"Tails Gets Trolled is a post-ironic masterpiece, an Iliad for the digital age. It's a clusterfuck of revenge fantasy, shonen anime, and self-aware DeviantArt humor, and you owe it to yourself as a citizen of the Internet to read it."
Tails Gets Trolled is a comic series primarily written by Lazerbot, later assisted by his brother, Embergram. It focuses on the story of a young fox, Tails, being trolled by random trolls. From there, he seeks the help of his friends, but things quickly take a wild turn, with future events touching on topics ranging from morality, sex, war, and weed.
Many are genuinely intrigued by different aspects of the comic, ranging from its wild crossover of fictional characters, overarching and strangely captivating plot-lines, or its plethora of reaction images.
The comic is still ongoing to this day, with Lazerbot and his brother Shimshomo leading a team of artists to help complete his vision. Lazerbot himself still contributes to the comic as well.
Porky Pig is a character appearing in Tails Gets Trolled as part of a flashback told by Coyote. He is a close friend to Coyote and his fellow Looney Tunes characters and offers to be their driver during a night out to the bar. However, a series of unfortunate happenings would soon seperate the kindly pig from his friends.