Chapter 6: silver's mission/Script: Difference between revisions

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{lowercase title}}
{{lowercase title}}

''Previous: [[Chapter 5: tails kid napped/Script]]''
''Previous: [[chapter 5: tails kid napped/Script]]''

''Next: [[chaper 7: mario vs king troll/Script]]''
''Next: [[chaper 7: mario vs king troll/Script]]''
Line 96: Line 96:
i go to
i go to
go }}
go }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|mean while }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|mean while }}
{{Script|Silver|Silver|alright guys. ill try to explain it
{{Script|Silver|Silver|alright guys. ill try to explain it
again even though you guys
again even though you guys
Line 257: Line 257:
ass }}
ass }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|TROLL OFF!!! }}
{{Script|Markus|Markus|TROLL OFF!!! }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|troll off silver vs this guy }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|troll off silver vs this guy }}

==Page 5==
==Page 5==
Line 751: Line 751:
well you know.... }}
well you know.... }}
(The Man from Pacman's flashback is encased in ice. Heimerdinger is also seen making a robotic leg for himself.)
(The Man from Pacman's flashback is encased in ice. Heimerdinger is also seen making a robotic leg for himself.)
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|the ice chamber's }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|the ice chamber's }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|mean while }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|mean while }}
{{Script|Silver|Silver|sigh..... dam that
{{Script|Silver|Silver|sigh..... dam that
was one hell of a
was one hell of a
Line 768: Line 768:
{{Script|Silver|Silver|alright lets go }}
{{Script|Silver|Silver|alright lets go }}
{{Script|Silver|Silver|what the fuck? }}
{{Script|Silver|Silver|what the fuck? }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|im telling you guys this dude was
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|im telling you guys this dude was
the best troll i have ever seen. he
the best troll i have ever seen. he
Line 798: Line 798:
awhile }}
awhile }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|sure man }}
{{Script|Underbite Troll|Underbite Troll|sure man }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|mean while }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|mean while }}
Line 829: Line 829:
dead that long and your gonna be that
dead that long and your gonna be that
guy. you dick }}
guy. you dick }}
{{Script|Knuckles|Knuckles|ey i would be helping sonic and
{{Script|Knuckles|Knuckles|hey i would be helping sonic and
amy out. i know sonic wouldn't want
amy out. i know sonic wouldn't want
amy to be alone and i can comfort
amy to be alone and i can comfort
Line 936: Line 936:
{{Script|Knuckles|Knuckles| ok ill be back after i
{{Script|Knuckles|Knuckles| ok ill be back after i
smoke acouple blunts }}
smoke acouple blunts }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrorator|mean whie }}
{{Script|Narrorator|Narrator Guy|mean whie }}
{{Script|Troll King|Troll King|so how was
{{Script|Troll King|Troll King|so how was
your trolling
your trolling

Latest revision as of 17:56, 19 September 2024

Previous: chapter 5: tails kid napped/Script

Next: chaper 7: mario vs king troll/Script


  • Character count: 13700
  • No spaces: 11600
  • Character with most lines: Silver (78)
  • Character(s) with least lines: Hulk, Mario (1)

Page 1

Pacmanso i think you should train with each member one at a time so you will be strong enough for the soul bind wakka

Tails the what?

Pacmana soul bind is when you fuse your self with someone thats dead it can only work with close freinds that have a bond wakka

Pacmani could never do it. but i think you and sonic might be able to wakka wakka

Tailshow could we do that? both being alive

Pacmanoh shit you dont know? no one told you ? wakka wakka

Pacmanyou friend sonic was killed by the boss of the troll's. pori saw it wakka



Pacman tails i believe you might be able to defeat the boss if you become strong

Tailsyour right i must become stonger

Pacmanhere's your robe

Pacmanwelcome to the group tails wakka .. you will first train with woodstock then you will move up to the next member. there's no need for you to train with doug or skeeter because you are already stronger then them wakka


Page 2

Poriwhat is it vivian?

Viviani heard you saw mario and luigi. how are they doing?

Porii wouldn't consern your self with them. they have lost there way. there no different from the trolls now

Vivianwhat did they do?

Porii told pacman everythi➞
➞ng. if you want to know ask him i go to go

Narrator Guymean while

Silveralright guys. ill try to explain it again even though you guys was there. focus this time so i dont have to keep telling you retards what happened. it started when we were at the consert witch was a pretty dumb plan and was destined to fail

Silverso after we watch them fail. we followed the trolls back to watch sonic get killed

(Rob and Silver are dumbfounded.)

Silverwich we all wanted to help him but knew if we would of jumped in we would die as well.

Silver wich the worst part was what troll face did to sonic's corpse after word's wich was rape it. at that point i looked away

Silverthen atter that we got a front seat to see luigi get put into this seizure thing as he was also raped to death

Silver even though i didn't look. i will have that shit in my nightmares years to come. ok then after that. we followed them back here to there city. wich we are out side of . all im really sure of is ive been near to much rape for my life time

Silverok did you guys get that?

Page 3


Silveroh my god would you two fucking listen!! its easier talking to a child then you two fucks.

Fuddim sorry what was you saying i wasn't listening

Silvergod why me?. ok look ill keep all the plans to my self andyou guys just follow me

Silverand elmer can you eat bug's and daffy already or atleast get rid of there bodies they smell like shit

Fuddim not hungry for duck and wabbit

Silverwhat ever.. alright guys put on your troll face mask. i think if we have them on they will mistake us for troll face fans


Silverto the city awaaaayyyy

(Elmer grabs his bag and the group sets off. They find a group of trolls buying Troll Face goods.)

Underbite Trollthats so killer

Jaycehey i am selling the best in troll face good's. i got book's sex toys mask and much more

Page 4

Silveralright we are here finally about fucking time

Robwhat the fuck is on my face i cant see anything?

Underbite Trolllook at those guys

Markusthey have killer mask

Jaycehey i see you take a liking to the troll mask. alittle different from mine

Silverok we just got to act troll wich means be a dick

Silverhey fags

Underbite Trollhey guess what. i have two dicks and 4 balls what do you got to say to that

Silverjesus thats one dick to many


Markusi know its super dooper kooper cool like up the bitches snitches

Underbite Troll hey you guys seem pretty cool. i challenge you to a friendly troll off what do you say

Silverill pass i got places to be

Robi am lost?

Underbite Trollyour too pussy

Silverfine ill do it

Fuddkick his ass

MarkusTROLL OFF!!!

Narrator Guytroll off silver vs this guy

Page 5

Underbite Trolljesus christ you must be an autismal man child. you are I ucking terrible. Just looking at you makes me want to shove rocks in my asshole. kill your self.

SilverSo anyone smarter than you should be killed? and You have a weird flower shaped dick and a gross face

Underbite TrollYou literally made Adolf Hitler get off his dick-throne in the midst of the flames of Hell, walk into the bathroom, and sob quietly in the corner of a shower. He held a bottle of cheap whiskey in his shaking hand, no longer secure in his position as world's least likable human being.

Silverimplying that i give a fuck. Were your parents brother and sister?YOU BUTT LICKING COCK MUNCHER!

Underbite Trolljesus christ your face is terrible and We all know you like to take it up the ass, you cock sucking manwhore.

SilverYour dick is so short, that your slutty girlfriend had to have sex with a fucking donkey to be finally satisfied! and You're such a fucking failure that you can't even stand on your own stupid legs!"

Underbite Trolldickbutt. you FAGGOTRY FAG homo face with a shit load of aids and ci abs you dick sucking butt hurt

Silverkeep telling yourself that so you can wack off over the idea later you dam retard.

Underbite Trollgoons goons goony ass goons

Fuddget him silver booyah

Silveri got one word for you virgin

Underbite Trollwrohfofns knfsofnios n fofksn k o fag fag fag fag fag sfs s„vnskjnvj smovjsldjn vlsmclskd meklsmekl smlfdd

Markus omg he's spaming now lol wow dude you gotta spam that shit like hell

Silveryour like a used tampon your no longer good

Underbite Trollfine fine fine you win dude. ill admit that your trolling is impressive no lie about that. how did you get so good at trolling my brother?

Silverwell lately ive been reading alot of troll fight's on facebook and shit like that. it turns out reading is good hard to believe

Page 6

Silveralright ill be leaving now

Underbite Trollwear that mask with pride

Silvereat dick

Markusman hes cool

Fuddso how did you get so good at trolling anyways ?

Silverwell unlike shadow said i am the smart guy. im not like shadow i dont act out of anger and impulse. i research alot and actually plan and i have back up plans if my plan goes south

Silveri researched. shadow and the rest of them was coming up with there plan in like one sitting. i actually took time on my plan and my plan is gonna flicking work

Silveralright there's the troll castle where the boss lives

Silverwe will wait here until my friend gets here

Silverthis will be perfect


Silvergreat she's here

(Blaze appears.)

Blazehey can you take off that ugly mask i perfer your actual face

Silverheres the first part of the me going in there to get info im not gonna try to kill someone thats clearly stronger then me like luigi did

Page 7

Fuddso chick what guys are you into i ask because i need a quick fix on this boner im having

Silverelmer what the fuck man?

Blazeoh you want to know whets my type of guy well ok. i like guys that are colored silver that are cool and that needs to grow some balls and tell me bow they feel already

Silver... really?


Fudddude i think shes talking about me

Silverhow the fuck is she talking about you? your not silver and shes never met you before dumb fuck

Fuddsilver you worry to much its not like i want a relationship. oh you should be going

Silverok ill be back after i learn some more about these trolls. by sneaking in there castle

Blazeis there somethin➞
➞g you want to tell me?

Silverummm m..... no

Fuddshe so wants my shot gun inside of her


Silverfuck im such a pussy. i should of said something.. you pussy

Silveri mean shit she pretty much told me she new my feelings and just wanted me to be a man and all i do is be a pussy face ahhh

Fudd or Blazewe can hear what your saying

Silveroh shit no you cant ummm

Page 8

Silverok i just got to keep my mind off the embarrassment and keep my mind on this task

Silverhmmm this might take awhile this place is really big

Alexdam troll face is fucked up

Alexi mean even for me that's just to much. troll face keeping luigi's body as a sex toy

Silverwhy is he smoking the cigarette backwords?

Silverthis is a good spot

Silveroh this room looks like its top secret

Silverjack pot..


Page 9

Heimerdingerwho are you? what are you doing in here?

Silverwho are you? and why are you chained up in here?

Heimerdingerthere forcing me to build weapons here and there after my two friends as well.. its not good for you to be here, that mask wont help you in here. they will kill you if they find you here. mask or not

Silver what exactly are you building here?

Heimerdinger im building a robot army for them. nowhidequick i here someone coming

Troll King how is it going was you able to copy the design from the robots body?

Troll Kingyou need to hurry up with the testing so you can get started making the troll bots

Heimerdinger if i had some workers . this would be so much faster

(Troll King brings Emerl's parts.)

Hindosure we have a problem.we found egg man as you asked but he's dead

Troll Kingshit this isn't good. we can't do it with out all 3 of them.

Heimerdinger no this can't be. he was supose to break me out of here

Troll Kingthis may not work but bring his body here now

Page 10

Hindowe are already a head of you

Garryhere's his body

Silveri remember him

(Flashback to Garry after being burned by Emerl's copied-fire beam move.)

Garrystop laughing!!

(Eggman's body is dropped.)

Troll King make him a android heimerdinger

Heimerdingeri cant make a dead person a android. i can't rise the dead im not god. even if i could make him a android he wouldn't be egg man. he would be would a dumb robot

Heimerdingerthis task is impossible for anyone. i might be a genius but i cant do this

Troll Kingshit. who ever killed egg man really fucked up my plans

(Silver steps on a wrench.)

Troll Kingwho's there?


Heimerdingerhurry get out of here

(Heimerdinger throws a wrench at Troll King.)

Page 11

Silvershit which way do i go

Silvergreat there's my exit

Silverout the window it is

(Silver leaps out the window using his powers.)

Troll Kinggo after who ever that mask person was now damnit. no one must know of this room

Hindoyes sir

Troll King your lucky i need you or i would slaughter you right now.. who the fuck was that!!!

Heimerdingereven if i knew i wouldn't tell you

Troll Kingcut off his leg

(The locks holding Heimerdinger's legs are pulled, tearing off one of his legs.)


Page 12

Troll Kingand who ever was the dumbass that forgot to lock the door. im gonna fuck you up

Silverthose retards should probably get rid of that window next time but it does hurt bit

Blazesilver seems to be in a rush

Fuddi dont know why? oh maybe he's having a race with the group of people behind him

Silvereveryone run!!!

Silverwe got to hurry now

(Rob runs towards the troll.)

Silverdude your going the wrong way

Robgo ahead ill be right there.. ill hold them off

Page 12

(Rob braces himself as a group of trolls apppear.)


RobUnrelenting Force!!!!


Alexwhat the fuck?

(Varic is blown back. Rob prepares to leap.)

Alexholy shit he's dragonborn

(Rob jumps into the air.)

Robfire breath!!!!

(Rob breathes fire onto the trolls, incinerating two of them. The rest run.)

Page 13

Silverdamnit i can't turn my back on a teammate like shadow.

Fuddok lets kick some balls

Silverblaze stay back i dont want anything to happen to you

(Silver uses his powers on rocks to launch them towards the trolls.)



(Fish and Pork are frozen in place.)

Fuddhere take the power of my 2nd cock

(Fudd headshots a troll.)

Fuddi blew off his head with my man juice haha

Alexahhh i remember who you are now.silver hows your hand treating you?

Page 15

Silverfuck you trolls i haven't seen one dam girl in your faggot group of your's. so why dont you shut your faggot mouth about me. you fucking group offags that are all gay and just call other people gay because you just want to suck our fucking cocks you faggot's

(Alex is surprised as he is lifted into the air by Silver's powers.)

Alex what the fuck?

Alexdamnit i can't move?

Silverill give you room to talk shit about people when you trolls actually get a fucking life

(Alex is tossed across the landscape.)

Silver i think you trolls are a bunch of looser's and guess what? i actually got room to talk.. i dont get why trolls aren't the ones being trolled?there the bigest looser's

Alexshut your fucking mouth

Alexyou dont know shit about trolls

Alexyou know nothing!! about us

Silverand i dont care to and you can't lay one dam fingure on me

Alex oh yes i can. you are running out of mana i can see that clear as day

(Silver stares at his hand.)

Page 16

Alexit looks like my back up has arrived

Alex there over here!!

Silverhmmm there gonna keep on coming this changes my plans alittle bit

Silveroh shit!!

(Troll King appears behind Alex.)

Silverthe boss is here we got to get the fuck out of here now!!

Fuddpeace bitches

(Fudd shoots a smoke bomb from his shotgun.)

Alexdamnit it's a smoke screan . go after them now there escaping

Troll Kinghmm there smart enough to not face me

(The smoke clears, revealing that Silver has escaped.)

Alexthey wont be able to stay hidden in this city for to long.sir i got something i need to tell you

Page 17

Alexsir one of the people in silver's group is a dragonborn its the human in the group

Troll Kingdragonborn? but i thought we wiped them all out years ago?

Troll Kingthere's only one other person i can think of thats dragonborn and hes well you know....

(The Man from Pacman's flashback is encased in ice. Heimerdinger is also seen making a robotic leg for himself.)

Narrator Guythe ice chamber's

Narrator Guymean while

Silversigh..... dam that was one hell of a run i think we lost them for now

Silverok they know we have troll mask on and they will expect us to have them on so elmer take your's off. it will be harder to find us with out them mask on sigh dam that was one hell of a run i think we lost them for now

Fuddoh ok i was starting to like this mask but ok

Fuddwhere the mask go? i didn't want to loose it?

Silveralright lets go

Silverwhat the fuck?


Underbite Trollim telling you guys this dude was the best troll i have ever seen. he is legendary man

Silverok put your mask's back on

Underbite Trollok that will be 5 bucks for the legendary mask of the legend. i mean every time i think of how awesome he is and how good at trolling he is i cum in my pants

Page 18

Silveri got a idea follow me

Underbite Trolland he was like tampon and i was like no way hahahh it was super killer


Underbite Trollomg hey its you


Silverhey me and my friends actually need somewhere to crash for awhile

Underbite Trollsure man

Narrator Guymean while

Shadowno that wont work

Bowseryour right he would get out of that

Shadowok any other idea's?

Teemowell if we do plan to defeat mario bowser needs to make a list of all mario's powers

Bowserill get that started

Hulki know mario is a problem but we also need to get the trolls to

Knucklesvictor told me about sonic

Knuckleswe went to sonic's body and the trolls took it away

Page 19

Knucklesso sonic being dead and all. does that mean amy is single now?

Shadowreally dude? sonic hasn't even been dead that long and your gonna be that guy. you dick

Knuckleshey i would be helping sonic and amy out. i know sonic wouldn't want amy to be alone and i can comfort her in her time of need and if im lucky ill help my self out to. its a win win

Shadowwhat ever i dont have time for this. go away

Knuckles dude i have a plan to stop the trolls once and for all and this may sound stupid but follow me with it. ok you know that teemo is able to get penta kills. so why dont we put him in a cannon and shoot him into the trolls base where ever it is and let him kill all of them.its so perfect that it can't go wrong

Shadowyou know what knuckle's that doesn't sound stupid at all.. it is fucking stupid

Teemoi think its the best plan i have ever heard in my life

Shadowof course you do the plan has to do with you!! man this plan is retarded

Shadowfuck it.go ahead but im not gonna waste my time doing your dumb plan' gonna keep on working on a real plan

Knucklesshadow you will thank me when this plan work's. hulk bring that canan over here. it's right there

Shadowhow's that list going bowser

Bowser im still working on it shadow he has alot of power's

Knucklesright there would be good

(Hulk drops the canan.)

Page 20

Knucklesalright teemo get in the cannon

Vectorlisten to me knuckle's there is 0% chance of this working. your just gonna kill teemo

Shadowif we had bullets for this cannon i would shoot you in the face for coming up with such a retarded idea

Knucklesyour just mad you didn't come up with it first

Teemohell yeah!!!

Vectorno were not!! your being stupid right now knuckle's

(Teemo is launched from the canan.)

Knuckles wow he's flying like crazy this is so gonna work


Teemo wait how is this gonna work if knuckle's doesn't even know where the trolls are?

(Teemo crashes into a mountain.)

Page 21

Knucklesoops im so sorry i didn't mean for that to happen? ahhh sorry teemo

Knucklesok guys i know i fucked up but i know i can make up for it with a even better plan that wont get anyone else killed

Shadowno more of your plans

Knuckles shadow trust me this plan will be better because im gonna smoke my smart weed. im smarter when im high..

Vectorknuckles no.. no more

Knuckles ok ill be back after i smoke acouple blunts

Narrator Guymean whie

Troll Kingso how was your trolling spree pori?

Porii got those noobs good

Hindosir mario is out side the town calling you out

Troll Kingbring me there

Alexhes over there sir

Troll Kingno one will jump in this fight he's mine

Marioim gonna finish what me and luigi started