours doing as well? You piece of shit. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hey Jayce, it's been awhlie. How's that gold digging succubus bitch wife of yours? And how are those mentally retarded children of yours doing as well? You piece of shit. }}
(Jayce frowns.)
(Jayce frowns.)
{{Script|Jayce|Jayce|That bitch wife of mine is fucking the Mail man again. But I don't blame her, he is black. And that automatically means that he has a giant black snake dick. Ohh that reminds me, I had this dream that I got my dick stuck in the toaster. It felt good until I climaxed when my penis exploded. }}
{{Script|Jayce|Jayce|That bitch wife of mine is fucking the Mail man again. But I don't blame her, he is black. And that automatically means that he has a giant black snake dick. Ohh that reminds me, I had this dream that I got my dick stuck in the toaster. It felt good until I climaxed when my penis exploded. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You know what you should do? Kick your wife in the tit. I mean say hey, if you fuck that Mail man with da big penis one, more, time... I will kick that misshaped boob of yours hard bitch, and if she steps out of line, boob kick that slut again. And I dream about switching my bodies with a woman and then have sex with myself. Is that gay? I think not. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You know what you should do? Kick your wife in the tit. I mean say hey, if you fuck that Mail man with da big penis one, more, time... I will kick that misshaped boob of yours hard bitch, and if she steps out of line, boob kick that slut again. And I dream about switching my bodies with a woman and then have sex with myself. Is that gay? I think not. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Cool story bro. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Cool story bro. }}
(The camera zooms in on Markus' eyes.)
(The camera zooms in on Markus' eyes.)
(The camera moves in even closer.)
(The camera moves in even closer.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! }}

==Page 5==
==Page 5==
(Underbite Troll opens his eyes in shock.)
(Underbite Troll opens his eyes in shock.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|WHAT!!!? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|WHAT!!!? }}
(Markus is drawn with a more detailed, serious expression.)
(Markus is drawn with a more detailed, serious expression.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus are drawn without any black outlines.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus are drawn without any black outlines.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah! Cartoony exit to the next scene. Nicely done faggot. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah! Cartoony exit to the next scene. Nicely done faggot. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We must get ready, cartoon cut away!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We must get ready, cartoon cut away!! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Back to Underbite Troll's house, as they prepare for the Troling ➡ Trolling" Championship. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Back to Underbite Troll's house, as they prepare for the Troling ➡ Trolling" Championship. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Listen up dude, we need to prepare properly if we plan to win this thing you hear?? That means, no fucking around with our material. There must only be a proper amount of use, of the words "Gay, faggot, ugly" We can't over use those words. So, to get this down, we must have the perfect blend of awesomeness and pure pwnage.  And that is exactly what we will do. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Listen up dude, we need to prepare properly if we plan to win this thing you hear?? That means, no fucking around with our material. There must only be a proper amount of use, of the words "Gay, faggot, ugly" We can't over use those words. So, to get this down, we must have the perfect blend of awesomeness and pure pwnage.  And that is exactly what we will do. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah! We should really take our tag team to the max bro. Like, super dooper kooper looper jooper zooper cool. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah! We should really take our tag team to the max bro. Like, super dooper kooper looper jooper zooper cool. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|... .. That, was the dumbest shit I have ever heard you say. Kill yourself for saying something that dumb you homo. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|... .. That, was the dumbest shit I have ever heard you say. Kill yourself for saying something that dumb you homo. }}
(Markus' text box is cut off by Underbite Troll's "Listen up dude..." line.)
(Markus' text box is cut off by Underbite Troll's "Listen up dude..." line.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|like i was perfect se get this d }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|like i was perfect se get this d }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|umm hey dude come one keep you're speach in you're speech bobble you dick this area is mine }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|umm hey dude come one keep you're speach in you're speech bobble you dick this area is mine }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hitler damn it, we need to focus. For one, if we want to win then you will have to fix your shitty spelling and grammar noob. You butt hurt, dick-n-ass taker. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hitler damn it, we need to focus. For one, if we want to win then you will have to fix your shitty spelling and grammar noob. You butt hurt, dick-n-ass taker. }}
(Underbite Troll clenches his fist.)
(Underbite Troll clenches his fist.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Our Trolling must be gold. Not shitty like ED Trolls, but epic like God Trolls! Who do God-like stuff. We can not suck ass like ED. And don't worry, my fist will only be deformed on this panel. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Our Trolling must be gold. Not shitty like ED Trolls, but epic like God Trolls! Who do God-like stuff. We can not suck ass like ED. And don't worry, my fist will only be deformed on this panel. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|who are we kidding, we both know we are ready for it now. lets hurry and sign up and pwn some newbie fucking bitch noob trolls, we will stop there faggotry with our pwnage of pwns }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|who are we kidding, we both know we are ready for it now. lets hurry and sign up and pwn some newbie fucking bitch noob trolls, we will stop there faggotry with our pwnage of pwns }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm proud of you, you passed the test. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm proud of you, you passed the test. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I'm proud of you too, because you passed my test like a champ :) }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I'm proud of you too, because you passed my test like a champ :) }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|Hello, so you two lovers wish to join the tournament as a team I see? Well, you will also be placed into the lowest rank of "Two vs Two" Until you win more matches to go up in rank. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|Hello, so you two lovers wish to join the tournament as a team I see? Well, you will also be placed into the lowest rank of "Two vs Two" Until you win more matches to go up in rank. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Damn it, I can't believe that those rumors reached all the way here... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Damn it, I can't believe that those rumors reached all the way here... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh.. No.. We are, you know. We're not like that at all okay? We just happen to be two guys living in the same tiny house okay? Man these rumors are annoying.. That fat fuck sure can spread gossip fast. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh.. No.. We are, you know. We're not like that at all okay? We just happen to be two guys living in the same tiny house okay? Man these rumors are annoying.. That fat fuck sure can spread gossip fast. }}

==Page 6==
==Page 6==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Why don't you tell us about all of the details and rules of this tournament? Hitler damn it, because I am not sure how the whole set up will be. You faggot. I would like to know that shit man with a fucked up face. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Why don't you tell us about all of the details and rules of this tournament? Hitler damn it, because I am not sure how the whole set up will be. You faggot. I would like to know that shit man with a fucked up face. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|Well.. The Troll Tournament has three categories. "One vs One, Two vs Two, and Pet vs Pet" Each category you will have a 24-48 hours to prepare. Which means, conduct research to learn about the foe you will be matched up against. Dig for information like all Trolls try to do. Kids are able to enter in all categories. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|And then your match will be placed in the calendar. You will be matched up with one of the entry's of the same rank. You will have to win to work your way to the top. Once you do, then you will have a once in a life time opportunity to Troll off against the legendary Troll Face himself! Now I will explain how the rank system works. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|"There are several categories, you'll have to go through all to get to the top of course.<br>

{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|Well.. The Troll Tournament has three categories. "One vs One, Two vs Two, and Pet vs Pet" Each category you will have a 24-48 hours to prepare. Which means, conduct research to learn about the foe you will be matched up against. Dig for information like all Trolls try to do. Kids are able to enter in all categories. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|And then your match will be placed in the calendar. You will be matched up with one of the entry's of the same rank. You will have to win to work your way to the top. Once you do, then you will have a once in a life time opportunity to Troll off against the legendary Troll Face himself! Now I will explain how the rank system works. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|"There are several categories, you'll have to go through all to get to the top of course.<br>
Rank One. ""Badie"" Rank Two. ""Newbie Bitch"" Rank Three. ""Rookie Twat"" Rank Four. ""Trainee Bra"" Rank Five ""Charlie Sheen"" Rank Six ""Sly Dog"" Rank Five Again ""Skilled Moe Foe"" Rank Seven ""Export Tea-Bagger"" Rank Eight ""Professional Blow Job"" Rank Nine ""Master Splinter"" Rank Ten ""GOD-LIKE!!""<br>
Rank One. ""Badie"" Rank Two. ""Newbie Bitch"" Rank Three. ""Rookie Twat"" Rank Four. ""Trainee Bra"" Rank Five ""Charlie Sheen"" Rank Six ""Sly Dog"" Rank Five Again ""Skilled Moe Foe"" Rank Seven ""Export Tea-Bagger"" Rank Eight ""Professional Blow Job"" Rank Nine ""Master Splinter"" Rank Ten ""GOD-LIKE!!""<br>
Only if you defeat the Legendary Troll Face, will you progress to rank ten. To move up in rank, you are required to reach five win point. If you lose a match, then one point will be removed from your win points record. So, to reach ""Newbie Bitch"" You must win five matches and so on.<br>
Only if you defeat the Legendary Troll Face, will you progress to rank ten. To move up in rank, you are required to reach five win point. If you lose a match, then one point will be removed from your win points record. So, to reach ""Newbie Bitch"" You must win five matches and so on.<br>
""For example"" Tim has a W/L (Win & lose) ratio of 6/4 (Six wins, Four loses) Making it a total of two win points. Due to his four loses, it removed four win points from his over all win points record. Now if Tim were to lose 2 more matches in his current record, then he will be removed from the competition, if your lose ratio matches your win ratio, or you lose your first match, then you will be removed, faggots.<br>
""For example"" Tim has a W/L (Win & lose) ratio of 6/4 (Six wins, Four loses) Making it a total of two win points. Due to his four loses, it removed four win points from his over all win points record. Now if Tim were to lose 2 more matches in his current record, then he will be removed from the competition, if your lose ratio matches your win ratio, or you lose your first match, then you will be removed, faggots.<br>
Alrighty, now that we gotten through the details. Each member will be given a key to a dorm in our tournament residence during the whole tournament period, until you lose the competition. Hahaha.. Period blood. The winner will also be rewarded $10.000, and a mansion next to Troll Kings fortress. Now what will be the name of your ""Two vs Two"" Group?" }}

Alrighty, now that we gotten through the details. Each member will be given a key to a dorm in our tournament residence during the whole tournament period, until you lose the competition. Hahaha.. Period blood. The winner will also be rewarded $10.000, and a mansion next to Troll Kings fortress. Now what will be the name of your ""Two vs Two"" Group?" }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|The Underbite Squad is our name. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|The Underbite Squad is our name. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|Umm.. Sorry Sir, that name has already been taken. Please choose another one if you will. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|Umm.. Sorry Sir, that name has already been taken. Please choose another one if you will. }}
(Underbite Troll frowns.)
(Underbite Troll frowns.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What!? What do you mean it's taken? What the hell man?! That can't be.. I created that shit! Hitler damn it. Man, I need a cup of tea. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What!? What do you mean it's taken? What the hell man?! That can't be.. I created that shit! Hitler damn it. Man, I need a cup of tea. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|There must be some kind of mistake. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|There must be some kind of mistake. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|There is no mistake, Underbite Squad is taken. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|There is no mistake, Underbite Squad is taken. }}
(Underbite Troll angrily raises his fists.)
(Underbite Troll angrily raises his fists.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|HOW? Hmmm.. Damn it, I'm mad bro. That was my fucking name. And now? I have to come up with another one, on the damn spot. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|HOW? Hmmm.. Damn it, I'm mad bro. That was my fucking name. And now? I have to come up with another one, on the damn spot. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude that fat fuck did this, to get us back for pwning him }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude that fat fuck did this, to get us back for pwning him }}
(Underbite Troll opens his eyes.)
(Underbite Troll opens his eyes.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'll get him back for this! Okay, our group is called the!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'll get him back for this! Okay, our group is called the!! }}
(Zoom in on Underbite's face.)
(Zoom in on Underbite's face.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }}
(Further zoom in on Underbite's face.)
(Further zoom in on Underbite's face.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|THHHHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|THHHHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! }}
(Markus and Underbite Troll smile together.)
(Markus and Underbite Troll smile together.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|BiteUnder League }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|BiteUnder League }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|What will happen to Underbite Troll next? Stay tuned. :D }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|What will happen to Underbite Troll next? Stay tuned. :D }}

==Page 7==
==Page 7==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Previously on The Adventures of Underbite troll. Him and Markus entered in a trolling competition, thier first match is only one day away! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Previously on The Adventures of Underbite troll. Him and Markus entered in a trolling competition, thier first match is only one day away! }}
(Underbite Troll is in his apartment, cooking eggs. He is shown wearing an apron.)
(Underbite Troll is in his apartment, cooking eggs. He is shown wearing an apron.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hmm.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hmm.. }}
(Markus appears shirtless with a towel around his neck and goggles on his head.)
(Markus appears shirtless with a towel around his neck and goggles on his head.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey dude, i'm back from the pool. Did you know they had a hot tub? Ain't that just the craziest thing ever? Oh man by the way, you were wrong. These goggles totally fucking worked. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey dude, i'm back from the pool. Did you know they had a hot tub? Ain't that just the craziest thing ever? Oh man by the way, you were wrong. These goggles totally fucking worked. }}
(Two skinny girls, one with long white hair and purple hair appear.)
(Two skinny girls, one with long white hair and purple hair appear.)
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|I don't even mean this ironically, nice crib. It's totally the same as ours but... It's completely different, so original. You guys must be awesome, and I'm not even being sarcastic. }}
{{Script|White PandaUtters girl|White PandaUtters girl|I seriously love your place, it's rad. I mean, i like how it's shaded a little bit differently then ours. Like, maybe one percent different. It's so much betteer though, no lie. I'm not being Sarcastic about what i'm saying at all. You guys are the bomb, seriously... }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|I don't even mean this ironically, nice crib. It's totally the same as ours but... It's completely different, so original. You guys must be awesome, and I'm not even being sarcastic. }}
{{Script|White PandaUtters girl|Panda|I seriously love your place, it's rad. I mean, i like how it's shaded a little bit differently then ours. Like, maybe one percent different. It's so much betteer though, no lie. I'm not being Sarcastic about what i'm saying at all. You guys are the bomb, seriously... }}
(Underbite Troll appears irritated.)
(Underbite Troll appears irritated.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude what the fuck man, you were gone all day. And then you bring ugly chicks back to our house? You do know everyone here is competition right?.. And you're gonna bring these skinny bimbo bitches to our layer? Where our shit is? They could steal our shit.. And i like my shit damn it. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude what the fuck man, you were gone all day. And then you bring ugly chicks back to our house? You do know everyone here is competition right?.. And you're gonna bring these skinny bimbo bitches to our layer? Where our shit is? They could steal our shit.. And i like my shit damn it. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And on top of that, while i was working on getting ready for our first match, you were fucking around having fun!? Fun of all things.. I'm not gay or anything and i bet those girls can suck a mean dick, but we need to put our game faces on. Dick sucker.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And on top of that, while i was working on getting ready for our first match, you were fucking around having fun!? Fun of all things.. I'm not gay or anything and i bet those girls can suck a mean dick, but we need to put our game faces on. Dick sucker.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|Don't flatter yourself tiny dick, i'm not gonna steal your anal beads or blow up dolls. Or any of your other useless shit.. Asian penis. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|Don't flatter yourself tiny dick, i'm not gonna steal your anal beads or blow up dolls. Or any of your other useless shit.. Asian penis. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Come on dude, don't get butthurt on me now. No need to be mad bro. Our trolling performance can be as high as it can be, and we can still be caught off guard by our foe. We need to learn about them, to find things that hit under the belt. So that's what i've been doing. But, to be more effective, we must make allies. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Come on dude, don't get butthurt on me now. No need to be mad bro. Our trolling performance can be as high as it can be, and we can still be caught off guard by our foe. We need to learn about them, to find things that hit under the belt. So that's what i've been doing. But, to be more effective, we must make allies. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We need to get dirt on our enemies faster. So to do that, we need help. These stupid twats agreed to help us if we return the favor and share any dirt we discover. This totally give us the mother fucking edge on all these faggot noobs we will be facing! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We need to get dirt on our enemies faster. So to do that, we need help. These stupid twats agreed to help us if we return the favor and share any dirt we discover. This totally give us the mother fucking edge on all these faggot noobs we will be facing! }}
(Underbite Troll flips his eggs.)
(Underbite Troll flips his eggs.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|That's nice and all, until we face them.. They will use whatever they learn about us, against us.. Or even worse, they betray is and tell other people our weaknesses. Trusting them sounds like a bad idea. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|That's nice and all, until we face them.. They will use whatever they learn about us, against us.. Or even worse, they betray is and tell other people our weaknesses. Trusting them sounds like a bad idea. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|We won't betray you, silly boy. You guys are very awesome and cool, i am totally not being sarcastic right now.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|We won't betray you, silly boy. You guys are very awesome and cool, i am totally not being sarcastic right now.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Are you fucking serious right now? Are you? If you aren't being sarcastic, then why did you say it like you weren't serious? Why did you sound sarcastic? Do you think i'm fucking retarded? I know sarcasm when i see it, so stop fucking with me.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Are you fucking serious right now? Are you? If you aren't being sarcastic, then why did you say it like you weren't serious? Why did you sound sarcastic? Do you think i'm fucking retarded? I know sarcasm when i see it, so stop fucking with me.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|Whatever, i seriously don't know what your fucking problem is.. I've been nothing but nice to you since we met. I am not being sarcastic, this is how i talk. I just want to be your friend and this is what i get? I seriously don't think you're a fucking retard. I mean this unironically and non-sarcastically. Tiny penis.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|Whatever, i seriously don't know what your fucking problem is.. I've been nothing but nice to you since we met. I am not being sarcastic, this is how i talk. I just want to be your friend and this is what i get? I seriously don't think you're a fucking retard. I mean this unironically and non-sarcastically. Tiny penis.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh she's good hahahaha.. I like her, she was sarcastic while saying she wasn't being sarcastic lol. Very nice, that was super killer..  Alright, i'm cool with being their allies, i like their style. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh she's good hahahaha.. I like her, she was sarcastic while saying she wasn't being sarcastic lol. Very nice, that was super killer..  Alright, i'm cool with being their allies, i like their style. }}
{{Script|White PandaUtters girl|White PandaUtters girl|Hey girlfriend, are you sure you want to team up with these deformed morons? There are a lot more attactive guys else where. I get sick of looking at them, i'm just saying.. Like, eww... They're far from having mustles.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|Well duh they're fucking ugly, but we're not here to have even two seconds of sex with them. Them and their tootsie roll sized penises.. And i knoew it's hard to see so don't stare too long. But they could come in handy to help us get the better of some of the other small dick trolls. }}
{{Script|White PandaUtters girl|Panda|Hey girlfriend, are you sure you want to team up with these deformed morons? There are a lot more attactive guys else where. I get sick of looking at them, i'm just saying.. Like, eww... They're far from having mustles.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|Well duh they're fucking ugly, but we're not here to have even two seconds of sex with them. Them and their tootsie roll sized penises.. And i knoew it's hard to see so don't stare too long. But they could come in handy to help us get the better of some of the other small dick trolls. }}

==Page 8==
==Page 8==
(Underbite Troll appears sad/disappointed.)
(Underbite Troll appears sad/disappointed.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I heard no sarcasm in their voices that time. Hmm, i guess these chicks are really big bitchees.. Ohwell. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I heard no sarcasm in their voices that time. Hmm, i guess these chicks are really big bitchees.. Ohwell. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Outside. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Outside. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Okay, it be impossible to keep track of the hundreds of people who entered. But let's share what we already know. So, how many other contestants have we all ran into? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Okay, it be impossible to keep track of the hundreds of people who entered. But let's share what we already know. So, how many other contestants have we all ran into? }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|Well i haven't been here very long but i will tell you the group names, and the people who are in the groups we do know.. }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|Well i haven't been here very long but i will tell you the group names, and the people who are in the groups we do know.. }}
(Various trolling groups are shown. These include the:<br>
(Various trolling groups are shown. These include the:<br>
[[Brothers from another Mother gang]], [[Toke]] and [[Kei-so]],
[[Brothers from another Mother gang]], [[Toke]] and [[Kei-so]],
Line 195: Line 353:
[[Chris-chan madness]], [[goobie]] and [[varic]],
[[Chris-chan madness]], [[goobie]] and [[varic]],
and [[fish and pork]], [[Sirpigsalot]] and [[Mysushi]].)
and [[fish and pork]], [[Sirpigsalot]] and [[Mysushi]].)
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Purple PandaUtters girl|Those are the ones i know of, is there any you want to add in there shrimp dick? }}
{{Script|Purple PandaUtters girl|Utters|Those are the ones i know of, is there any you want to add in there shrimp dick? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|There is only one other group i know about, Underbite Squad. Awhile back this fat fuck and his anorexic aids infested friend, started shit with us and we pwned them. After that, they stole our name for the tournament.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|There is only one other group i know about, Underbite Squad. Awhile back this fat fuck and his anorexic aids infested friend, started shit with us and we pwned them. After that, they stole our name for the tournament.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|We will get them back for their faggotory, but first we must find out who we will be faving. Then, we shall crush them and T-bag them with my gigantic balls, and spit in their faces.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|We will get them back for their faggotory, but first we must find out who we will be faving. Then, we shall crush them and T-bag them with my gigantic balls, and spit in their faces.. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|To the match making center. Where they figure eout who they'll be facing. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|To the match making center. Where they figure eout who they'll be facing. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Umm, hello faggot. We would like to know who we are going up against in the first match you piece of shit.. You wouldn't mind telling us which team we will be facing, would you cock sucker? If so then i'd be very thankful, you shit eater.. Virgin ball sucking diaper eating mother fucker. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Umm, hello faggot. We would like to know who we are going up against in the first match you piece of shit.. You wouldn't mind telling us which team we will be facing, would you cock sucker? If so then i'd be very thankful, you shit eater.. Virgin ball sucking diaper eating mother fucker. }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|''What an asshole. And look at his mouth.. Man his parents must have been ugly.''}}
(The Tournament Registrar smiles nervously.)
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus (Thinking)|What an asshole. And look at his mouth.. Man his parents must have been ugly.}}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|Hhahaa, your team is... Umm.. Well i... Sorry, don't you know? Their team is called "The Fist in Poo Clan".. You don't know how it is... It's.. You don't know how hard it is for me to work here.. Everyone treats me like garbage. I.. I just can't take it. You know i tried to have sex with my cat hahaha.. No one else in this blasted city will consider me, why are we so short in women heeheh!?.. I get so lonely... Please love me, someone please love me!! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU KNOW, NO ONE BASHES YOU DOWN, IT'S ALL FUN FOR YOU! But me? NAH! I FUCKING HATE MYSElF!! Hehe oh nevermind me.. }}
(Mingus smiles nervously.)
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|Hhahaa, your team is... Umm.. Well i... Sorry, don't you know? Their team is called "The Fist in Poo Clan".. You don't know how it is... It's.. You don't know how hard it is for me to work here.. Everyone treats me like garbage. I.. I just can't take it. You know i tried to have sex with my cat hahaha.. No one else in this blasted city will consider me, why are we so short in women heeheh!?.. I get so lonely... Please love me, someone please love me!! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU KNOW, NO ONE BASHES YOU DOWN, IT'S ALL FUN FOR YOU! But me? NAH! I FUCKING HATE MYSElF!! Hehe oh nevermind me.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|huh? umm.. i don't know.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|huh? umm.. i don't know.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Wait what? Um.. Sorry about your job man, i didn't really ask but that sucks.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Wait what? Um.. Sorry about your job man, i didn't really ask but that sucks.. }}
(The Registrar appears shaken.)
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|I... I sit here year after year, and this is the only thing i do. And this is the only thing i do. I thought it was awesome, but countless people continue to talk shit and treat me like garbage. It was fun at first but.. But... I just had nothing. I sit on my asshere or at home all day everyday. People, hate me so. Please save me, please? I hate people so very very much.. They hate me.. Please, i beg of you.... }}
(Mingus appears shaken.)
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|I... I sit here year after year, and this is the only thing i do. And this is the only thing i do. I thought it was awesome, but countless people continue to talk shit and treat me like garbage. It was fun at first but.. But... I just had nothing. I sit on my asshere or at home all day everyday. People, hate me so. Please save me, please? I hate people so very very much.. They hate me.. Please, i beg of you.... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Uh, i don't know what to tell you man.. You.. You need therapy to fix your butthurt, wow man... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Uh, i don't know what to tell you man.. You.. You need therapy to fix your butthurt, wow man... }}
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Tournament Registrar|I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! }}
(The Registrar jumps out a nearby window. Underbite Troll opens his eyes in horror.)
{{Script|Tournament Registrar|Mingus|I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! }}
(Mingus jumps out a nearby window. Underbite Troll opens his eyes in horror.)

==Page 9==
==Page 9==
(Underbite Troll looks out the window.)
(Underbite Troll looks out the window.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Holy shit dude! I didn't know it was possible to be that butthurt, he was royally raped by life. And trolls, ouch that butt must hurt.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Holy shit dude! I didn't know it was possible to be that butthurt, he was royally raped by life. And trolls, ouch that butt must hurt.. }}
(The suicidal troll's body appears mangled.)
(Mingus's body appears mangled.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hitler damn it.. Wha.. Hey, who the hell is that?? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hitler damn it.. Wha.. Hey, who the hell is that?? }}
(A troll wearing nothing but dirty undies and Master Chief's helmet suddenly appears and stands on top of the troll's body. He then begins teabagging the troll.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|I'm sexy and i know it. }}
(A troll wearing nothing but dirty undies and Master Chief's helmet suddenly appears and stands on top of Mingus's body. He then begins teabagging Mingus.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Uhh, oh yeah, urg... }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Suck my dick, ahhh uh.. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|I'm sexy and i know it. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Take this pwnage T-bag noob. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Sucky sucky? Yeah.. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Uhh, oh yeah, urg... }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Suck my dick, ahhh uh.. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Take this pwnage T-bag noob. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Sucky sucky? Yeah.. }}
(Underbite Troll, eyes open, is disgusted.)
(Underbite Troll, eyes open, is disgusted.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude not cool, you don't just T-bag someone after they just died.. You wait a couple hours first you dick. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude not cool, you don't just T-bag someone after they just died.. You wait a couple hours first you dick. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|You mustn't have heard, the new law Troll Face managed to pass is that, after someone dies, they have to bet T-bagged instantly after. You should keep up with Troll news. Hehehe.. Suck my balls faggot. }}
(The teabagger skips away.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|You mustn't have heard, the new law Troll Face managed to pass is that, after someone dies, they have to bet T-bagged instantly after. You should keep up with Troll news. Hehehe.. Suck my balls faggot. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|I am off to T-bag another dead butthurt noob! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Later that day }}
(Master Queef skips away.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|I am off to T-bag another dead butthurt noob! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Later that day }}
(Underbite Troll and Markus appear shaken. Underbite's eyes are open.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus appear shaken. Underbite's eyes are open.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You know.. That was the first time i've seen someone die. Before now, i thought it be cool and relaxing but it was just terrible.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You know.. That was the first time i've seen someone die. Before now, i thought it be cool and relaxing but it was just terrible.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|............... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|............... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Is this how people feel when we troll them? Is this what our fun causes? For people to break down? Are we murderers? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Is this how people feel when we troll them? Is this what our fun causes? For people to break down? Are we murderers? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No.. It can't be... Our trolling isn't that harsh to certain people is it? I mean, we were just talking randomly, it's not our fault we hit nerves is it? Did i kill him? No, this can't be.. I... I...... I........ }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No.. It can't be... Our trolling isn't that harsh to certain people is it? I mean, we were just talking randomly, it's not our fault we hit nerves is it? Did i kill him? No, this can't be.. I... I...... I........ }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No it's not our fault, it can't be.. Oh wait, didn't he say something about him having sex with his cat? That had to do all and i mean all of the damage. It's that fucking cats fault man, not trolling. That cat fucked him up.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No it's not our fault, it can't be.. Oh wait, didn't he say something about him having sex with his cat? That had to do all and i mean all of the damage. It's that fucking cats fault man, not trolling. That cat fucked him up.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah.. I knew cats were horrorable creatures, but this too much.. Those damn creatures. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah.. I knew cats were horrorable creatures, but this too much.. Those damn creatures. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Let's agree to never own one of those little demonic fucks ever. Never in our lives. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Let's agree to never own one of those little demonic fucks ever. Never in our lives. }}

==Page 10==
==Page 10==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Look, there are the people we will be facing. The Fist in Poo Clan. Let's see what we're dealing with. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Look, there are the people we will be facing. The Fist in Poo Clan. Let's see what we're dealing with. }}
(The two Fist in Poo Clan trolls appear, holding a rabbit.)
(The two Fist in Poo Clan trolls appear, holding a rabbit.)
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Drrr.. I am needing you to, duhh... To keep the rabbit still. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|We so hahah, goin to be Troll Face-like and stuff. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Drrr.. I am needing you to, duhh... To keep the rabbit still. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|We so hahah, goin to be Troll Face-like and stuff. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|It's kind of hard to see what they're doing, is that a rabbit? Can you see what they're doing with that rabbit? Because i can't. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|It's kind of hard to see what they're doing, is that a rabbit? Can you see what they're doing with that rabbit? Because i can't. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah i don't know, it's kind of hard to see with my eyes closed. But it kind of looks like they're trying to fuck that poor fluffy little fuck. And it looks like they're having issues, but i could be wrong. I mean, my eyes are closed for fuck sake, how does anyone see like this? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah i don't know, it's kind of hard to see with my eyes closed. But it kind of looks like they're trying to fuck that poor fluffy little fuck. And it looks like they're having issues, but i could be wrong. I mean, my eyes are closed for fuck sake, how does anyone see like this? }}
{{Script|Rabbit|Rabbit|Hey assholes, put me down.. I don't know what you're doing but you fucking moving my leg constantly is killing my buzz. Are you guys mentally challenged or retarded or dumb? Derp derp, you bitches. }}
{{Script|Rabbit|Rabbit|Hey assholes, put me down.. I don't know what you're doing but you fucking moving my leg constantly is killing my buzz. Are you guys mentally challenged or retarded or dumb? Derp derp, you bitches. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Oh.. O-kayh, I got my hand down my pants. Now what? uhh, um... Derrr.. I have no diear how to make whoopi goldberg? Do i just stand here? }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|Umm...... .. . I think you.. Uh well.... Hm.. I don't know, i think it you got to like pee in the butter hole.. And like, melt the butter. Heat it up bro. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Oh.. O-kayh, I got my hand down my pants. Now what? uhh, um... Derrr.. I have no diear how to make whoopi goldberg? Do i just stand here? }}
(From off screen, one of the trolls begins urinating on the rabbit.)
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|Umm...... .. . I think you.. Uh well.... Hm.. I don't know, i think it you got to like pee in the butter hole.. And like, melt the butter. Heat it up bro. }}
(From off screen, Tooth D. Cay begins urinating on the rabbit.)
(The rabbit closes his eyes and grits his teeth as he begins to tear up while urine sprays onto his face.)
(The rabbit closes his eyes and grits his teeth as he begins to tear up while urine sprays onto his face.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|HAHAHAHA!! Do you have autism? You guys can't be serious.. Oh my god, you guys.. I have seen the dumbest, and the lowest a troll can get. And you just put them to shame, that is how stupid you are. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|HAHAHAHA!! Do you have autism? You guys can't be serious.. Oh my god, you guys.. I have seen the dumbest, and the lowest a troll can get. And you just put them to shame, that is how stupid you are. }}
(Piss flies in front of Underbite Troll, hitting his face. Underbite Troll screams as the text "AHHH" appears behind him.)
(Piss flies in front of Underbite Troll, hitting his face. Underbite Troll screams as the text "AHHH" appears behind him.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!! LMAO!! LOL! LMAO!! ROFL!! LAUGHING!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!! LMAO!! LOL! LMAO!! ROFL!! LAUGHING!! }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Grrr.. Look at me heeeehhh, i'm raping two peoper aterr once heeehh. This is so easy. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Grrr.. Look at me heeeehhh, i'm raping two peoper aterr once heeehh. This is so easy. }}
(Underbite Troll, eyes open, glares.)
(Underbite Troll, eyes open, glares.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I will make you pay for that spook. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I will make you pay for that spook. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|Oh that's hot, you're so raping them good. That's totally hot now.. Hmm yeah. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|Oh that's hot, you're so raping them good. That's totally hot now.. Hmm yeah. }}
{{Script|Rabbit|Rabbit|Fuck you two douche bags, i hope you get killed by a giant spiky TURTLE!! }}
{{Script|Rabbit|Rabbit|Fuck you two douche bags, i hope you get killed by a giant spiky TURTLE!! }}
(Underbite Troll wipes the urine off his face.)
(Underbite Troll wipes the urine off his face.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Listen here dumb fucker, my name is Underbite Troll, and this is my friend Markus. And we're The Underbiteleague the team you will be trolling off againt tomorrow. And i just wanted to inform you that you will have the biggest ass beating in troll off history. I will rape you so hard your assholes will never shit again. It will be so embarrasing i promise you. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Listen here dumb fucker, my name is Underbite Troll, and this is my friend Markus. And we're The Underbiteleague the team you will be trolling off againt tomorrow. And i just wanted to inform you that you will have the biggest ass beating in troll off history. I will rape you so hard your assholes will never shit again. It will be so embarrasing i promise you. }}

==Page 11==
==Page 11==
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|We da best, trolls like eves duhh... You won't win. Harharhar, har hehe har... }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|We da best, trolls like eves duhh... You won't win. Harharhar, har hehe har... }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Rapeio roboto-ioh-yo-nigga-yo. World wide chopper son. har har har dur dur Dru dur. I feel like you want ot sticky my butt. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Rapeio roboto-ioh-yo-nigga-yo. World wide chopper son. har har har dur dur Dru dur. I feel like you want ot sticky my butt. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I hope you guys are ready because tomorrow? You are going down. You faggots will be so butthurt. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I hope you guys are ready because tomorrow? You are going down. You faggots will be so butthurt. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We should get ready, i don't think it's needed but hey, they deserve an ass kicking. Tomorrow will be very entertaining. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We should get ready, i don't think it's needed but hey, they deserve an ass kicking. Tomorrow will be very entertaining. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I had no clue there was a level of stupid that low. They have a mental handicap. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I had no clue there was a level of stupid that low. They have a mental handicap. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|This has been an awful day.. You bringing over dumb bitches, seeing someone die and then get T-bagged.. Then to top it off, i got piss in my eye. I am just really tired, i just need a cup of tea and then some sleep. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|This has been an awful day.. You bringing over dumb bitches, seeing someone die and then get T-bagged.. Then to top it off, i got piss in my eye. I am just really tired, i just need a cup of tea and then some sleep. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh, before we leave, i wish you luck becaus eyou will surely need it. You two are going down. Oh and by the way, peeing on people isn't sex. You have to stick your disco stick in and out their buttholes over and over until lol. Well, you guys should look up porn on the internet. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh, before we leave, i wish you luck becaus eyou will surely need it. You two are going down. Oh and by the way, peeing on people isn't sex. You have to stick your disco stick in and out their buttholes over and over until lol. Well, you guys should look up porn on the internet. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|The next day an hour before the match. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|The next day an hour before the match. }}
(The two appear in the stadium.)
(The two appear in the stadium.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Look at this giant fucking stadium. There are so many people who are going to watch us. We better be on our game, we need to establish ourselves as a threat. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Look at this giant fucking stadium. There are so many people who are going to watch us. We better be on our game, we need to establish ourselves as a threat. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I have dreamt of this glorius moment for so long, the excitement is killing me Hitler damn it.. If we lose then we will be kicked out of the tournament. We have to crush these pee animal raping ugly dumb, deform autistic retard mother fuckers. We must destroy them, we have to fuck them up.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I have dreamt of this glorius moment for so long, the excitement is killing me Hitler damn it.. If we lose then we will be kicked out of the tournament. We have to crush these pee animal raping ugly dumb, deform autistic retard mother fuckers. We must destroy them, we have to fuck them up.. }}
(The crowd is shown, featuring The fantasy starwars crue, Fish and Pork, Jayce, and Toke in the crowd. The two girls who had allied themselves with Underbite Troll area also present, in additiona to other reoccuring trolls such as Fucking Neo/White Penis Man from Chapter 21/22, and the troll with a cannon.)
(The crowd is shown, featuring The fantasy starwars crue, Fish and Pork, Jayce, and Toke in the crowd. PandaUtter are also present, in additiona to other reoccuring trolls such as Sneed and Sneed from Chapter 21/22, and LOUD FUCK.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Hello, my name is Henry, The Reporter Troll. And today we have some of the most well known trolls with us today. It's only an hour away from our first match, what are your thoughts on it, being the only full fledged jew troll here Lowtax? }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Hello, my name is Henry, The Reporter Troll. And today we have some of the most well known trolls with us today. It's only an hour away from our first match, what are your thoughts on it, being the only full fledged jew troll here Lowtax? }}
{{Script|Lowtax|Lowtax|I thought it be a ncie way to get money, money. I like money. }}
{{Script|Lowtax|Lowtax|I thought it be a ncie way to get money, money. I like money. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it from the man himself, a man of little words but always to the point people, that was Lowtax. A person who doesn't give a flying fuck about you and just wants your money. Now let's see who else we have to talk to before the first match.. What a greedy jew. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it from the man himself, a man of little words but always to the point people, that was Lowtax. A person who doesn't give a flying fuck about you and just wants your money. Now let's see who else we have to talk to before the first match.. What a greedy jew. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Oh, we have with us Marley. Someone who was born and raised in the "Western Troll City of Fuckpoorpeople" And our previous winner of last year's tournament. He even faced against the Legendary Troll Face himself as a reward! Unfortunately suffering a humiliating defeat. Marley, seeing as this is your secunt year here, do you think anyone will defeat Troll Face this year? and do you expect this year to be any greater then last? What are you probably very poorly thought out thoughts on this? }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Oh, we have with us Marley. Someone who was born and raised in the "Western Troll City of Fuckpoorpeople" And our previous winner of last year's tournament. He even faced against the Legendary Troll Face himself as a reward! Unfortunately suffering a humiliating defeat. Marley, seeing as this is your secunt year here, do you think anyone will defeat Troll Face this year? and do you expect this year to be any greater then last? What are you probably very poorly thought out thoughts on this? }}
(Marley appears, smoking a blunt.)
(Marley appears, smoking a blunt.)
{{Script|Marley|Marley|Nah, i don't think Troll Face will be beat, i was the only person, vivid enough to cum close. Troll Face and his doodoo soul, ruining my poise performance of elegance. Double rainbow all the way. }}
{{Script|Marley|Marley|Nah, i don't think Troll Face will be beat, i was the only person, vivid enough to cum close. Troll Face and his doodoo soul, ruining my poise performance of elegance. Double rainbow all the way. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well there you hav it folks, Troll Face has a doodoo soul. Now let's go to the man himself, Troll Face to hear this thoughts on this years tourney-porny-pacornie. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well there you hav it folks, Troll Face has a doodoo soul. Now let's go to the man himself, Troll Face to hear this thoughts on this years tourney-porny-pacornie. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The man himself. Troll Face, what are your thoughts? Do you think some lucky soul will actually be capable of defeating you? We all are dying to see someone give you a challenge. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The man himself. Troll Face, what are your thoughts? Do you think some lucky soul will actually be capable of defeating you? We all are dying to see someone give you a challenge. }}
(Troll Face appears, wearing a fancy coat.)
(Troll Face appears, wearing a fancy coat.)
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Hahaha.. You're a funny dude, these noobs will be entertaining but no one will be able to defeat me. You got to be fucking retarded to hope for something so stupid, kill yourself. }}
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Hahaha.. You're a funny dude, these noobs will be entertaining but no one will be able to defeat me. You got to be fucking retarded to hope for something so stupid, kill yourself. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it with your own ears, from the best-n most awesome person in the whole world. Troll Face, there is no way he can be out trolled and i am a complete total fucking retard for saying that. And if i had the will, i would kill myself right now. It's only minutes away from our first match, is everyone ready? The tournament will be great. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it with your own ears, from the best-n most awesome person in the whole world. Troll Face, there is no way he can be out trolled and i am a complete total fucking retard for saying that. And if i had the will, i would kill myself right now. It's only minutes away from our first match, is everyone ready? The tournament will be great. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|What will happen to Underbite next? His first match is about to begin, find out what happens next time on. The Adventures of Underbite Troll! Stay tuned. XD XD XD }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|What will happen to Underbite next? His first match is about to begin, find out what happens next time on. The Adventures of Underbite Troll! Stay tuned. XD XD XD }}

==Page 12==
==Page 12==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Previously on The Adventures of Underbite Troll. Underbite and Markus made an alliance with two bimbo sluts before witnessing a (Required by law) Teabagging session. Afterwards they encountered their first opponents (The Fist in Poo Clan) Two animal rapists who enjoys peeing upon stuff, things. Now, we're just moments away from seeing the first match of the Troll Off Championship! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Previously on The Adventures of Underbite Troll. Underbite and Markus made an alliance with two bimbo sluts before witnessing a (Required by law) Teabagging session. Afterwards they encountered their first opponents (The Fist in Poo Clan) Two animal rapists who enjoys peeing upon stuff, things. Now, we're just moments away from seeing the first match of the Troll Off Championship! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|So it's almost time. I know everyone keeps saying how close it apparently is, but it just seems like it's no closer than it was the last time it was said. But anyway, you ready to pwn them worse than the bomb that blew up Hiroshima? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|So it's almost time. I know everyone keeps saying how close it apparently is, but it just seems like it's no closer than it was the last time it was said. But anyway, you ready to pwn them worse than the bomb that blew up Hiroshima? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Is it strange to be so ready, that i have a troll off erection right now?.. Like, i'm so ready to the point where i'm that turned on dude, seriously. I got a boner, look at it, }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Is it strange to be so ready, that i have a troll off erection right now?.. Like, i'm so ready to the point where i'm that turned on dude, seriously. I got a boner, look at it, }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Say that again? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Say that again? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I got a troll off erection. Like, the exhilaration of pwnage is really getting the blood pumping in my penis.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I got a troll off erection. Like, the exhilaration of pwnage is really getting the blood pumping in my penis.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I've never heard of something so stupid.. That's so retarded, the most retarded shit i've ever heard. It's so retarded, it was retarded before you even spoke it.. You need help, you and your mentally retarded Justin Beiber craving penis. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I've never heard of something so stupid.. That's so retarded, the most retarded shit i've ever heard. It's so retarded, it was retarded before you even spoke it.. You need help, you and your mentally retarded Justin Beiber craving penis. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Like dude, you just did a Beiber feaver.. Did you know Justin gets a boner before he performs too? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Like dude, you just did a Beiber feaver.. Did you know Justin gets a boner before he performs too? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|That's bullshit, you're making that shit up.. You faggot fucker... Kill yourself. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|That's bullshit, you're making that shit up.. You faggot fucker... Kill yourself. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|It's true, go look it up. Beiber gets boners before and while preforming.. He said in an interview that he gets turned on to the sound of his own voice. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|It's true, go look it up. Beiber gets boners before and while preforming.. He said in an interview that he gets turned on to the sound of his own voice. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You're so gay.. The only way you could know of that is if you googled it. If you're one of those Bierber fagsticks our friendship is over. I ain't into that kind of stuff, or things. You do know i was the one who threw that bottle at Beibers right? I was like, you look thirsty btich, take this up in your Ellen DeGeneres looking suckface. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You're so gay.. The only way you could know of that is if you googled it. If you're one of those Bierber fagsticks our friendship is over. I ain't into that kind of stuff, or things. You do know i was the one who threw that bottle at Beibers right? I was like, you look thirsty btich, take this up in your Ellen DeGeneres looking suckface. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What what in the butt? I mean.. Whatever, i didn't google anything. I used bing. And by the way, a friend told me.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What what in the butt? I mean.. Whatever, i didn't google anything. I used bing. And by the way, a friend told me.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh great.. Now you're gonna say you yahoo searched it. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh great.. Now you're gonna say you yahoo searched it. }}
(A block of cheese suddenly manifests itself.)
(A block of cheese suddenly manifests itself.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|NO! I bing, yahoo sucks dick and cheese... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|NO! I bing, yahoo sucks dick and cheese... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Whatever you say, turkey neck noob. Yes, you have a turkey neck. I didn't want to say anything about it before but you got a turkey neck. Like, a full fledge big fucking bird neck. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Whatever you say, turkey neck noob. Yes, you have a turkey neck. I didn't want to say anything about it before but you got a turkey neck. Like, a full fledge big fucking bird neck. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Your worse then... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Your worse then... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You're worse than* what? You pausing b-it-chhh. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You're worse than* what? You pausing b-it-chhh. }}
(The crowd is shown again. Tyler the Gay Frog from ''Micah Rat'' makes a cameo.)
(The crowd is shown again. Tyler the Gay Frog from ''Micah Rat'' makes a cameo.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|It's time people!! On the right we haaave! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|It's time people!! On the right we haaave! }}
(The Fist in Poo Clan members appear.)
(The Fist in Poo Clan members appear.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The Fist in Poo Clan!! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The Fist in Poo Clan!! }}
(Underbite Troll and Markus appear.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus appear.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|And to the left? BiteUnderLeague!! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|And to the left? BiteUnderLeague!! }}

==Page 13==
==Page 13==
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Is there anything you guys wish to say before the troll off begins? }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Is there anything you guys wish to say before the troll off begins? }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|I-ahh, like to wish-ah everyone.. A happy... Drrrr..... }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|Yeaahh.. Happy happy, yeah. We so like... Gonna win and stuff, thangs.. Hip hop, do therr robot.. Heeheeheeeee. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|I-ahh, like to wish-ah everyone.. A happy... Drrrr..... }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|Yeaahh.. Happy happy, yeah. We so like... Gonna win and stuff, thangs.. Hip hop, do therr robot.. Heeheeheeeee. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Well, on behalf of our awesomeness, i shall share my super dooper cool, zool, pool, duel, fool, dool, mool, rule. Up the ziggity biggity oh, manlinness with your mothers. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Well, on behalf of our awesomeness, i shall share my super dooper cool, zool, pool, duel, fool, dool, mool, rule. Up the ziggity biggity oh, manlinness with your mothers. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm gonna demolish these noobs.. They'll be beyond butthurt, they'll be buttmurdered instead... My trolling will stop their hearts, is how powerful it is. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm gonna demolish these noobs.. They'll be beyond butthurt, they'll be buttmurdered instead... My trolling will stop their hearts, is how powerful it is. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it. Things are getting heated up before the match even starts. God damn i love my job. Well, without no further adukie, let the match BEGIN!! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well you heard it. Things are getting heated up before the match even starts. God damn i love my job. Well, without no further adukie, let the match BEGIN!! }}
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Let's see what these noobs got. }}
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Let's see what these noobs got. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|You're so... Jealous of our, umm... Rapist-like skills.. We think you's all like.. ..What's dumb? Oh.. Dumb like dolphines, that do?... That do things, yeah heharrr.. Funny, i feel my belly button. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|You can't stop starring me heehe.. They won see my butt cracks-ahh, and looking at my nice perly perrr... Perly whites-ehh. Oh tyah i am in on fire!! }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|You're so... Jealous of our, umm... Rapist-like skills.. We think you's all like.. ..What's dumb? Oh.. Dumb like dolphines, that do?... That do things, yeah heharrr.. Funny, i feel my belly button. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|You can't stop starring me heehe.. They won see my butt cracks-ahh, and looking at my nice perly perrr... Perly whites-ehh. Oh tyah i am in on fire!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You're so. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You're so. }}
(Markus' text box is overshadowed by Underbite's.)
(Markus' text box is overshadowed by Underbite's.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Id rather stare at Miley Cyrus' ugly ass infected camel toe for the rest of my life than to look at your face for one more second, you failed abortion. You learned how to suck your daddies dick when you were still in the womb. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Id rather stare at Miley Cyrus' ugly ass infected camel toe for the rest of my life than to look at your face for one more second, you failed abortion. You learned how to suck your daddies dick when you were still in the womb. }}
(The crowd is visibly shocked by Underbite's roast. The PandaUtters/two girls in particular are shown.)
(The crowd is visibly shocked by Underbite's roast. The PandaUtters are shown.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|If a person born of incect parents, were mentally challenged, physically deformed, and mentally experimented on? That person still wouldn't be even remotely dumb enough, to compare to your stupidity. Being brain dead would be an improvement.. Napoleon Dynamite is a fucking genuis compared to you. I could drop a baby on its head countless times, giving it the worst brain damage known to man kind? That dumpster eating, toaster brain baby would still be a googplex more intelligent than you, fuck you. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|If a person born of incect parents, were mentally challenged, physically deformed, and mentally experimented on? That person still wouldn't be even remotely dumb enough, to compare to your stupidity. Being brain dead would be an improvement.. Napoleon Dynamite is a fucking genuis compared to you. I could drop a baby on its head countless times, giving it the worst brain damage known to man kind? That dumpster eating, toaster brain baby would still be a googplex more intelligent than you, fuck you. }}
(Markus is confused.)
(Markus is confused.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|..... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|..... }}
(Henry's eyes open as he is taken aback by Underbite's powers.)
(Henry's eyes open as he is taken aback by Underbite's powers.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Jesus Christ, this match might be over before it even gets very far!! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Jesus Christ, this match might be over before it even gets very far!! }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Uhh.. }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Uhh.. }}
(Underbite Troll flips the Fist in Poo Clan off. Markus makes a gesture as if he is going to say something but does not.)
(Underbite Troll flips the Fist in Poo Clan off. Markus makes a gesture as if he is going to say something but does not.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Your teeth are so yellow you could scrape the thick sewage-like muck off of them, with a putty scraper. Then put it in a jar to mold for three months to let it ferment, turning it into some grade A prime maggot filled cheese you faggot. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Your teeth are so yellow you could scrape the thick sewage-like muck off of them, with a putty scraper. Then put it in a jar to mold for three months to let it ferment, turning it into some grade A prime maggot filled cheese you faggot. }}
(Underbite Troll continues his onslaught. Markus simply stares in disbelief.)
(Underbite Troll continues his onslaught. Markus simply stares in disbelief.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm fucking thankful for you being too incapable of learning how to reproduce. Id kill myself knowing that the world wouldn't allow your offspring to be disgarded, like disfigured spartan children. But, just knowing you two ignoramus fucks exist? I will indeed cry like a little fucking spoiled school girl every single night, until my six sense awakens and informs me that you're dead in a ditch, with your eyes pried out and shoved into your assholes. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm fucking thankful for you being too incapable of learning how to reproduce. Id kill myself knowing that the world wouldn't allow your offspring to be disgarded, like disfigured spartan children. But, just knowing you two ignoramus fucks exist? I will indeed cry like a little fucking spoiled school girl every single night, until my six sense awakens and informs me that you're dead in a ditch, with your eyes pried out and shoved into your assholes. }}
(Troll Face watches from the stands, eating popcorn.)
(Troll Face watches from the stands, eating popcorn.)
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Impressive. }}
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|Impressive. }}
(The Fist in Poo Clan trolls are stunned.)
(The Fist in Poo Clan trolls are stunned.)
{{Script|PurplePoo|Purple FiPC member|Uhh.. ..No.. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Bald FiPC member|.... }}
{{Script|PurplePoo|Tooth D. Cay|Uhh.. ..No.. }}
{{Script|BaldPoo|Concave Headed Mother Fucker|.... }}

==Page 14==
==Page 14==
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Uhh.. Finish it dude. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Uhh.. Finish it dude. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Your parents had to gouge out their own eyes in disgrace for having such hidious children.. Your parents sadness was beyond comprehension when they found out their children were uglier than a muk, Ephialtes and Quasimodo combined. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Your parents had to gouge out their own eyes in disgrace for having such hidious children.. Your parents sadness was beyond comprehension when they found out their children were uglier than a muk, Ephialtes and Quasimodo combined. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I mean really? What the flying fuck are you? You're not human.. You just look like god ran out of clay and resorted to using his shit to fill in the rest. Or maybe god got really drunk and had sex with a donkey, which gave birth to you two. What a complete waste of the worlds natural resources. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I mean really? What the flying fuck are you? You're not human.. You just look like god ran out of clay and resorted to using his shit to fill in the rest. Or maybe god got really drunk and had sex with a donkey, which gave birth to you two. What a complete waste of the worlds natural resources. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|The funniest part about it is that you'll never come to terms with it. You'll never undertand how fucking retarded you are.. You're probably homeless too, due to no one able to stand being around you longer than a minute or two. If your parents didn't suicide from knowing they gave birth to you, then they most likely just locked you in cages, starving you. Praying for their own guilt to parish so they would finally have the balls to rid this world of it's genetic mistake of creating you. Kill yourself. I mean it, kill yourself.. KILL YOUR SELVES!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|The funniest part about it is that you'll never come to terms with it. You'll never undertand how fucking retarded you are.. You're probably homeless too, due to no one able to stand being around you longer than a minute or two. If your parents didn't suicide from knowing they gave birth to you, then they most likely just locked you in cages, starving you. Praying for their own guilt to parish so they would finally have the balls to rid this world of it's genetic mistake of creating you. Kill yourself. I mean it, kill yourself.. KILL YOUR SELVES!! }}
(Close up on Underbite Troll's eyes, which open.)
(Close up on Underbite Troll's eyes, which open.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And when you die, they won't even let you into hell. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|And when you die, they won't even let you into hell. }}
(Markus makes an exaggertated hand motion.)
(Markus makes an exaggertated hand motion.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Booooooommm... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Booooooommm... }}
(The crown is in disbelief at what they had just saw. Jayce, Bill and Dill, and Fish and Pork are shown in particular, speechless. Troll Face appears to be taken aback as well.)
(The crown is in disbelief at what they had just saw. Jayce, Bill and Dill, and Fish and Pork are shown in particular, speechless. Troll Face appears to be taken aback as well.)
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|....... }}
{{Script|Troll Face|Troll Face|....... }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well... It's obvious who won this troll off.. That got a little dark for my taste. }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Well... It's obvious who won this troll off.. That got a little dark for my taste. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You alright dude? I've never seen you like that before, you were a crazy beast dude!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You alright dude? I've never seen you like that before, you were a crazy beast dude!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Honestly man i didn't care about what was going on. I don't even know what's going on, it was like i was another person man hahaha!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Honestly man i didn't care about what was going on. I don't even know what's going on, it was like i was another person man hahaha!! }}
(Markus smiles, with another mouth appearing near him, this time with teeth.)
(Markus smiles, with another mouth appearing near him, this time with teeth.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Well, tell that person he pwns donkeyballs. We won our first match and made the rest of the competition piss themselves.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Well, tell that person he pwns donkeyballs. We won our first match and made the rest of the competition piss themselves.. }}
(Henry winks.)
(Henry winks.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The match is over everyone! Let's look forward to our next match to come, in just two days! }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|The match is over everyone! Let's look forward to our next match to come, in just two days! }}
(The next match is shown, showing the two girls teaming up with Underbite Troll. They are named PandaUtters.)
(The next match is shown.)
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Brothers from another mother vs PandaUtters }}
{{Script|Henry|Henry|Brothers from another mother vs PandaUtters }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Later that day }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Later that day }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeeeaaaahhhh!! Dude, that was amazing.. Like really amazing. I feel greart.. Oh man, we fucking won!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeeeaaaahhhh!! Dude, that was amazing.. Like really amazing. I feel greart.. Oh man, we fucking won!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah.. Could you not have your speech bubble over my head, i can't see.. Oh shit, it's hard to move my arm with this speech bubble on it.. Damn it. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah.. Could you not have your speech bubble over my head, i can't see.. Oh shit, it's hard to move my arm with this speech bubble on it.. Damn it. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Were so awesome i mean jus w w }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Were so awesome i mean jus w w }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Would you get that speech out of my fucking face? Geez.. Wait, who are those fuckers? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Would you get that speech out of my fucking face? Geez.. Wait, who are those fuckers? }}
(The Fantasy starwars crue appear. Bill holds a toy lightsaber.)
(The Fantasy starwars crue appear. Bill holds a toy lightsaber.)

==Page 15==
==Page 15==
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Obey One Kenobi.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Obey One Kenobi.. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Hey Underbite, we saw your match.. Just a heads up, the force was with you but.. It's more with us. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Hey Underbite, we saw your match.. Just a heads up, the force was with you but.. It's more with us. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dafuq. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dafuq. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|My name is biter un not Underbite.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|My name is biter un not Underbite.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|You got force i'll give you that. But you ain't got force like us.. You may got Jedi lightsabers but you ain't got Darth Vader lightsaber. You ain't got the Storm Troopers.. You ain't gotta giant fucking lizard and you AIN'T no Jabba The Hut. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|You got force i'll give you that. But you ain't got force like us.. You may got Jedi lightsabers but you ain't got Darth Vader lightsaber. You ain't got the Storm Troopers.. You ain't gotta giant fucking lizard and you AIN'T no Jabba The Hut. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|We got Yoda action figures. You AIN'T got Yoda action figures. You ain't got Star Wars trading cards bitch. You AIN'T got a full collection, beat that. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|We got Yoda action figures. You AIN'T got Yoda action figures. You ain't got Star Wars trading cards bitch. You AIN'T got a full collection, beat that. }}
(Bill holds and very dramatically drops a stack of Star Wars trading cards.)
(Bill holds and very dramatically drops a stack of Star Wars trading cards.)
{{Script|Bill|Bill|You ain't got C3PO Motha fuckers. You AIN'T got shit. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|You ain't got C3PO Motha fuckers. You AIN'T got shit. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|It AIN'T worth it man, save the force for the battle man, save it for the battle.. Don't do a Jar Jar Binx, save it for the battle man. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|It AIN'T worth it man, save the force for the battle man, save it for the battle.. Don't do a Jar Jar Binx, save it for the battle man. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Luke Skywalker and R2D2 bitch.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Luke Skywalker and R2D2 bitch.. }}
(Bill makes a gangsta sign and runs off.)
(Bill makes a gangsta sign and runs off.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck was that?.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck was that?.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|A bunch of Star Wars homo fanboy trolls.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|A bunch of Star Wars homo fanboy trolls.. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Meanwhile, back to Underbites house. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Meanwhile, back to Underbites house. }}
(Underbite Troll and Markus enter their room. Two shadowy figures are seen.)
(Underbite Troll and Markus enter their room. Two shadowy figures are seen.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the hell are you doing in my room? I told you they would steal our shit.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the hell are you doing in my room? I told you they would steal our shit.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Those aren't the two bimbo bitches.. Who are you? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Those aren't the two bimbo bitches.. Who are you? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I am Mysushi and he's Sirpigsalot.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I am Mysushi and he's Sirpigsalot.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Great.. Now fuck off out of my house you faggots. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Great.. Now fuck off out of my house you faggots. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|We wish to be your friends, and what friends do is break into each others houses and wait for them all creepy-like in the dark while looking through their belongings... }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|We wish to be your friends, and what friends do is break into each others houses and wait for them all creepy-like in the dark while looking through their belongings... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|No.. Friends don't do that. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|No.. Friends don't do that. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|They don't? For reals? I thought.. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|They don't? For reals? I thought.. }}

==Page 16==
==Page 16==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|How did you get in our room?! Why don't you leave you pig bitch.. You Asians man.. Ching ching chong, get the ching out og my fucking room ching chong ding dong.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|How did you get in our room?! Why don't you leave you pig bitch.. You Asians man.. Ching ching chong, get the ching out og my fucking room ching chong ding dong.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|You're trolling is impressive inderrd, ching. We'll gibe you head uhh, a heads up. We've been uh-stalking you for quite awherle. What i mean by a wherle is, the last a couple of hours.. Like, very intensely.. Sometimes we like to do things wherle we watch people.. Very Asian like things. Like, incest kinds of things and things with squids.. Oh and hentia, ohhh yeah... Incest hentia.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|You're trolling is impressive inderrd, ching. We'll gibe you head uhh, a heads up. We've been uh-stalking you for quite awherle. What i mean by a wherle is, the last a couple of hours.. Like, very intensely.. Sometimes we like to do things wherle we watch people.. Very Asian like things. Like, incest kinds of things and things with squids.. Oh and hentia, ohhh yeah... Incest hentia.. }}
(Markus appears horrified.)
(Markus appears horrified.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Good fucking Lord! With squids? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Good fucking Lord! With squids? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Yes.... Squids.. Have you ever seen a squid try to crawl its way out of some, very hairy girls pussy? No? Ok i grant you that, it's not everyones thing. But, have you seen one try to crawl out of some, very hairy girls asshole? No? Ok, i grant you that. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Yes.... Squids.. Have you ever seen a squid try to crawl its way out of some, very hairy girls pussy? No? Ok i grant you that, it's not everyones thing. But, have you seen one try to crawl out of some, very hairy girls asshole? No? Ok, i grant you that. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Ohh, squid fuck to the yaahh!! You like anime? Manga? Oh yahh.. Those school girls and their panties yah? It's like, ohh you're underaged girl but we don't care we Asian.. I want to poor smelly Fish sauce all over my chopstick, oh yahh... }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Ohh, squid fuck to the yaahh!! You like anime? Manga? Oh yahh.. Those school girls and their panties yah? It's like, ohh you're underaged girl but we don't care we Asian.. I want to poor smelly Fish sauce all over my chopstick, oh yahh... }}
(Sirpigsalot bites his lip.)
(Sirpigsalot bites his lip.)
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|You know, i didn't think watching a hentia of Sasuke fucking Naruto with his chidori would be so hot yahh, so hot.. Sooooo hot aww yeahhhh... God damn it yahh, yahh god damn it YAHHHH!! }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|You know, i didn't think watching a hentia of Sasuke fucking Naruto with his chidori would be so hot yahh, so hot.. Sooooo hot aww yeahhhh... God damn it yahh, yahh god damn it YAHHHH!! }}
(Mysushi and Sirpigsalot smile at each other.)
(Mysushi and Sirpigsalot smile at each other.)
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did you cum? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did you cum? }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Yes, i uh-came-uh so hard, so hard.. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Yes, i uh-came-uh so hard, so hard.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Good boy. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Good boy. }}
(Underbite Troll facepalms, with the text "Face palm!!" visibly appearing over him.)
(Underbite Troll facepalms, with the text "Face palm!!" visibly appearing over him.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What do you want? Id like it if you two squid, incest anime freaky fucks get out of my house.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What do you want? Id like it if you two squid, incest anime freaky fucks get out of my house.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Relax, we could give you massage with some oils and love you long time.. We want to make uh-deal... Like, an exchange of business and uh-maybe, a trade of fish and trust.. We wish to be uh-allies not foe. We uh-could help each other out long time... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Relax, we could give you massage with some oils and love you long time.. We want to make uh-deal... Like, an exchange of business and uh-maybe, a trade of fish and trust.. We wish to be uh-allies not foe. We uh-could help each other out long time... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|A truce? Why should we? What kind of deal are we talking about? I'm not into the sexy massage thing you speak of.. And i don't want fish. Why should we help each other out long time? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|A truce? Why should we? What kind of deal are we talking about? I'm not into the sexy massage thing you speak of.. And i don't want fish. Why should we help each other out long time? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We have more to ffer than uh-just fishhhh.. Perhaps pork? Or chicken?  Rice?? Asian son who is very good at uh-playing piano? Cat? Dog? Assassinating children at school bus uh-stop with our car? Because we uh-good driver? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We have more to ffer than uh-just fishhhh.. Perhaps pork? Or chicken?  Rice?? Asian son who is very good at uh-playing piano? Cat? Dog? Assassinating children at school bus uh-stop with our car? Because we uh-good driver? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't want any fish, dog, cat, porky, chicken or anything else you've mentioned.. Do you know anything about the rest of the competition dipshit? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't want any fish, dog, cat, porky, chicken or anything else you've mentioned.. Do you know anything about the rest of the competition dipshit? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|What if i did and i give you uh-this information hmm? If i do we truce? We friends? Or you jsut try things, like you try to uh-strap me down? You try to spit in my mouth? Try to stick your fist in my anus? Try to dress me up like lady? Try to make me feel pretty? No? No dress me up like uh-Disney Princess? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|What if i did and i give you uh-this information hmm? If i do we truce? We friends? Or you jsut try things, like you try to uh-strap me down? You try to spit in my mouth? Try to stick your fist in my anus? Try to dress me up like lady? Try to make me feel pretty? No? No dress me up like uh-Disney Princess? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What!? You on meth? Stop saying stupid shit you dumb Asian.. God learn to drive... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What!? You on meth? Stop saying stupid shit you dumb Asian.. God learn to drive... }}
(Markus is offended.)
(Markus is offended.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude that's racist and inconsiderate.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude that's racist and inconsiderate.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We know things, we uh-stalk people yes? We know how to break into houses and find personal belonging. We look through phones and learn stufffff, things... Looking on internet, looking under their bed for dildo. Whatever you want yahh? Anything you need. We truce now? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We know things, we uh-stalk people yes? We know how to break into houses and find personal belonging. We look through phones and learn stufffff, things... Looking on internet, looking under their bed for dildo. Whatever you want yahh? Anything you need. We truce now? }}

==Page 17==
==Page 17==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Okay.. We'll truce and be allies, but first we're gonna break into some rooms and find out what we're dealing with. The first room we hit will be those bimbo cunts room, to see if they're really on our side... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Okay.. We'll truce and be allies, but first we're gonna break into some rooms and find out what we're dealing with. The first room we hit will be those bimbo cunts room, to see if they're really on our side... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Alright man! Let the four of us be sneaky sneaky.. It's time to see exactly what all of these people are about. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Alright man! Let the four of us be sneaky sneaky.. It's time to see exactly what all of these people are about. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Let's uh-go big time Honey Boo Boo.. Ching ching, chong. We gonna sneaky into people's houses tonight. Like Twilight level of stalking yah? Without the vampire rape. Instead we just be uh-ninja niiggggaa... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Let's uh-go big time Honey Boo Boo.. Ching ching, chong. We gonna sneaky into people's houses tonight. Like Twilight level of stalking yah? Without the vampire rape. Instead we just be uh-ninja niiggggaa... }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Outside.. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Outside.. }}
(The group appears running around the apartment complex. Underbite Troll is strangely off-model, with his head drawn very large.)
(The group appears running around the apartment complex. Underbite Troll is strangely off-model, with his head drawn very large.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude.. You so got a bobblehead right now... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude.. You so got a bobblehead right now... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Shut up, sneaking time means shutting the fuck up time, so do us a favor and shut the fuck up time.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Shut up, sneaking time means shutting the fuck up time, so do us a favor and shut the fuck up time.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I knockie and no one answerie. No one around, now follow my lead.. There's uh-window up there look. We don't go for the window on the bottom it's not uh-open.. Let's uh-try the one on top. You jump ip there to get in yahh.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I knockie and no one answerie. No one around, now follow my lead.. There's uh-window up there look. We don't go for the window on the bottom it's not uh-open.. Let's uh-try the one on top. You jump ip there to get in yahh.. }}
(The group makes their way to an open window. Mysushi bends over as the other three use him as a foothold to enter the open window.)
(The group makes their way to an open window. Mysushi bends over as the other three use him as a foothold to enter the open window.)
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|What's this uh-strange uh-smell? It's uh-mixture of too much uh-perfume and lot's of uh-dry semen.. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|What's this uh-strange uh-smell? It's uh-mixture of too much uh-perfume and lot's of uh-dry semen.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|They're not here dude.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|They're not here dude.. }}
(Mysushi makes his way into the room.)
(Mysushi makes his way into the room.)
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Do you know how high of uh-jump it was to this window? You were uh-suppose to pull me up after you got in the uh-room. Ching, oh just stand there, i don't uh-need any help.. Americans, i uh-swear... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Do you know how high of uh-jump it was to this window? You were uh-suppose to pull me up after you got in the uh-room. Ching, oh just stand there, i don't uh-need any help.. Americans, i uh-swear... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I'm not telepathic, i can't read minds.. I can't life your fatass anyways geez.... You should stick to making playstations and quit the nagging, butthurt much? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I'm not telepathic, i can't read minds.. I can't life your fatass anyways geez.... You should stick to making playstations and quit the nagging, butthurt much? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Keep watch noob.. We don't want those sluts to know we're looking through their shit.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Keep watch noob.. We don't want those sluts to know we're looking through their shit.. }}
(Sirpigsalot finds a dildo and begins to lick it.)
(Sirpigsalot finds a dildo and begins to lick it.)
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Uh-score! We found dildo... Oh nice, she loves it long time.. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Uh-score! We found dildo... Oh nice, she loves it long time.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck are you doing?? Put that nasty shit down... You know thsoe bitches ain't clean. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck are you doing?? Put that nasty shit down... You know thsoe bitches ain't clean. }}

==Page 18==
==Page 18==
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|I like it uh-dirty, i hope she put it in her anus.... }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|I like it uh-dirty, i hope she put it in her anus.... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I'm-uh shove this up my ass then you licky licky yahh? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I'm-uh shove this up my ass then you licky licky yahh? }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Oh uh-fuck uh-yahhhh.. }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|Oh uh-fuck uh-yahhhh.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No! Drop it.. Wtf you guys are disgusting.. Look for dirt not dildos. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No! Drop it.. Wtf you guys are disgusting.. Look for dirt not dildos. }}
(Someone points at a speck of dirt.)
(Someone points at a speck of dirt.)
{{Script|???|Unknown speaker|Found some dirt... }}
{{Script|???|Unknown speaker|Found some dirt... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No!! I didn't mean literal dirt.. I mean dirt, as in info to use against them.. Chris Chan damn it you're retarded... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No!! I didn't mean literal dirt.. I mean dirt, as in info to use against them.. Chris Chan damn it you're retarded... }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Two hours later. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Two hours later. }}
(Sirpigsalot searches through a fridge as Mysushi looks around a table.)
(Sirpigsalot searches through a fridge as Mysushi looks around a table.)
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|The freezer only has uh-lots of chocolate ice cream and yogurt. Hmm, there seems to be uh-misplaced first season box set of Sex in The City.. Girl uh-stereotype confirmed... }}
{{Script|Sirpigsalot|Sirpigsalot|The freezer only has uh-lots of chocolate ice cream and yogurt. Hmm, there seems to be uh-misplaced first season box set of Sex in The City.. Girl uh-stereotype confirmed... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I found uh-pictures of Johnny Depp And Zac Efron, but that's to be expected. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|I found uh-pictures of Johnny Depp And Zac Efron, but that's to be expected. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey dude, i wonder if girls make sandwiches ahead of time you know? Did you check the fridge for already prepared sandwiches? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Hey dude, i wonder if girls make sandwiches ahead of time you know? Did you check the fridge for already prepared sandwiches? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Any of you find anything? I can't find a damn thing that would help.. Girl houses are so clean. I kinda expected it from women though, a clean house.. What we need to do is somehow get our hands on their phones. But bitches never leave their phones out of sight. Let's just break into another house.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Any of you find anything? I can't find a damn thing that would help.. Girl houses are so clean. I kinda expected it from women though, a clean house.. What we need to do is somehow get our hands on their phones. But bitches never leave their phones out of sight. Let's just break into another house.. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Outside. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Outside. }}
(The group approaches another door. Mysushi uses a knife to force a door open. Inside the room, a cum-stained collection of photos featuring previous panels of Underbite Troll is shown. Underbite Troll and Markus are shocked.)
(The group approaches another door. Mysushi uses a knife to force a door open. Inside the room, a cum-stained collection of photos featuring previous panels of Underbite Troll is shown. Underbite Troll and Markus are shocked.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|WHAT THE FUCK!? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|WHAT THE FUCK!? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I don't think i want to break into peoples houses anymore.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I don't think i want to break into peoples houses anymore.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Ohhhh... Someone has the uh-hots for you.. So uh-hot, so uh-hot.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Ohhhh... Someone has the uh-hots for you.. So uh-hot, so uh-hot.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Who's room is this? It smells like moldy armpits... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Who's room is this? It smells like moldy armpits... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't know but let's wait and find out.. I want to see the pervert that's wacking off to my pictures so i can pwn him. God, what a reject.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't know but let's wait and find out.. I want to see the pervert that's wacking off to my pictures so i can pwn him. God, what a reject.. }}

==Page 19==
==Page 19==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|It's been hours.. When is this prick getting back? I need to know what freaky fuck has been watching me... Touching his tiny willy to me.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|It's been hours.. When is this prick getting back? I need to know what freaky fuck has been watching me... Touching his tiny willy to me.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Um.. Dude, there's a Yoda action figured in here. There's a shitload of Star wars stuff under the bed.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Um.. Dude, there's a Yoda action figured in here. There's a shitload of Star wars stuff under the bed.. }}
(Underbite Troll is terrified as he comes to a horrible realization.)
(Underbite Troll is terrified as he comes to a horrible realization.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|'''Oh my God Hitler...'''}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|'''Oh my God Hitler...'''}}
(The fantasy starwars crue enter.)
(The fantasy starwars crue enter.)
{{Script|Bill|Bill|I'm telling you.. That guy had no clue what he was talking about, Darth Vader would Slaughter Superman in a fight.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|I'm telling you.. That guy had no clue what he was talking about, Darth Vader would Slaughter Superman in a fight.. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Yeah seriously.. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Yeah seriously.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|....... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|....... }}
(Bill begins blushing.)
(Bill begins blushing.)
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Oh.... Oh... So, so you know.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Oh.... Oh... So, so you know.. }}
(The reactions of the characters present are shown. Underbite Troll is furious, Markus is shocked. Sirpigsalot and Mysushi are smiling, with the latter holding the dildo that the former discovered. Bill and Dill are embarrased.)
(The reactions of the characters present are shown. Underbite Troll is furious, Markus is shocked. Sirpigsalot and Mysushi are smiling, with the latter holding the dildo that the former discovered. Bill and Dill are embarrased.)
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Oh not good.. So not Jedi, so not Luke Skywalker... He does got force man, he does.. }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|Oh not good.. So not Jedi, so not Luke Skywalker... He does got force man, he does.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the hell?.. Oh, oh man this is dusgusting.... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the hell?.. Oh, oh man this is dusgusting.... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah man, get it all out man.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah man, get it all out man.. }}
(Underbite Troll pukes on the ground. The members of Fish and Pork begin to lap up his puke like dogs. Seeing this, Markus also pukes.)
(Underbite Troll pukes on the ground. The members of Fish and Pork begin to lap up his puke like dogs. Seeing this, Markus also pukes.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What.. What the hell!? What the hell.. What the hell, what the HELL!!? What the hell.. Oh God what the hell??... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What.. What the hell!? What the hell.. What the hell, what the HELL!!? What the hell.. Oh God what the hell??... }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|We can explain.. You don't understand, you don't.. You were so with the force you know? Attack of the clones.. Rise of the Jedi, you know? How hard it is to find someone who reminds you of Princess Leia... }}
{{Script|Dill|Dill|We can explain.. You don't understand, you don't.. You were so with the force you know? Attack of the clones.. Rise of the Jedi, you know? How hard it is to find someone who reminds you of Princess Leia... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|He looks nothing like her... What's even happening here?? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|He looks nothing like her... What's even happening here?? }}
(Bill begins to get closer to Underbite Troll.)
(Bill begins to get closer to Underbite Troll.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|NO!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|NO!! }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Can i touch your lips?.. My own little Princess Leia... Oh don't go, i just.. I just want you to touch my Yoda.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Can i touch your lips?.. My own little Princess Leia... Oh don't go, i just.. I just want you to touch my Yoda.. }}

==Page 20==
==Page 20==
(Underbite Troll is drawn in extreme detail as he screams in horror.)
(Underbite Troll is drawn in extreme detail as he screams in horror.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|'''Get the fuck away from me!!''' }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|'''Get the fuck away from me!!''' }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Wow! I've neever seen such a dramatic face.. Overdramatic much? Wow, that is way too much detail for that panel.. }}
{{Script|Bill|Bill|Wow! I've neever seen such a dramatic face.. Overdramatic much? Wow, that is way too much detail for that panel.. }}
(Underbite Troll jumps out a window, shattering the glass.)
(Underbite Troll jumps out a window, shattering the glass.)
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Yes i know the window gets bigger :D }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Yes i know the window gets bigger :D }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Holy shit!! Not good!! Not good... Shitty turkey balls, not good at all.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Holy shit!! Not good!! Not good... Shitty turkey balls, not good at all.. }}
(Underbite lands on the ground, glass shards piercing his legs.)
(Underbite lands on the ground, glass shards piercing his legs.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Flame on!! It's tea bagging time bitches!.. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Flame on!! It's tea bagging time bitches!.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh no no no no no no Hey!! I'm not dead, i'm not dead!! Back off bro back off.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh no no no no no no Hey!! I'm not dead, i'm not dead!! Back off bro back off.. }}
{{Script|Teabagger|Teabagger|Sorry dude, man.. I almost tea bagged the living...... I feel so.. So awful now.. I'm truly sorry man. }}
(The teabagger walks away.)
{{Script|Teabagger|Master Queef|Sorry dude, man.. I almost tea bagged the living...... I feel so.. So awful now.. I'm truly sorry man. }}
(Master Queef walks away.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude you alright? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude you alright? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|AHHHH!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|AHHHH!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Do i look alright!? I have glass in my fucking leg.. AHH!! You know what? Oh yeah, i'm doing wonderful.. Everything's just perfect. I feel like i'm on the rainbow ride of joy! Yeah i feel great.. Fucking idiot, that was a stupid question dumbass.. Fuck you faggot face with bitch tits... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Do i look alright!? I have glass in my fucking leg.. AHH!! You know what? Oh yeah, i'm doing wonderful.. Everything's just perfect. I feel like i'm on the rainbow ride of joy! Yeah i feel great.. Fucking idiot, that was a stupid question dumbass.. Fuck you faggot face with bitch tits... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|That's great dude, i'm glad you're doing well. Do you need anything while i'm up here? I don't know like, maybe a diaper? I'll be sure to find something for your butthurt. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|That's great dude, i'm glad you're doing well. Do you need anything while i'm up here? I don't know like, maybe a diaper? I'll be sure to find something for your butthurt. }}
(Mysushi grabs Markus.)
(Mysushi grabs Markus.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What are you doing? }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What are you doing? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We gotta go like now. Speed speed fast go! }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We gotta go like now. Speed speed fast go! }}
(Markus is hurled out the window.)
(Markus is hurled out the window.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|MARKUS!!!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|MARKUS!!!! }}
(Markus hits the ground face first.)
(Markus hits the ground face first.)

==Page 21==
==Page 21==
(Underbite Troll stands up. Fish and Pork jump from the window, landing nearby Markus' body.  As Sirpigsalot lands, a shard of glass pieces him through the top of his head.)
(Underbite Troll stands up. Fish and Pork jump from the window, landing nearby Markus' body.  As Sirpigsalot lands, a shard of glass pieces him through the top of his head.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck!! }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What the fuck!! }}
(Sirpigsalot's body drops near Mysushi.)
(Sirpigsalot's body drops near Mysushi.)
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We have to go now.. like real fast ching ching.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|We have to go now.. like real fast ching ching.. }}
(Underbite Troll and Mysushi run off, with Underbite Troll leaving behind a trail of blood.)
(Underbite Troll and Mysushi run off, with Underbite Troll leaving behind a trail of blood.)
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did you just uh-leave him behind? Isn't he your friend? Your love uh-dog? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did you just uh-leave him behind? Isn't he your friend? Your love uh-dog? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I thought you had him!? Oh craple, we can't go back there.. Those Star Wars nerds are so pervy dude, they wonna put my sperm in a jar to make oil-like lube for their jackoff parties.. And, they want to wear my skin as a jacket.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I thought you had him!? Oh craple, we can't go back there.. Those Star Wars nerds are so pervy dude, they wonna put my sperm in a jar to make oil-like lube for their jackoff parties.. And, they want to wear my skin as a jacket.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did Sirpigsalot make it out of there? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did Sirpigsalot make it out of there? }}
(Underbite Troll appears annoyed, eyes open.)
(Underbite Troll appears annoyed, eyes open.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|...... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|...... }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did he? }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Did he? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You fucking serious? He got a glass shard in his head.. He's fucking dead!.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You fucking serious? He got a glass shard in his head.. He's fucking dead!.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|But did he make it out? So... Yes? No? Maybe? Perhaps? Uh-huh? Totally? Fish. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|But did he make it out? So... Yes? No? Maybe? Perhaps? Uh-huh? Totally? Fish. }}
(Markus appears, head bleeding.)
(Markus appears, head bleeding.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What the hell man!! You just left me htere.. I got T-bagged.... }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|What the hell man!! You just left me htere.. I got T-bagged.... }}

==Page 22==
==Page 22==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah dude, those guys were gonna use my face to skeet on.. Fuck that! Avoiding that is way more important than our friendship.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah dude, those guys were gonna use my face to skeet on.. Fuck that! Avoiding that is way more important than our friendship.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I guess you're right, i forgive you. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I guess you're right, i forgive you. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Ok good ok, i'm uh-go eat cat now.. }}
{{Script|Mysushi|Mysushi|Ok good ok, i'm uh-go eat cat now.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah cats are evil sons of bitches.. They killed that crazy dude at the matchmaking center. Let's go eat those assholes.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah cats are evil sons of bitches.. They killed that crazy dude at the matchmaking center. Let's go eat those assholes.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I sure as hell am down to eat some pussy after what just happened.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I sure as hell am down to eat some pussy after what just happened.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude, nevermind that didn't sound right.. This might sounds gay but i think i've been around sexual language and behavior way too much these last couple days.. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude, nevermind that didn't sound right.. This might sounds gay but i think i've been around sexual language and behavior way too much these last couple days.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah you're a faggot.. }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Yeah you're a faggot.. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|Next day Underbite makes his way back to the Matchmaking Center. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Next day Underbite makes his way back to the Matchmaking Center. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hello, you've asked for us to come in? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hello, you've asked for us to come in? }}
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|Copy-pasted troll|Yes, each team is suppose to make a poster for the competition. You're the only ones who haven't made yours. You were suppose to be told sooner but the guy whom i am replacing, decided to get butthurt and die by being butthurt, pussy.. He was totally mad bro... }}
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|No Fucking Toriginality|Yes, each team is suppose to make a poster for the competition. You're the only ones who haven't made yours. You were suppose to be told sooner but the guy whom i am replacing, decided to get butthurt and die by being butthurt, pussy.. He was totally mad bro... }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|A poster? Sweet dude. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|A poster? Sweet dude. }}
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|Copy-pasted troll|Go to the room in the back and take your picture bitches. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|After taking the picture. }}
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|No Fucking Toriginality|Go to the room in the back and take your picture bitches. }}
(Various posters are shown, featuring the BiteUnder League, Fish and Pork, a photo of chewbacca with the text "Nun i got da force like us!!!!" written on it, presumed to be The fantasy starwars crue's, Retard Double Threat, and PandaUtters.)<br>
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|After taking the picture. }}
(Various posters are shown, featuring the BiteUnder League, Fish and Pork, a photo of chewbacca with the text "Nun i got da force like us!!!!" written on it, presumed to be The fantasy starwars crue's, Retard Double Threat, and the PandaUtters.)<br>
(BiteUnder League's poster shows Underbite Troll wearing gangster clothing and flipping off the camera. Markus stands annoyed beside him.)
(BiteUnder League's poster shows Underbite Troll wearing gangster clothing and flipping off the camera. Markus stands annoyed beside him.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|i don't even want to be in this poster. this poster is stupid}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|i don't even want to be in this poster. this poster is stupid}}
(Fish and Pork features a squid's tentacles on the bottom with various Japanese phrases written all over the poster. Retard Double Threat features many Illuminati triangles with poorly cut out images placed on a rainbow background. Butter Tits and The Dick Taker's heads are pasted over Shrek's and a man's face respectively. PandaUtters' poster is themed after a typical celebrity magazine cover, with the purple hair girl posing in a swimsuit. The white hair girl is in a small corner. Troll King, Brad Pitt, "Paperbag Man" and Lowtax also appear.)
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|Copy-pasted troll|Your guys' writing on the poster is completely terrible, kill yourself. }}
(Fish and Pork features a squid's tentacles on the bottom with various Japanese phrases written all over the poster. Retard Double Threat features many Illuminati triangles with poorly cut out images placed on a rainbow background. Butter Tits and The Dick Taker's heads are pasted over Shrek's and a man's face respectively. The PandaUtters' poster is themed after a typical celebrity magazine cover, with Utters posing in a swimsuit. Panda is in a small corner. Troll King, Brad Pitt, "Paperbag Man" and Lowtax also appear.)
{{Script|Copy-pasted troll|No Fucking Toriginality|Your guys' writing on the poster is completely terrible, kill yourself. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah whatever faggot.. And why do you look the same in every panel? It's as if Lazerbot got lazy and copied and pasted you, dickhead. }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Yeah whatever faggot.. And why do you look the same in every panel? It's as if Lazerbot got lazy and copied and pasted you, dickhead. }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|What will happen on the next on The Adventures of Underbite Troll? Stay tuned! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|What will happen on the next on The Adventures of Underbite Troll? Stay tuned! }}
==Page 23==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|'''Previously on The Adventures Of Underbite Troll!! Him and Markus got traumatized by seeing people die right in front of them, And by creepy bitch ass bitch doing creepy shit.'''}}
(Cut to Underbite Troll sitting on a chair in his room.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No sleep... Who needs it.. Not me.. never..}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|What was that sound?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh Hitler.. Why does things like that happen..?}}
(Flashback to when Mingus died, Underbite Troll discovering the images the Fantasy Starwars Crue had of him, fish and pork licking Underbite Trolls puke, and Sirpigsalot death.)
(Underbite Troll starts crying.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|.......}}
(Noise is heard outside of Underbite Troll's room. Underbite Troll bursts out of his room.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I won't be your skeet blanket!!}}
(Markus is in the living room.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Oh, It's just you. For a moment i thought you were those star wars creepers, fixing to get frisky with my rectum.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude I'm fucking traumatized dude. Why does crazy shit always happen to us? It's almost like trolling invites that sort of insanity.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Don't talk like that dude. That's not super killer. Trolling is not the cause of all this crazy shit, People are.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You're right. But man, My mind is fucked right now.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Me too. I can't even sleep and tea isn't working. We need something to help us or there's no way we are going to win the tournament. Not in this uneasy noob state.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Are you saying we should find Religion? Give ourselves to a higher power or some shit?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Fuck no, I'm not desperate enough for that. I was gonna suggest therapy. Dumbass.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|We can't afford therapy. The only way we could afford it is after we win the tournament, but we can't do that until we get therapy. so there's a problem here.}}
==Page 24==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I am aware of that noober.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Shup up man. I just want the quiet.. I need help.. I can't handle the voices.}}
(One panel of Underbite Troll and Markus looking like anime characters.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I know that sounds crazy... I'm a bitch..}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|We could get some weed.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Can we afford that right now? How do you get money again? How are we not homeless?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I have a disability. I receive pretty nice checks monthly.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You got a disability? What is it?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I've already told you dude. I got two dicks.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Dude, I thought you were joking.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I wasn't. I was literally born with two penises.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|You're fucking with me right?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Haha of course I am..}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|No! fucktard! FUCKTARD!!}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Grumpy douche. Chill yourself.}}
==Page 25==
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'll prove it...}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I don't wanna see your dick..}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You know that's a lie. Trollolol you gay as hell.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I'm not gay.}}
(Underbite Troll points towards Markus.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Then why do you only have male friends? Why are you always around me?}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Wait . . .}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I like pussy and boobs too much. I can't be gay...}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't care. Freat your eyes on these fuckers.}}
(Underbite Troll pulls down his pants and reveals his two penises.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Oh God no!! Oh my eyes!!}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|It's not that bad asshole.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|MY EYES!!!!}}
(Markus starts scratching his face.)
==Page 26==
(Markus stops scratching his face.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Man, PUT THOSE DICKS AWAY! I didn't need to see that shit. Fuck.}}
(Underbite Troll pulls up his pants.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Sorry.. I haven't had any sleep. We're on the edge man, We need a smoke break.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|That does sound good, I haven't smoked in ages. Last time I smoked was during college, remember when we went to that concert. Who was the singer? It was that one bitch with red hair and tattoos.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I don't remember. And thanks for the shitty description bro. It's not like there's a bunch of redheads with tattoos or anything.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|How do we get weed? I don't know anyone who has any. We got no connections or sources.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Let's ask around Troll city.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Fuck it, Let's go.}}
(Underbite Troll and Markus walk outside.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Dude, it's in the middle of the night and it's cold as fuck outside. Use your brain you damn goon! Goon, Goon, Goons ass goon.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I still don't get it. Are you calling me a henchman? That's hilarious but also stupid. Your a retard bro.}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Is that all you got? With trolling like that we don't stand a chance. We need to get high and find our zen.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Right, We'll be going tomorrow then.}}
(Underbite Troll and Markus go back inside.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|...Now what?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|We go back to sleep.}}
(Markus grabs Underbite Troll by the shirt.)
{{Script|Markus|Markus|I CAN'T SLEEP BRO!!}}
(Underbite Troll pushes Markus away.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Well boohoo, I can't sleep either, don't be a bitch about it.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Well! You're a bitch too!}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|I'm going to bed, you piss me off sometimes.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Goodnight pal!}}
==Page 27==
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|The Next day Underbite Troll and Markus wander around the tournament apartment rooms asking for the '''smokage.'''}}
(Buff panel of Underbite Troll.)
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|Unfortunately, they're being grumpy douchebags because they are restless, let's have a look now and see how it's working out for them.}}
(Underbite Troll and Markus are talking to two furries.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|So, can you furry loving, rock eating, cock sucking, pieces of fox shit, sprinkled on a pizza, possibly help me find some weed?}}
{{Script|Pink Furry|Pink Furry|Sorry to disappoint the town rejects but considering you're used to it, I guess I can.}}
{{Script|Pink Furry|Pink Furry|No.}}
{{Script|Blue Furry|Blue Furry|I don't know. Perhaps you should ask the tooth fairy for help. Heeheehee..}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|'''YAWN!'''}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|You're no help.}}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|Wait. What the fuck does that mean?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Hey, you know where to find this tooth fairy person? Sounds like a lead.}}
(The furry couple hug.)
{{Script|Pink Furry|Pink Furry|This retard believes in the tooth fairy??!!!TROLOLOLOLOL WHAT A NOOB!!}}
{{Script|Blue Furry|Blue Furry|TROLOLOLOLOLOL.}}
(Underbite Troll gets angry.)
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Do you furies lick buttholes because you got shit breath. I can smell it from over here. Does she like Gargling on those dog nuts?}}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|Lipstick dicks are gross. You two really aren't important to me, you skeet eaters. Can we skip the chat and you two idiots tell me where the fucking weed is!?}}
{{Script|Blue Furry|Blue Furry|Why would we help you? you're being dickheads and insulting us.}}
{{Script|Pink Furry|Pink Furry|Yeah fuck you guys.}}

[[Category: Scripts]]
[[Category: Scripts]]

Latest revision as of 18:22, 19 September 2024

Stats (up to Page 22)

  • Character count: ~45300
  • No spaces: ~37000
  • Character with most lines: Underbite Troll (127)
  • Characters with least lines: Lowtax, Marley (1)

Page 1

Narrator GuyHello my fellow people as you've notice TGT has gotten pretty big on the net, it is talked about in multiple forums and it has its own YouTube videos. The comic is surely rising and like most big Animes like naruto and bleach they have useless episodes that fill in the space which are called fillers and with ou no further A due I introduce to you the first Tails gets trolled fillers

(Underbite Troll sips a cup of tea.)

Underbite Trollits been awhil since i had a cup of tea hmm..

Markushey bro whats the matter? you only drink tea when something is bothering you. so what is it now?

Underbite Trollwell this one guy i pwned awhile back has been spreading rumors about us to the whole troll city man this guy is so butt hurt. well this prick as been saying things

MarkusRumors? what kind of rumors? what this dude say? i need to know man i am not a big fan of gossip unless I'm the one doing the shit talking. this is not cool at all I'm almost mad bro

Underbite Trollwell hes telling everyone that we are gay lovers and we like to 360 each other. Its likee a way more advance version of the 96 that normal people do. He also said you like to be Freddy got fingered in the butt by me, he said we are gayer then professional porno stars and he said we like to take all kinds of giant broom sticks from the behind up our asses

Markusahah but hes lying that isn't true at all

Underbite Trollno shit its a lie you fucking idiot, thats wat a rumor is a lie. man your one retarded bacon eating green hair dick sucker. you have so much faggotry you stupid fag butt hurt

Markuswhat are we gonna do about this?

Underbite Trollwere going to kick these noobs in the balls and Pwn them sorry bitches with our trolling

Narrator Guyout side Which is suppose to be one word not two

Markuswe got to find that pussy face mother fucker

Underbite Trollthere he is and he gots his fucktard friend with him too. okay its time to pwn this batsard

Butter Titsoh lookie here that big teeth retard brought his gay friend to talk to us

The Dick Takerthat's the faggot underbite troll

Page 2

(Underbite Troll flips the two off.)

Underbite Trollmy name is bite under troll not under bite troll

Markusyeah fuck you I'm not gay bro and its you two who like it up the butt gay porn style not us so suck on those apples bitches

(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker smirk.)

Butter Titsoh there so mad bro

Markusyeah there so mad

Underbite Trollsays the fat ass who is in need of a diet, you guys always were terrible at trolling.

Markuswhat my non homosexual friend said

Butter Titswhy don't we settle this like men. You and your partner vs me and my partner

Underbite Trolltroll off it is

(Markus screams.)


Narrator Guythe underbite squad vs the retard double threat

Underbite Trollyour worse then chris chan

Markusyeah you make sonicshu look good

Butter Titsyour gay and a retard, you're so stupid and your friend is ugly just like you

The Dick Takerlook at this guy and his deformed teeth

Underbite Trollyou must eat a lot of food every part of you is huge, well almost every part. I suppose you have troubles finding your dick. not even a telescope can help you see your penis, a skittle would be a huge improvement.

Markusyeah every time you walk the earth shakes with your flab jiggling doing worse damage then hurricane sandy bitch and your trolling is just as terrible as somethingawfuls suggestions and assumptions

Butter Titsyour gay and you don't know anything, you dumb retard. you have no talent you big tooth virgin

(Dick Taker takes on a smug expression.)

The Dick Takeryeah you two are gay virgins who like to lick out each others butt holes like a dirty slut

Underbite TrollHahaa your milk shake brings all the fags in the yard, oh hey I bet that if I took a shit on a piece of pizza and offered it to you then you would still eat it and probably end up licking off my fingers too huh?

MarkusOh look at the skinny guy oh what's wrong? Did your friend here take all your food? It is easy to assume that you don't know what the inside of a vagina feels like

(Butter Tits appears somewhat annoyed.)

Butter Titsshut up you faggot you have no friends you talentless looking beaver

The Dick TakerI got some pusspuss before shut your face! You just mad because I was with your whore mom last night yeah bitch!

Page 3

Underbite TrollYou both are so gay with each other that the only thing my mom would do is feed your skinny ass friend because he looks like he is starving, you should get an aids test

Markusgo titty fuck yourself with a stick of butter, you prolly have doodoo stains in your whitey tighties that been there so long that it melted a hole through it

(The Retard Double Threat begins to frown.)

Butter Titswh... what? No way screw you that's not true. Fuck you man, fuck you hard

The Dick Takeryou guys are stupid and don't know shit suck on these balls

Markusfinish it off man

Underbite TrollTitty bank titty bank titty bank bank, youa re the guy who's titties stank stank :D hey I bet when it gets cold at night you clothe your skinny ass friend with your fat rolls, and with your triple neck you could roll out to be the rug for your mass homosexual orgies you both attend to every single mother fucking day son

(Butter Tits and The Dick Taker are shocked, mouths open.)

Butter Tits........................

The Dick Taker...................

Underbite Trolli win again. you guys sure like to get your ass pwned by me, you guys shouldn't of fucking gossiped about me it all brings you nothing but pwnage. now take your defeat like a man

Butter Titsfuck you, you didn't win shit I'm still gonna talk shit about you guys behind your backs to everyone in this town. so in the end our trolling will win unless you spread rumors about us

Underbite Trollyou might want to practice your trolling a bit. your still at noobie level and i am a pro bro, i hope you don't gossip about me anymore i wouldn't want to record the next time and put it on youtube. just face the facts I'm better then you in every way. no need to be mad bro

(Underbite Troll rushes towards Butter Tits.)

Butter Titsfuck you

Underbite Trolloh and this is for starting a fight you couldn't win!

(Underbite Troll kicks Butter Tits in the balls.)



(Underbite Troll walks away, flipping the two off as he goes.)

Underbite Trollconsider your self pwned bitch

The Dick Takerno not the balls, you went to far man. no no not the balls

(Markus stares with a blank smile on his face.)

Narrator Guywhat will happen to underbite troll next stay tooned :D

Page 4

Narrator GuyPreviously on the Adventures of Underbite troll, Him and his best bud Markus Pwned the two trolls who were spreading rumors about them in the troll city. What will happen now!?

Underbite TrollAnd I said, fuck you! 4Chan can dry suck my ballz-n-ass hair. Airy dry that shit like a hair dryer. And then he compared me to Chrischan. And I was like, sorry I already said that about you noob.

MarkusNoiceee mannne.. I was there but niceee.

Underbite TrollYeah, whatever faggot. Now listen up, I have an awesome idea. AWESOME IDEA BROSKOYOHO!! We make our own forum. And yes, I know we can pwn at it dude. And we will name this forum, drum roll..... DRUM ROLL GOD DAMN IT!


Underbite TrollDUDE!! What the fuck was that? I said drum roll dipshit! Not retarded fucking drum noises you dumb faggot. Whatever, you can't drum roll worth a fuck, just forget it man... But like I was saying, my idea is to make a forum. And it will be called, Underbite Troll Ride.

(Markus opens his mouth and makes a wide smile. A smiling face also appears in the air around him.)


MarkusNah.. That idea is kind of gay, not the good kind of gay, the bad kind of gay. The kind that is just WOAH!! That is totally maximum faggotry. Think about it man, we would have to make a fourm, and that's a bitch.. And then we would have to invite people and shit.

Underbite TrollFuck you, you're gay.

MarkusNo you're gay, but whatever you say faggot.

(Underbite Troll and Markus approach Jayce's stand of goods.)

MarkusHey, can I get the new addition of Troll Daily. You furry loving bastad you! ;)

JayceThat be like $20, you fucking idiot. You like masturbating to cartoon porn of Nickelodeon characters fucking each other.

Underbite TrollHey Jayce, it's been awhlie. How's that gold digging succubus bitch wife of yours? And how are those mentally retarded children of yours doing as well? You piece of shit.

(Jayce frowns.)

JayceThat bitch wife of mine is fucking the Mail man again. But I don't blame her, he is black. And that automatically means that he has a giant black snake dick. Ohh that reminds me, I had this dream that I got my dick stuck in the toaster. It felt good until I climaxed when my penis exploded.

Underbite TrollYou know what you should do? Kick your wife in the tit. I mean say hey, if you fuck that Mail man with da big penis one, more, time... I will kick that misshaped boob of yours hard bitch, and if she steps out of line, boob kick that slut again. And I dream about switching my bodies with a woman and then have sex with myself. Is that gay? I think not.

MarkusCool story bro.

(The camera zooms in on Markus' eyes.)


(The camera moves in even closer.)


Page 5

(Underbite Troll opens his eyes in shock.)

Underbite TrollWHAT!!!?

(Markus is drawn with a more detailed, serious expression.)



(Underbite Troll and Markus are drawn without any black outlines.)

Underbite TrollYeah! Cartoony exit to the next scene. Nicely done faggot.

MarkusWe must get ready, cartoon cut away!!

Narrator GuyBack to Underbite Troll's house, as they prepare for the Troling ➡ Trolling" Championship.

Underbite TrollListen up dude, we need to prepare properly if we plan to win this thing you hear?? That means, no fucking around with our material. There must only be a proper amount of use, of the words "Gay, faggot, ugly" We can't over use those words. So, to get this down, we must have the perfect blend of awesomeness and pure pwnage. And that is exactly what we will do.

MarkusYeah! We should really take our tag team to the max bro. Like, super dooper kooper looper jooper zooper cool.

Underbite Troll... .. That, was the dumbest shit I have ever heard you say. Kill yourself for saying something that dumb you homo.

(Markus' text box is cut off by Underbite Troll's "Listen up dude..." line.)

Markuslike i was perfect se get this d

Markusumm hey dude come one keep you're speach in you're speech bobble you dick this area is mine

Underbite TrollHitler damn it, we need to focus. For one, if we want to win then you will have to fix your shitty spelling and grammar noob. You butt hurt, dick-n-ass taker.

(Underbite Troll clenches his fist.)

Underbite TrollOur Trolling must be gold. Not shitty like ED Trolls, but epic like God Trolls! Who do God-like stuff. We can not suck ass like ED. And don't worry, my fist will only be deformed on this panel.

Markuswho are we kidding, we both know we are ready for it now. lets hurry and sign up and pwn some newbie fucking bitch noob trolls, we will stop there faggotry with our pwnage of pwns

Underbite TrollI'm proud of you, you passed the test.

MarkusI'm proud of you too, because you passed my test like a champ :)

MingusHello, so you two lovers wish to join the tournament as a team I see? Well, you will also be placed into the lowest rank of "Two vs Two" Until you win more matches to go up in rank.

Underbite TrollDamn it, I can't believe that those rumors reached all the way here...

MarkusOh.. No.. We are, you know. We're not like that at all okay? We just happen to be two guys living in the same tiny house okay? Man these rumors are annoying.. That fat fuck sure can spread gossip fast.

Page 6

Underbite TrollWhy don't you tell us about all of the details and rules of this tournament? Hitler damn it, because I am not sure how the whole set up will be. You faggot. I would like to know that shit man with a fucked up face.

MingusWell.. The Troll Tournament has three categories. "One vs One, Two vs Two, and Pet vs Pet" Each category you will have a 24-48 hours to prepare. Which means, conduct research to learn about the foe you will be matched up against. Dig for information like all Trolls try to do. Kids are able to enter in all categories.

MingusAnd then your match will be placed in the calendar. You will be matched up with one of the entry's of the same rank. You will have to win to work your way to the top. Once you do, then you will have a once in a life time opportunity to Troll off against the legendary Troll Face himself! Now I will explain how the rank system works.

Mingus"There are several categories, you'll have to go through all to get to the top of course.

Rank One. ""Badie"" Rank Two. ""Newbie Bitch"" Rank Three. ""Rookie Twat"" Rank Four. ""Trainee Bra"" Rank Five ""Charlie Sheen"" Rank Six ""Sly Dog"" Rank Five Again ""Skilled Moe Foe"" Rank Seven ""Export Tea-Bagger"" Rank Eight ""Professional Blow Job"" Rank Nine ""Master Splinter"" Rank Ten ""GOD-LIKE!!""

Only if you defeat the Legendary Troll Face, will you progress to rank ten. To move up in rank, you are required to reach five win point. If you lose a match, then one point will be removed from your win points record. So, to reach ""Newbie Bitch"" You must win five matches and so on.

""For example"" Tim has a W/L (Win & lose) ratio of 6/4 (Six wins, Four loses) Making it a total of two win points. Due to his four loses, it removed four win points from his over all win points record. Now if Tim were to lose 2 more matches in his current record, then he will be removed from the competition, if your lose ratio matches your win ratio, or you lose your first match, then you will be removed, faggots.

Alrighty, now that we gotten through the details. Each member will be given a key to a dorm in our tournament residence during the whole tournament period, until you lose the competition. Hahaha.. Period blood. The winner will also be rewarded $10.000, and a mansion next to Troll Kings fortress. Now what will be the name of your ""Two vs Two"" Group?"

Underbite TrollThe Underbite Squad is our name.

MingusUmm.. Sorry Sir, that name has already been taken. Please choose another one if you will.

(Underbite Troll frowns.)

Underbite TrollWhat!? What do you mean it's taken? What the hell man?! That can't be.. I created that shit! Hitler damn it. Man, I need a cup of tea.

MarkusThere must be some kind of mistake.

MingusThere is no mistake, Underbite Squad is taken.

(Underbite Troll angrily raises his fists.)

Underbite TrollHOW? Hmmm.. Damn it, I'm mad bro. That was my fucking name. And now? I have to come up with another one, on the damn spot.

MarkusDude that fat fuck did this, to get us back for pwning him

(Underbite Troll opens his eyes.)

Underbite TrollI'll get him back for this! Okay, our group is called the!!

(Zoom in on Underbite's face.)

Underbite TrollTHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Further zoom in on Underbite's face.)

Underbite TrollTHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Markus and Underbite Troll smile together.)

Underbite TrollBiteUnder League

Narrator GuyWhat will happen to Underbite Troll next? Stay tuned. :D

Page 7

Narrator GuyPreviously on The Adventures of Underbite troll. Him and Markus entered in a trolling competition, thier first match is only one day away!

(Underbite Troll is in his apartment, cooking eggs. He is shown wearing an apron.)

Underbite TrollHmm..

(Markus appears shirtless with a towel around his neck and goggles on his head.)

MarkusHey dude, i'm back from the pool. Did you know they had a hot tub? Ain't that just the craziest thing ever? Oh man by the way, you were wrong. These goggles totally fucking worked.

(Two skinny girls, one with long white hair and purple hair appear.)

UttersI don't even mean this ironically, nice crib. It's totally the same as ours but... It's completely different, so original. You guys must be awesome, and I'm not even being sarcastic.

PandaI seriously love your place, it's rad. I mean, i like how it's shaded a little bit differently then ours. Like, maybe one percent different. It's so much betteer though, no lie. I'm not being Sarcastic about what i'm saying at all. You guys are the bomb, seriously...

(Underbite Troll appears irritated.)

Underbite TrollDude what the fuck man, you were gone all day. And then you bring ugly chicks back to our house? You do know everyone here is competition right?.. And you're gonna bring these skinny bimbo bitches to our layer? Where our shit is? They could steal our shit.. And i like my shit damn it.

Underbite TrollAnd on top of that, while i was working on getting ready for our first match, you were fucking around having fun!? Fun of all things.. I'm not gay or anything and i bet those girls can suck a mean dick, but we need to put our game faces on. Dick sucker..

UttersDon't flatter yourself tiny dick, i'm not gonna steal your anal beads or blow up dolls. Or any of your other useless shit.. Asian penis.

MarkusCome on dude, don't get butthurt on me now. No need to be mad bro. Our trolling performance can be as high as it can be, and we can still be caught off guard by our foe. We need to learn about them, to find things that hit under the belt. So that's what i've been doing. But, to be more effective, we must make allies.

MarkusWe need to get dirt on our enemies faster. So to do that, we need help. These stupid twats agreed to help us if we return the favor and share any dirt we discover. This totally give us the mother fucking edge on all these faggot noobs we will be facing!

(Underbite Troll flips his eggs.)

Underbite TrollThat's nice and all, until we face them.. They will use whatever they learn about us, against us.. Or even worse, they betray is and tell other people our weaknesses. Trusting them sounds like a bad idea.

UttersWe won't betray you, silly boy. You guys are very awesome and cool, i am totally not being sarcastic right now..

Underbite TrollAre you fucking serious right now? Are you? If you aren't being sarcastic, then why did you say it like you weren't serious? Why did you sound sarcastic? Do you think i'm fucking retarded? I know sarcasm when i see it, so stop fucking with me..

UttersWhatever, i seriously don't know what your fucking problem is.. I've been nothing but nice to you since we met. I am not being sarcastic, this is how i talk. I just want to be your friend and this is what i get? I seriously don't think you're a fucking retard. I mean this unironically and non-sarcastically. Tiny penis..

Underbite TrollOh she's good hahahaha.. I like her, she was sarcastic while saying she wasn't being sarcastic lol. Very nice, that was super killer.. Alright, i'm cool with being their allies, i like their style.

PandaHey girlfriend, are you sure you want to team up with these deformed morons? There are a lot more attactive guys else where. I get sick of looking at them, i'm just saying.. Like, eww... They're far from having mustles..

UttersWell duh they're fucking ugly, but we're not here to have even two seconds of sex with them. Them and their tootsie roll sized penises.. And i knoew it's hard to see so don't stare too long. But they could come in handy to help us get the better of some of the other small dick trolls.

Page 8

(Underbite Troll appears sad/disappointed.)

Underbite TrollI heard no sarcasm in their voices that time. Hmm, i guess these chicks are really big bitchees.. Ohwell.

Narrator GuyOutside.

Underbite TrollOkay, it be impossible to keep track of the hundreds of people who entered. But let's share what we already know. So, how many other contestants have we all ran into?

UttersWell i haven't been here very long but i will tell you the group names, and the people who are in the groups we do know..

(Various trolling groups are shown. These include the:
Brothers from another Mother gang, Toke and Kei-so, The fantasy starwars Crue, Bill and Dill, Austim Squad, Machick and O, Chris-chan madness, goobie and varic, and fish and pork, Sirpigsalot and Mysushi.)

UttersThose are the ones i know of, is there any you want to add in there shrimp dick?

MarkusThere is only one other group i know about, Underbite Squad. Awhile back this fat fuck and his anorexic aids infested friend, started shit with us and we pwned them. After that, they stole our name for the tournament..

Underbite TrollWe will get them back for their faggotory, but first we must find out who we will be faving. Then, we shall crush them and T-bag them with my gigantic balls, and spit in their faces..

Narrator GuyTo the match making center. Where they figure eout who they'll be facing.

Underbite TrollUmm, hello faggot. We would like to know who we are going up against in the first match you piece of shit.. You wouldn't mind telling us which team we will be facing, would you cock sucker? If so then i'd be very thankful, you shit eater.. Virgin ball sucking diaper eating mother fucker.

Mingus (Thinking)What an asshole. And look at his mouth.. Man his parents must have been ugly.

(Mingus smiles nervously.)

MingusHhahaa, your team is... Umm.. Well i... Sorry, don't you know? Their team is called "The Fist in Poo Clan".. You don't know how it is... It's.. You don't know how hard it is for me to work here.. Everyone treats me like garbage. I.. I just can't take it. You know i tried to have sex with my cat hahaha.. No one else in this blasted city will consider me, why are we so short in women heeheh!?.. I get so lonely... Please love me, someone please love me!! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU KNOW, NO ONE BASHES YOU DOWN, IT'S ALL FUN FOR YOU! But me? NAH! I FUCKING HATE MYSElF!! Hehe oh nevermind me..

Markushuh? umm.. i don't know..

Underbite TrollWait what? Um.. Sorry about your job man, i didn't really ask but that sucks..

(Mingus appears shaken.)

MingusI... I sit here year after year, and this is the only thing i do. And this is the only thing i do. I thought it was awesome, but countless people continue to talk shit and treat me like garbage. It was fun at first but.. But... I just had nothing. I sit on my asshere or at home all day everyday. People, hate me so. Please save me, please? I hate people so very very much.. They hate me.. Please, i beg of you....

MarkusUh, i don't know what to tell you man.. You.. You need therapy to fix your butthurt, wow man...


(Mingus jumps out a nearby window. Underbite Troll opens his eyes in horror.)


Page 9

(Underbite Troll looks out the window.)

Underbite TrollHoly shit dude! I didn't know it was possible to be that butthurt, he was royally raped by life. And trolls, ouch that butt must hurt..

(Mingus's body appears mangled.)

Underbite TrollHitler damn it.. Wha.. Hey, who the hell is that??

(A troll wearing nothing but dirty undies and Master Chief's helmet suddenly appears and stands on top of Mingus's body. He then begins teabagging Mingus.)

Master QueefI'm sexy and i know it.

Master QueefUhh, oh yeah, urg...

Master QueefSuck my dick, ahhh uh..

Master QueefTake this pwnage T-bag noob.

Master QueefSucky sucky? Yeah..

(Underbite Troll, eyes open, is disgusted.)

Underbite TrollDude not cool, you don't just T-bag someone after they just died.. You wait a couple hours first you dick.

Master QueefYou mustn't have heard, the new law Troll Face managed to pass is that, after someone dies, they have to bet T-bagged instantly after. You should keep up with Troll news. Hehehe.. Suck my balls faggot.

(Master Queef skips away.)

Master QueefI am off to T-bag another dead butthurt noob!

Narrator GuyLater that day

(Underbite Troll and Markus appear shaken. Underbite's eyes are open.)

MarkusYou know.. That was the first time i've seen someone die. Before now, i thought it be cool and relaxing but it was just terrible..

Underbite Troll...............

MarkusIs this how people feel when we troll them? Is this what our fun causes? For people to break down? Are we murderers?

Underbite TrollNo.. It can't be... Our trolling isn't that harsh to certain people is it? I mean, we were just talking randomly, it's not our fault we hit nerves is it? Did i kill him? No, this can't be.. I... I...... I........

Underbite TrollNo it's not our fault, it can't be.. Oh wait, didn't he say something about him having sex with his cat? That had to do all and i mean all of the damage. It's that fucking cats fault man, not trolling. That cat fucked him up..

MarkusYeah.. I knew cats were horrorable creatures, but this too much.. Those damn creatures.

Underbite TrollLet's agree to never own one of those little demonic fucks ever. Never in our lives.

Page 10

Underbite TrollLook, there are the people we will be facing. The Fist in Poo Clan. Let's see what we're dealing with.

(The two Fist in Poo Clan trolls appear, holding a rabbit.)

Tooth D. CayDrrr.. I am needing you to, duhh... To keep the rabbit still.

Concave Headed Mother FuckerWe so hahah, goin to be Troll Face-like and stuff.

MarkusIt's kind of hard to see what they're doing, is that a rabbit? Can you see what they're doing with that rabbit? Because i can't.

Underbite TrollYeah i don't know, it's kind of hard to see with my eyes closed. But it kind of looks like they're trying to fuck that poor fluffy little fuck. And it looks like they're having issues, but i could be wrong. I mean, my eyes are closed for fuck sake, how does anyone see like this?

RabbitHey assholes, put me down.. I don't know what you're doing but you fucking moving my leg constantly is killing my buzz. Are you guys mentally challenged or retarded or dumb? Derp derp, you bitches.

Tooth D. CayOh.. O-kayh, I got my hand down my pants. Now what? uhh, um... Derrr.. I have no diear how to make whoopi goldberg? Do i just stand here?

Concave Headed Mother FuckerUmm...... .. . I think you.. Uh well.... Hm.. I don't know, i think it you got to like pee in the butter hole.. And like, melt the butter. Heat it up bro.

(From off screen, Tooth D. Cay begins urinating on the rabbit.)


(The rabbit closes his eyes and grits his teeth as he begins to tear up while urine sprays onto his face.)

Underbite TrollHAHAHAHA!! Do you have autism? You guys can't be serious.. Oh my god, you guys.. I have seen the dumbest, and the lowest a troll can get. And you just put them to shame, that is how stupid you are.

(Piss flies in front of Underbite Troll, hitting his face. Underbite Troll screams as the text "AHHH" appears behind him.)


MarkusAhahahahahahahahahahaha!! LMAO!! LOL! LMAO!! ROFL!! LAUGHING!!

Tooth D. CayGrrr.. Look at me heeeehhh, i'm raping two peoper aterr once heeehh. This is so easy.

(Underbite Troll, eyes open, glares.)

Underbite TrollI will make you pay for that spook.

Concave Headed Mother FuckerOh that's hot, you're so raping them good. That's totally hot now.. Hmm yeah.

RabbitFuck you two douche bags, i hope you get killed by a giant spiky TURTLE!!

(Underbite Troll wipes the urine off his face.)

Underbite TrollListen here dumb fucker, my name is Underbite Troll, and this is my friend Markus. And we're The Underbiteleague the team you will be trolling off againt tomorrow. And i just wanted to inform you that you will have the biggest ass beating in troll off history. I will rape you so hard your assholes will never shit again. It will be so embarrasing i promise you.

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Concave Headed Mother FuckerWe da best, trolls like eves duhh... You won't win. Harharhar, har hehe har...

Tooth D. CayRapeio roboto-ioh-yo-nigga-yo. World wide chopper son. har har har dur dur Dru dur. I feel like you want ot sticky my butt.

Underbite TrollI hope you guys are ready because tomorrow? You are going down. You faggots will be so butthurt.

MarkusWe should get ready, i don't think it's needed but hey, they deserve an ass kicking. Tomorrow will be very entertaining.

Underbite TrollI had no clue there was a level of stupid that low. They have a mental handicap.

Underbite TrollThis has been an awful day.. You bringing over dumb bitches, seeing someone die and then get T-bagged.. Then to top it off, i got piss in my eye. I am just really tired, i just need a cup of tea and then some sleep.

MarkusOh, before we leave, i wish you luck becaus eyou will surely need it. You two are going down. Oh and by the way, peeing on people isn't sex. You have to stick your disco stick in and out their buttholes over and over until lol. Well, you guys should look up porn on the internet.

Narrator GuyThe next day an hour before the match.

(The two appear in the stadium.)

Underbite TrollLook at this giant fucking stadium. There are so many people who are going to watch us. We better be on our game, we need to establish ourselves as a threat.

Underbite TrollI have dreamt of this glorius moment for so long, the excitement is killing me Hitler damn it.. If we lose then we will be kicked out of the tournament. We have to crush these pee animal raping ugly dumb, deform autistic retard mother fuckers. We must destroy them, we have to fuck them up..

(The crowd is shown, featuring The fantasy starwars crue, Fish and Pork, Jayce, and Toke in the crowd. PandaUtter are also present, in additiona to other reoccuring trolls such as Sneed and Sneed from Chapter 21/22, and LOUD FUCK.)

HenryHello, my name is Henry, The Reporter Troll. And today we have some of the most well known trolls with us today. It's only an hour away from our first match, what are your thoughts on it, being the only full fledged jew troll here Lowtax?

LowtaxI thought it be a ncie way to get money, money. I like money.

HenryWell you heard it from the man himself, a man of little words but always to the point people, that was Lowtax. A person who doesn't give a flying fuck about you and just wants your money. Now let's see who else we have to talk to before the first match.. What a greedy jew.

HenryOh, we have with us Marley. Someone who was born and raised in the "Western Troll City of Fuckpoorpeople" And our previous winner of last year's tournament. He even faced against the Legendary Troll Face himself as a reward! Unfortunately suffering a humiliating defeat. Marley, seeing as this is your secunt year here, do you think anyone will defeat Troll Face this year? and do you expect this year to be any greater then last? What are you probably very poorly thought out thoughts on this?

(Marley appears, smoking a blunt.)

MarleyNah, i don't think Troll Face will be beat, i was the only person, vivid enough to cum close. Troll Face and his doodoo soul, ruining my poise performance of elegance. Double rainbow all the way.

HenryWell there you hav it folks, Troll Face has a doodoo soul. Now let's go to the man himself, Troll Face to hear this thoughts on this years tourney-porny-pacornie.

HenryThe man himself. Troll Face, what are your thoughts? Do you think some lucky soul will actually be capable of defeating you? We all are dying to see someone give you a challenge.

(Troll Face appears, wearing a fancy coat.)

Troll FaceHahaha.. You're a funny dude, these noobs will be entertaining but no one will be able to defeat me. You got to be fucking retarded to hope for something so stupid, kill yourself.

HenryWell you heard it with your own ears, from the best-n most awesome person in the whole world. Troll Face, there is no way he can be out trolled and i am a complete total fucking retard for saying that. And if i had the will, i would kill myself right now. It's only minutes away from our first match, is everyone ready? The tournament will be great.

Narrator GuyWhat will happen to Underbite next? His first match is about to begin, find out what happens next time on. The Adventures of Underbite Troll! Stay tuned. XD XD XD

Page 12

Narrator GuyPreviously on The Adventures of Underbite Troll. Underbite and Markus made an alliance with two bimbo sluts before witnessing a (Required by law) Teabagging session. Afterwards they encountered their first opponents (The Fist in Poo Clan) Two animal rapists who enjoys peeing upon stuff, things. Now, we're just moments away from seeing the first match of the Troll Off Championship!

MarkusSo it's almost time. I know everyone keeps saying how close it apparently is, but it just seems like it's no closer than it was the last time it was said. But anyway, you ready to pwn them worse than the bomb that blew up Hiroshima?

Underbite TrollIs it strange to be so ready, that i have a troll off erection right now?.. Like, i'm so ready to the point where i'm that turned on dude, seriously. I got a boner, look at it,

MarkusSay that again?

Underbite TrollI got a troll off erection. Like, the exhilaration of pwnage is really getting the blood pumping in my penis..

MarkusI've never heard of something so stupid.. That's so retarded, the most retarded shit i've ever heard. It's so retarded, it was retarded before you even spoke it.. You need help, you and your mentally retarded Justin Beiber craving penis.

MarkusLike dude, you just did a Beiber feaver.. Did you know Justin gets a boner before he performs too?

Underbite TrollThat's bullshit, you're making that shit up.. You faggot fucker... Kill yourself.

MarkusIt's true, go look it up. Beiber gets boners before and while preforming.. He said in an interview that he gets turned on to the sound of his own voice.

Underbite TrollYou're so gay.. The only way you could know of that is if you googled it. If you're one of those Bierber fagsticks our friendship is over. I ain't into that kind of stuff, or things. You do know i was the one who threw that bottle at Beibers right? I was like, you look thirsty btich, take this up in your Ellen DeGeneres looking suckface.

MarkusWhat what in the butt? I mean.. Whatever, i didn't google anything. I used bing. And by the way, a friend told me..

Underbite TrollOh great.. Now you're gonna say you yahoo searched it.

(A block of cheese suddenly manifests itself.)

MarkusNO! I bing, yahoo sucks dick and cheese...

Underbite TrollWhatever you say, turkey neck noob. Yes, you have a turkey neck. I didn't want to say anything about it before but you got a turkey neck. Like, a full fledge big fucking bird neck.

MarkusYour worse then...

Underbite TrollYou're worse than* what? You pausing b-it-chhh.

(The crowd is shown again. Tyler the Gay Frog from Micah Rat makes a cameo.)

HenryIt's time people!! On the right we haaave!

(The Fist in Poo Clan members appear.)

HenryThe Fist in Poo Clan!!

(Underbite Troll and Markus appear.)

HenryAnd to the left? BiteUnderLeague!!

Page 13

HenryIs there anything you guys wish to say before the troll off begins?

Tooth D. CayI-ahh, like to wish-ah everyone.. A happy... Drrrr.....

Concave Headed Mother FuckerYeaahh.. Happy happy, yeah. We so like... Gonna win and stuff, thangs.. Hip hop, do therr robot.. Heeheeheeeee.

MarkusWell, on behalf of our awesomeness, i shall share my super dooper cool, zool, pool, duel, fool, dool, mool, rule. Up the ziggity biggity oh, manlinness with your mothers.

Underbite TrollI'm gonna demolish these noobs.. They'll be beyond butthurt, they'll be buttmurdered instead... My trolling will stop their hearts, is how powerful it is.

HenryWell you heard it. Things are getting heated up before the match even starts. God damn i love my job. Well, without no further adukie, let the match BEGIN!!

Troll FaceLet's see what these noobs got.

Concave Headed Mother FuckerYou're so... Jealous of our, umm... Rapist-like skills.. We think you's all like.. ..What's dumb? Oh.. Dumb like dolphines, that do?... That do things, yeah heharrr.. Funny, i feel my belly button.

Tooth D. CayYou can't stop starring me heehe.. They won see my butt cracks-ahh, and looking at my nice perly perrr... Perly whites-ehh. Oh tyah i am in on fire!!

MarkusYou're so.

(Markus' text box is overshadowed by Underbite's.)

Underbite TrollId rather stare at Miley Cyrus' ugly ass infected camel toe for the rest of my life than to look at your face for one more second, you failed abortion. You learned how to suck your daddies dick when you were still in the womb.

(The crowd is visibly shocked by Underbite's roast. The PandaUtters are shown.)

Underbite TrollIf a person born of incect parents, were mentally challenged, physically deformed, and mentally experimented on? That person still wouldn't be even remotely dumb enough, to compare to your stupidity. Being brain dead would be an improvement.. Napoleon Dynamite is a fucking genuis compared to you. I could drop a baby on its head countless times, giving it the worst brain damage known to man kind? That dumpster eating, toaster brain baby would still be a googplex more intelligent than you, fuck you.

(Markus is confused.)


(Henry's eyes open as he is taken aback by Underbite's powers.)

HenryJesus Christ, this match might be over before it even gets very far!!

Tooth D. CayUhh..

(Underbite Troll flips the Fist in Poo Clan off. Markus makes a gesture as if he is going to say something but does not.)

Underbite TrollYour teeth are so yellow you could scrape the thick sewage-like muck off of them, with a putty scraper. Then put it in a jar to mold for three months to let it ferment, turning it into some grade A prime maggot filled cheese you faggot.

(Underbite Troll continues his onslaught. Markus simply stares in disbelief.)

Underbite TrollI'm fucking thankful for you being too incapable of learning how to reproduce. Id kill myself knowing that the world wouldn't allow your offspring to be disgarded, like disfigured spartan children. But, just knowing you two ignoramus fucks exist? I will indeed cry like a little fucking spoiled school girl every single night, until my six sense awakens and informs me that you're dead in a ditch, with your eyes pried out and shoved into your assholes.

(Troll Face watches from the stands, eating popcorn.)

Troll FaceImpressive.

(The Fist in Poo Clan trolls are stunned.)

Tooth D. CayUhh.. ..No..

Concave Headed Mother Fucker....

Page 14

MarkusUhh.. Finish it dude.

Underbite TrollYour parents had to gouge out their own eyes in disgrace for having such hidious children.. Your parents sadness was beyond comprehension when they found out their children were uglier than a muk, Ephialtes and Quasimodo combined.

Underbite TrollI mean really? What the flying fuck are you? You're not human.. You just look like god ran out of clay and resorted to using his shit to fill in the rest. Or maybe god got really drunk and had sex with a donkey, which gave birth to you two. What a complete waste of the worlds natural resources.

Underbite TrollThe funniest part about it is that you'll never come to terms with it. You'll never undertand how fucking retarded you are.. You're probably homeless too, due to no one able to stand being around you longer than a minute or two. If your parents didn't suicide from knowing they gave birth to you, then they most likely just locked you in cages, starving you. Praying for their own guilt to parish so they would finally have the balls to rid this world of it's genetic mistake of creating you. Kill yourself. I mean it, kill yourself.. KILL YOUR SELVES!!

(Close up on Underbite Troll's eyes, which open.)

Underbite TrollAnd when you die, they won't even let you into hell.

(Markus makes an exaggertated hand motion.)


(The crown is in disbelief at what they had just saw. Jayce, Bill and Dill, and Fish and Pork are shown in particular, speechless. Troll Face appears to be taken aback as well.)

Troll Face.......

HenryWell... It's obvious who won this troll off.. That got a little dark for my taste.

MarkusYou alright dude? I've never seen you like that before, you were a crazy beast dude!!

Underbite TrollHonestly man i didn't care about what was going on. I don't even know what's going on, it was like i was another person man hahaha!!

(Markus smiles, with another mouth appearing near him, this time with teeth.)

MarkusWell, tell that person he pwns donkeyballs. We won our first match and made the rest of the competition piss themselves..

(Henry winks.)

HenryThe match is over everyone! Let's look forward to our next match to come, in just two days!

(The next match is shown.)

HenryBrothers from another mother vs PandaUtters

Narrator GuyLater that day

Underbite TrollYeeeaaaahhhh!! Dude, that was amazing.. Like really amazing. I feel greart.. Oh man, we fucking won!!

MarkusYeah.. Could you not have your speech bubble over my head, i can't see.. Oh shit, it's hard to move my arm with this speech bubble on it.. Damn it.

Underbite TrollWere so awesome i mean jus w w

MarkusWould you get that speech out of my fucking face? Geez.. Wait, who are those fuckers?

(The Fantasy starwars crue appear. Bill holds a toy lightsaber.)

Page 15

BillObey One Kenobi..

DillHey Underbite, we saw your match.. Just a heads up, the force was with you but.. It's more with us.


Underbite TrollMy name is biter un not Underbite..

BillYou got force i'll give you that. But you ain't got force like us.. You may got Jedi lightsabers but you ain't got Darth Vader lightsaber. You ain't got the Storm Troopers.. You ain't gotta giant fucking lizard and you AIN'T no Jabba The Hut.

BillWe got Yoda action figures. You AIN'T got Yoda action figures. You ain't got Star Wars trading cards bitch. You AIN'T got a full collection, beat that.

(Bill holds and very dramatically drops a stack of Star Wars trading cards.)

BillYou ain't got C3PO Motha fuckers. You AIN'T got shit.

DillIt AIN'T worth it man, save the force for the battle man, save it for the battle.. Don't do a Jar Jar Binx, save it for the battle man.

BillLuke Skywalker and R2D2 bitch..

(Bill makes a gangsta sign and runs off.)

Underbite TrollWhat the fuck was that?..

MarkusA bunch of Star Wars homo fanboy trolls..

Narrator GuyMeanwhile, back to Underbites house.

(Underbite Troll and Markus enter their room. Two shadowy figures are seen.)

Underbite TrollWhat the hell are you doing in my room? I told you they would steal our shit..

MarkusThose aren't the two bimbo bitches.. Who are you?

MysushiI am Mysushi and he's Sirpigsalot..

Underbite TrollGreat.. Now fuck off out of my house you faggots.

SirpigsalotWe wish to be your friends, and what friends do is break into each others houses and wait for them all creepy-like in the dark while looking through their belongings...

MysushiNo.. Friends don't do that.

SirpigsalotThey don't? For reals? I thought..

Page 16

Underbite TrollHow did you get in our room?! Why don't you leave you pig bitch.. You Asians man.. Ching ching chong, get the ching out og my fucking room ching chong ding dong..

MysushiYou're trolling is impressive inderrd, ching. We'll gibe you head uhh, a heads up. We've been uh-stalking you for quite awherle. What i mean by a wherle is, the last a couple of hours.. Like, very intensely.. Sometimes we like to do things wherle we watch people.. Very Asian like things. Like, incest kinds of things and things with squids.. Oh and hentia, ohhh yeah... Incest hentia..

(Markus appears horrified.)

MarkusGood fucking Lord! With squids?

MysushiYes.... Squids.. Have you ever seen a squid try to crawl its way out of some, very hairy girls pussy? No? Ok i grant you that, it's not everyones thing. But, have you seen one try to crawl out of some, very hairy girls asshole? No? Ok, i grant you that.

SirpigsalotOhh, squid fuck to the yaahh!! You like anime? Manga? Oh yahh.. Those school girls and their panties yah? It's like, ohh you're underaged girl but we don't care we Asian.. I want to poor smelly Fish sauce all over my chopstick, oh yahh...

(Sirpigsalot bites his lip.)

SirpigsalotYou know, i didn't think watching a hentia of Sasuke fucking Naruto with his chidori would be so hot yahh, so hot.. Sooooo hot aww yeahhhh... God damn it yahh, yahh god damn it YAHHHH!!

(Mysushi and Sirpigsalot smile at each other.)

MysushiDid you cum?

SirpigsalotYes, i uh-came-uh so hard, so hard..

MysushiGood boy.

(Underbite Troll facepalms, with the text "Face palm!!" visibly appearing over him.)

Underbite TrollWhat do you want? Id like it if you two squid, incest anime freaky fucks get out of my house..

MysushiRelax, we could give you massage with some oils and love you long time.. We want to make uh-deal... Like, an exchange of business and uh-maybe, a trade of fish and trust.. We wish to be uh-allies not foe. We uh-could help each other out long time...

MarkusA truce? Why should we? What kind of deal are we talking about? I'm not into the sexy massage thing you speak of.. And i don't want fish. Why should we help each other out long time?

MysushiWe have more to ffer than uh-just fishhhh.. Perhaps pork? Or chicken? Rice?? Asian son who is very good at uh-playing piano? Cat? Dog? Assassinating children at school bus uh-stop with our car? Because we uh-good driver?

Underbite TrollI don't want any fish, dog, cat, porky, chicken or anything else you've mentioned.. Do you know anything about the rest of the competition dipshit?

MysushiWhat if i did and i give you uh-this information hmm? If i do we truce? We friends? Or you jsut try things, like you try to uh-strap me down? You try to spit in my mouth? Try to stick your fist in my anus? Try to dress me up like lady? Try to make me feel pretty? No? No dress me up like uh-Disney Princess?

Underbite TrollWhat!? You on meth? Stop saying stupid shit you dumb Asian.. God learn to drive...

(Markus is offended.)

MarkusDude that's racist and inconsiderate..

MysushiWe know things, we uh-stalk people yes? We know how to break into houses and find personal belonging. We look through phones and learn stufffff, things... Looking on internet, looking under their bed for dildo. Whatever you want yahh? Anything you need. We truce now?

Page 17

Underbite TrollOkay.. We'll truce and be allies, but first we're gonna break into some rooms and find out what we're dealing with. The first room we hit will be those bimbo cunts room, to see if they're really on our side...

MarkusAlright man! Let the four of us be sneaky sneaky.. It's time to see exactly what all of these people are about.

MysushiLet's uh-go big time Honey Boo Boo.. Ching ching, chong. We gonna sneaky into people's houses tonight. Like Twilight level of stalking yah? Without the vampire rape. Instead we just be uh-ninja niiggggaa...

Narrator GuyOutside..

(The group appears running around the apartment complex. Underbite Troll is strangely off-model, with his head drawn very large.)

MarkusDude.. You so got a bobblehead right now...

Underbite TrollShut up, sneaking time means shutting the fuck up time, so do us a favor and shut the fuck up time..

MysushiI knockie and no one answerie. No one around, now follow my lead.. There's uh-window up there look. We don't go for the window on the bottom it's not uh-open.. Let's uh-try the one on top. You jump ip there to get in yahh..

(The group makes their way to an open window. Mysushi bends over as the other three use him as a foothold to enter the open window.)

SirpigsalotWhat's this uh-strange uh-smell? It's uh-mixture of too much uh-perfume and lot's of uh-dry semen..

MarkusThey're not here dude..

(Mysushi makes his way into the room.)

MysushiDo you know how high of uh-jump it was to this window? You were uh-suppose to pull me up after you got in the uh-room. Ching, oh just stand there, i don't uh-need any help.. Americans, i uh-swear...

MarkusI'm not telepathic, i can't read minds.. I can't life your fatass anyways geez.... You should stick to making playstations and quit the nagging, butthurt much?

Underbite TrollKeep watch noob.. We don't want those sluts to know we're looking through their shit..

(Sirpigsalot finds a dildo and begins to lick it.)

SirpigsalotUh-score! We found dildo... Oh nice, she loves it long time..

Underbite TrollWhat the fuck are you doing?? Put that nasty shit down... You know thsoe bitches ain't clean.

Page 18

SirpigsalotI like it uh-dirty, i hope she put it in her anus....

MysushiI'm-uh shove this up my ass then you licky licky yahh?

SirpigsalotOh uh-fuck uh-yahhhh..

Underbite TrollNo! Drop it.. Wtf you guys are disgusting.. Look for dirt not dildos.

(Someone points at a speck of dirt.)

Unknown speakerFound some dirt...

Underbite TrollNo!! I didn't mean literal dirt.. I mean dirt, as in info to use against them.. Chris Chan damn it you're retarded...

Narrator GuyTwo hours later.

(Sirpigsalot searches through a fridge as Mysushi looks around a table.)

SirpigsalotThe freezer only has uh-lots of chocolate ice cream and yogurt. Hmm, there seems to be uh-misplaced first season box set of Sex in The City.. Girl uh-stereotype confirmed...

MysushiI found uh-pictures of Johnny Depp And Zac Efron, but that's to be expected.

MarkusHey dude, i wonder if girls make sandwiches ahead of time you know? Did you check the fridge for already prepared sandwiches?

Underbite TrollAny of you find anything? I can't find a damn thing that would help.. Girl houses are so clean. I kinda expected it from women though, a clean house.. What we need to do is somehow get our hands on their phones. But bitches never leave their phones out of sight. Let's just break into another house..

Narrator GuyOutside.

(The group approaches another door. Mysushi uses a knife to force a door open. Inside the room, a cum-stained collection of photos featuring previous panels of Underbite Troll is shown. Underbite Troll and Markus are shocked.)

Underbite TrollWHAT THE FUCK!?

MarkusI don't think i want to break into peoples houses anymore..

MysushiOhhhh... Someone has the uh-hots for you.. So uh-hot, so uh-hot..

MarkusWho's room is this? It smells like moldy armpits...

Underbite TrollI don't know but let's wait and find out.. I want to see the pervert that's wacking off to my pictures so i can pwn him. God, what a reject..

Page 19

Underbite TrollIt's been hours.. When is this prick getting back? I need to know what freaky fuck has been watching me... Touching his tiny willy to me..

MarkusUm.. Dude, there's a Yoda action figured in here. There's a shitload of Star wars stuff under the bed..

(Underbite Troll is terrified as he comes to a horrible realization.)

Underbite TrollOh my God Hitler...

(The fantasy starwars crue enter.)

BillI'm telling you.. That guy had no clue what he was talking about, Darth Vader would Slaughter Superman in a fight..

DillYeah seriously..

Underbite Troll.......

(Bill begins blushing.)

BillOh.... Oh... So, so you know..

(The reactions of the characters present are shown. Underbite Troll is furious, Markus is shocked. Sirpigsalot and Mysushi are smiling, with the latter holding the dildo that the former discovered. Bill and Dill are embarrased.)

DillOh not good.. So not Jedi, so not Luke Skywalker... He does got force man, he does..

Underbite TrollWhat the hell?.. Oh, oh man this is dusgusting....

MarkusYeah man, get it all out man..

(Underbite Troll pukes on the ground. The members of Fish and Pork begin to lap up his puke like dogs. Seeing this, Markus also pukes.)

Underbite TrollWhat.. What the hell!? What the hell.. What the hell, what the HELL!!? What the hell.. Oh God what the hell??...

DillWe can explain.. You don't understand, you don't.. You were so with the force you know? Attack of the clones.. Rise of the Jedi, you know? How hard it is to find someone who reminds you of Princess Leia...

MarkusHe looks nothing like her... What's even happening here??

(Bill begins to get closer to Underbite Troll.)

Underbite TrollNO!!

BillCan i touch your lips?.. My own little Princess Leia... Oh don't go, i just.. I just want you to touch my Yoda..

Page 20

(Underbite Troll is drawn in extreme detail as he screams in horror.)

Underbite TrollGet the fuck away from me!!

BillWow! I've neever seen such a dramatic face.. Overdramatic much? Wow, that is way too much detail for that panel..

(Underbite Troll jumps out a window, shattering the glass.)

Narrator GuyYes i know the window gets bigger :D

MarkusHoly shit!! Not good!! Not good... Shitty turkey balls, not good at all..

(Underbite lands on the ground, glass shards piercing his legs.)

Master QueefFlame on!! It's tea bagging time bitches!..

Underbite TrollOh no no no no no no Hey!! I'm not dead, i'm not dead!! Back off bro back off..

Master QueefSorry dude, man.. I almost tea bagged the living...... I feel so.. So awful now.. I'm truly sorry man.

(Master Queef walks away.)

MarkusDude you alright?

Underbite TrollAHHHH!!

Underbite TrollDo i look alright!? I have glass in my fucking leg.. AHH!! You know what? Oh yeah, i'm doing wonderful.. Everything's just perfect. I feel like i'm on the rainbow ride of joy! Yeah i feel great.. Fucking idiot, that was a stupid question dumbass.. Fuck you faggot face with bitch tits...

MarkusThat's great dude, i'm glad you're doing well. Do you need anything while i'm up here? I don't know like, maybe a diaper? I'll be sure to find something for your butthurt.

(Mysushi grabs Markus.)

MarkusWhat are you doing?

MysushiWe gotta go like now. Speed speed fast go!

(Markus is hurled out the window.)

Underbite TrollMARKUS!!!!

(Markus hits the ground face first.)

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(Underbite Troll stands up. Fish and Pork jump from the window, landing nearby Markus' body. As Sirpigsalot lands, a shard of glass pieces him through the top of his head.)

Underbite TrollWhat the fuck!!

(Sirpigsalot's body drops near Mysushi.)

MysushiWe have to go now.. like real fast ching ching..

(Underbite Troll and Mysushi run off, with Underbite Troll leaving behind a trail of blood.)

MysushiDid you just uh-leave him behind? Isn't he your friend? Your love uh-dog?

Underbite TrollI thought you had him!? Oh craple, we can't go back there.. Those Star Wars nerds are so pervy dude, they wonna put my sperm in a jar to make oil-like lube for their jackoff parties.. And, they want to wear my skin as a jacket..

MysushiDid Sirpigsalot make it out of there?

(Underbite Troll appears annoyed, eyes open.)

Underbite Troll......

MysushiDid he?

Underbite TrollYou fucking serious? He got a glass shard in his head.. He's fucking dead!..

MysushiBut did he make it out? So... Yes? No? Maybe? Perhaps? Uh-huh? Totally? Fish.

(Markus appears, head bleeding.)

MarkusWhat the hell man!! You just left me htere.. I got T-bagged....

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Underbite TrollYeah dude, those guys were gonna use my face to skeet on.. Fuck that! Avoiding that is way more important than our friendship..

MarkusI guess you're right, i forgive you.

MysushiOk good ok, i'm uh-go eat cat now..

MarkusYeah cats are evil sons of bitches.. They killed that crazy dude at the matchmaking center. Let's go eat those assholes..

Underbite TrollI sure as hell am down to eat some pussy after what just happened..

Underbite TrollDude, nevermind that didn't sound right.. This might sounds gay but i think i've been around sexual language and behavior way too much these last couple days..

MarkusYeah you're a faggot..

Narrator GuyNext day Underbite makes his way back to the Matchmaking Center.

Underbite TrollHello, you've asked for us to come in?

No Fucking ToriginalityYes, each team is suppose to make a poster for the competition. You're the only ones who haven't made yours. You were suppose to be told sooner but the guy whom i am replacing, decided to get butthurt and die by being butthurt, pussy.. He was totally mad bro...

Underbite TrollA poster? Sweet dude.

No Fucking ToriginalityGo to the room in the back and take your picture bitches.

Narrator GuyAfter taking the picture.

(Various posters are shown, featuring the BiteUnder League, Fish and Pork, a photo of chewbacca with the text "Nun i got da force like us!!!!" written on it, presumed to be The fantasy starwars crue's, Retard Double Threat, and the PandaUtters.)

(BiteUnder League's poster shows Underbite Troll wearing gangster clothing and flipping off the camera. Markus stands annoyed beside him.)

Markusi don't even want to be in this poster. this poster is stupid

(Fish and Pork features a squid's tentacles on the bottom with various Japanese phrases written all over the poster. Retard Double Threat features many Illuminati triangles with poorly cut out images placed on a rainbow background. Butter Tits and The Dick Taker's heads are pasted over Shrek's and a man's face respectively. The PandaUtters' poster is themed after a typical celebrity magazine cover, with Utters posing in a swimsuit. Panda is in a small corner. Troll King, Brad Pitt, "Paperbag Man" and Lowtax also appear.)

No Fucking ToriginalityYour guys' writing on the poster is completely terrible, kill yourself.

Underbite TrollYeah whatever faggot.. And why do you look the same in every panel? It's as if Lazerbot got lazy and copied and pasted you, dickhead.

Narrator GuyWhat will happen on the next on The Adventures of Underbite Troll? Stay tuned!

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Narrator GuyPreviously on The Adventures Of Underbite Troll!! Him and Markus got traumatized by seeing people die right in front of them, And by creepy bitch ass bitch doing creepy shit.

(Cut to Underbite Troll sitting on a chair in his room.)

Underbite TrollNo sleep... Who needs it.. Not me.. never..

Underbite TrollWhat was that sound?

Underbite TrollOh Hitler.. Why does things like that happen..?

(Flashback to when Mingus died, Underbite Troll discovering the images the Fantasy Starwars Crue had of him, fish and pork licking Underbite Trolls puke, and Sirpigsalot death.)

(Underbite Troll starts crying.)

Underbite Troll.......

(Noise is heard outside of Underbite Troll's room. Underbite Troll bursts out of his room.)

Underbite TrollI won't be your skeet blanket!!

(Markus is in the living room.)

Underbite TrollOh, It's just you. For a moment i thought you were those star wars creepers, fixing to get frisky with my rectum.

MarkusDude I'm fucking traumatized dude. Why does crazy shit always happen to us? It's almost like trolling invites that sort of insanity.

Underbite TrollDon't talk like that dude. That's not super killer. Trolling is not the cause of all this crazy shit, People are.

MarkusYou're right. But man, My mind is fucked right now.

Underbite TrollMe too. I can't even sleep and tea isn't working. We need something to help us or there's no way we are going to win the tournament. Not in this uneasy noob state.

MarkusAre you saying we should find Religion? Give ourselves to a higher power or some shit?

Underbite TrollFuck no, I'm not desperate enough for that. I was gonna suggest therapy. Dumbass.

MarkusWe can't afford therapy. The only way we could afford it is after we win the tournament, but we can't do that until we get therapy. so there's a problem here.

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Underbite TrollI am aware of that noober.

MarkusShup up man. I just want the quiet.. I need help.. I can't handle the voices.

(One panel of Underbite Troll and Markus looking like anime characters.)

MarkusI know that sounds crazy... I'm a bitch..

Underbite TrollWe could get some weed.

MarkusCan we afford that right now? How do you get money again? How are we not homeless?

Underbite TrollI have a disability. I receive pretty nice checks monthly.

MarkusYou got a disability? What is it?

Underbite TrollI've already told you dude. I got two dicks.

MarkusDude, I thought you were joking.

Underbite TrollI wasn't. I was literally born with two penises.

MarkusYou're fucking with me right?

Underbite TrollHaha of course I am..


Underbite TrollNo! fucktard! FUCKTARD!!

MarkusGrumpy douche. Chill yourself.

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Underbite TrollI'll prove it...

MarkusI don't wanna see your dick..

Underbite TrollYou know that's a lie. Trollolol you gay as hell.

MarkusI'm not gay.

(Underbite Troll points towards Markus.)

Underbite TrollThen why do you only have male friends? Why are you always around me?


MarkusWait . . .

MarkusI like pussy and boobs too much. I can't be gay...

Underbite TrollI don't care. Freat your eyes on these fuckers.

(Underbite Troll pulls down his pants and reveals his two penises.)

MarkusOh God no!! Oh my eyes!!

Underbite TrollIt's not that bad asshole.


MarkusMY EYES!!!!

(Markus starts scratching his face.)

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(Markus stops scratching his face.)


MarkusMan, PUT THOSE DICKS AWAY! I didn't need to see that shit. Fuck.

(Underbite Troll pulls up his pants.)

Underbite TrollSorry.. I haven't had any sleep. We're on the edge man, We need a smoke break.


MarkusThat does sound good, I haven't smoked in ages. Last time I smoked was during college, remember when we went to that concert. Who was the singer? It was that one bitch with red hair and tattoos.

Underbite TrollI don't remember. And thanks for the shitty description bro. It's not like there's a bunch of redheads with tattoos or anything.

MarkusHow do we get weed? I don't know anyone who has any. We got no connections or sources.

Underbite TrollLet's ask around Troll city.

MarkusFuck it, Let's go.

(Underbite Troll and Markus walk outside.)

Underbite TrollDude, it's in the middle of the night and it's cold as fuck outside. Use your brain you damn goon! Goon, Goon, Goons ass goon.

MarkusI still don't get it. Are you calling me a henchman? That's hilarious but also stupid. Your a retard bro.

Underbite TrollIs that all you got? With trolling like that we don't stand a chance. We need to get high and find our zen.

MarkusRight, We'll be going tomorrow then.

(Underbite Troll and Markus go back inside.)

Markus...Now what?

Underbite TrollWe go back to sleep.

(Markus grabs Underbite Troll by the shirt.)


(Underbite Troll pushes Markus away.)

Underbite TrollWell boohoo, I can't sleep either, don't be a bitch about it.

MarkusWell! You're a bitch too!


Underbite TrollI'm going to bed, you piss me off sometimes.

MarkusGoodnight pal!

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Narrator GuyThe Next day Underbite Troll and Markus wander around the tournament apartment rooms asking for the smokage.

(Buff panel of Underbite Troll.)

Narrator GuyUnfortunately, they're being grumpy douchebags because they are restless, let's have a look now and see how it's working out for them.

(Underbite Troll and Markus are talking to two furries.)

Underbite TrollSo, can you furry loving, rock eating, cock sucking, pieces of fox shit, sprinkled on a pizza, possibly help me find some weed?

Pink FurrySorry to disappoint the town rejects but considering you're used to it, I guess I can.

Pink FurryNo.

Blue FurryI don't know. Perhaps you should ask the tooth fairy for help. Heeheehee..

Underbite TrollYAWN!

Underbite TrollYou're no help.

MarkusWait. What the fuck does that mean?

Underbite TrollHey, you know where to find this tooth fairy person? Sounds like a lead.

(The furry couple hug.)

Pink FurryThis retard believes in the tooth fairy??!!!TROLOLOLOLOL WHAT A NOOB!!


(Underbite Troll gets angry.)

Underbite TrollDo you furies lick buttholes because you got shit breath. I can smell it from over here. Does she like Gargling on those dog nuts?


Underbite TrollLipstick dicks are gross. You two really aren't important to me, you skeet eaters. Can we skip the chat and you two idiots tell me where the fucking weed is!?

Blue FurryWhy would we help you? you're being dickheads and insulting us.

Pink FurryYeah fuck you guys.