List of deaths

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This page lists out all deaths that take place in Tails Gets Trolled.


  • Last words are taken chronologically.
  • Kills made by the Christians are counted as kills made by the group as a whole for this chart unless the two appearing in Chapter 9 are given specific identities later down the road
  • Kills made by a Neutral's puppets are counted as a kill by the user with the exception of Miladox
  • The charts list out visible on-screen deaths. Some characters (such as Troll King and the village of Alferd, Shadow and the villagers in Chapter 11) are assumed to have higher kill counts but only their on-screen deaths are totaled here.


  • Verify number of visible villagers destroyed by Shadow
  • Verify number of corpses in Cheeto Man's pipe

Chapter 1

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 1)
Throat slit Buried by Knuckles, Shadow, and Tails "ah..... i was just joking about what i said about you and your freind before"

(Kill #: 2)
Stabbed and cut Buried by Knuckles, Shadow, and Tails "im sorry i wont troll again i promise"

(Kill #: 1)
Kicked in half ??? "where he go?"

(Kill #: 2)
head punched through ??? "nooooo!! why did you kill him? i love him"

(Kill #: 3)
stabbed offscreen ??? "shes a bitch that fucks all the fags in town. because that bitch of yours has a dick"

(Kill #: 1)
head crushed underfoot ??? "yea what the fuck are you anyways? you dam abomination. lol hes got a big mouth. i bet hes good at. you know sucking"

(Kill #: 1)
crushed by hammer ??? "your one fat looking fat guy"
  • Deaths thus far: 7 (7 this chapter)

Chapter 2

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 1)
burned to death ??? "ummm we didn't mean anything with our insults"

(Kill #: 2)
head crushed with hand ??? "im so so so sorry if you let me live ill suck your dick"
  • Deaths thus far: 9 (2 this chapter)

Chapter 3

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 4)
shot in the head taken by Elmer "hey bugs"

(Kill #: 5)
multiple headshots taken by Elmer "NO!!!!!"

(Kill #: 3)
stabbed through back taken by trolls, then taken by Elmer "whats the 2nd thing?"

(Kill #: 1)
stabbed in chest offscreen ??? "listen we all have to deal with our wrong choices in life. and i will make up for mine by getting the city back"
  • Deaths thus far: 13 (4 this chapter)

Chapter 4

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 2)
burned to death ??? "ahhhhh arm... i think it might be broke"

(Kill #: 3)
head crushed by hammer ??? "nooo!!!!!"

(Kill #: 2)
bisected with spear "reverse engineered chest taken by Luigi arm given to Troll King" "oh shit.... well im dead"

(Kill #: 3)
beheaded in bare hand "taken by Troll Face and used as a sex doll, then taken by Coyote" "look out!!!!"
  • Deaths thus far: 17 (4 this chapter)

Chapter 5

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 4)
brain turned off taken by Troll Face, thouroughly raped, then taken by Fudd "NOOO! im gonna kill you, i will kill all of you with this star!!!!"
Porkchop The Trolls
(Kill #: 1)
gangbanged to death ??? N/A

(Kill #: 5)
unknown ??? "alright"

(Kill #: 1)
slashed by sword ??? "run!!!"


  • Sillous is assumed to have died alongside Oxsist in their attempt to take back Alferd

Chapter 6

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
Two backup trolls
(Kill #: 1 & 2)
burned to death ??? N/A
(Kill #: 1)
head shot off ??? N/A
Unknown Unknown "preserved in ice by Troll King, bisected later by Coyote" "sir i killed him"

(Kill #: 1)
shot out of cannon Revived "wait how is this gonna work if knuckle's doesn't even know where the trolls are?"

Chapter 7

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 2)
head bashed and burned cremated "what?"

(Kill #: 3)
head bashed with bat cremated "i come from a group that is called the troll's the saying trolls be trollin is from there"

Chapter 8

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
Snoopy The Trolls
(Kill #: 2)
gangbanged to death ??? N/A

(Kill #: 1)
shot in the head ??? "i dont even know whats going on?"

(Kill #: 3)
beheaded ??? "no!!!"

(Kill #: 2)
head shot off ??? "noooooooooooooooo!!!"
The Joker
(Kill #: 1)
unknown, offscreen ??? N/A
Batman's Parents Alfred's goons
(Kill #: 1 & 2)
shot offscreen ??? N/A
(Kill #: 2)
unknown, offscreen ??? (telling batman he was in a group called the trolls)
Tweety Bird
(Kill #: 1)
unknown, offscreen "kept as a puppet, crushed by a troll" N/A

Chapter 9

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
failed the blood trial Became Kelic's puppet "what are you people blabbing about?"
failed the blood trial Became Kelic's puppet "only he can past judgement on all our souls. there is no other god,"
failed the blood trial Became Kelic's puppet "when are we gonna start the ritual? what the gently cares is with that?"
failed the blood trial Became Kelic's puppet "our shollow souls will see judgement"
failed the blood trial Became Kelic's puppet "our fates are in his hands"

(Kill #: 1)
Fed poisonous milk Became Tom's puppet "ughhhhhhhhhh"
Unknown unknown, offscreen Briefly used by Porky, became Kelic's puppet N/A
(Kill #: 1 & 2)
dismembered offscreen cooked into bacon N/A

(Kill #: 3)
shot through head Body taken by Satanists, then taken back by Sylvester "can you hold him real quick he needs to be changed"

(Kill #: 4)
shot through head Body taken by Satanists, then taken back by Sylvester N/A

(Kill #: 1)
suicide by hanging Body taken by Satanists, then taken back by Sylvester "sure, hey little guy i missed you so much"
(Kill #: 5)
unknown, offscreen Became Kelic's puppet "we can't let you kill them"
(Kill #: 6)
unknown, offscreen Became Kelic's puppet "satan is the only lord and he doesn't favor christians so die!!"
(Kill #: 1)
unknown, offscreen Became Kelic's puppet "this is for GOD!!!"
(Kill #: 2)
unknown, offscreen Became Kelic's puppet "satanist, well then if you plan to get in our way we shall smite you in the name of the lord."

Chapter 10

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 1)
crushed by Addy taken by Demaro, then taken by Coyote "damnit you sent your monster to break my arms so i couldn't fight back"

Chapter 11

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
15 villagers
(Kill #: 6-20)
blasted to oblivion disintegrated "what is that in the sky?" (blue shirted man)
"huh?" (red shirted man)
Donald Family Hitman
(Kill #: 1)
raped then killed by unknown means Presumably kept as a sex toy N/A
The Trolls
(Kill #: 4)
Forced to watch Twilight, hitting critical levels of retardedness ??? N/A

Chapter 12

No deaths.

Chapter 13

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 1)
inadvertantly taken into Miladox's world, torn to pieces soul sucked out, freed by Coyote later "GOOOOOOSG YOU PEICE OF SHIT HAAASDAD YOU FUCKUU ASS HOLE!! YOU FUCKING DICK AHHH HOGOGO ITS HURTS SO MUCH!!... ahhh holy fuck, this fucking hurts"
Caged trolls
(Kill #: 1-3)
cage dropped on them ??? N/A

(Kill #: 2)
unknown became sylvester's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 3)
unknown became sylvester's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 4)
unknown became sylvester's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 5-8)
unknown became sylvester's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 2)
unknown became tom's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 3 & 4)
unknown became tom's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 5 & 6)
unknown became tom's puppet N/A

(Kill #: 7)
killed to spite Sylvester became tom's puppet N/A
7 trolls in the cage
(Kill #: 4-10)
stabbed with a spear ??? "AHHHHH!! Help ME!"

(Kill #: 8)
Crushed with Spike ??? "ahahahahah the same thing happened to me"

(Kill #: 9)
Crushed with Big Bird ??? "oh shitty balls"

Chapter 14

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
Troll J
(Kill #: 9)
Eaten by his dogs ??? N/A
Troll K
(Kill #: 10)
Neck broken by Granny ??? N/A

(Kill #: 10)
Killed by Ernie the Chicken ??? "NO I DON'T WANNA DIE I'M A VIRGIN! HHHHAHHAHAHAH!"
12 Mentioned Trolls
(Kill #: 22)
Offscreen. Sylvester says he has killed 14 trolls, adding 12 offscreen deaths ??? N/A
2 Mentioned Trolls
(Kill #: 12)
Offscreen. Sylvester says Tom has killed 5 trolls, adding 2 offscreen deaths ??? N/A

(Kill #: 13)
Neck broken by Granny ??? "i don't know what i stepped on but it was kind of nasty yeah yeah, i follow the beat with my meat, i got so much swag"

(Kill #: 11)
Stabbed with a spear ??? "please don't kill me, i have a pet turtle at home that needs me, please i will blow you if i have to. aahhhhhhhhh

(Kill #: 21)
shot in the head "became Coyote's puppet destroyed by Troll Face" "Beep Beep! Beep Beep!"

(Kill #: 3)
burned to death using Luigi's corpse ??? "what the hell!!"
Trolls in the morgue
(Kill #: 4 & 5)
burned to death using Luigi's corpse ??? ".....oh my god! shit"

Chapter 15

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 2)
Took a bullet in the chest for Tom Retrieved by silver "Because I consider you family and I would do anything for family, all that stuff I said and did was just to give you something to better your self with, if I was always your rival then you would always try to surpass me. I hhhhhhh I've always respected you tom... i.....hhhHHHH......f..ahhhhhh.."

Chapter 16

No deaths.

Chapter 17

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 5)
Head popped open ??? "It's not like he tore off your arm like Luigi lol. Shadow hasn't done anything to you, he's just a fucking noob."

(Kill #: 1)
Overdosed on sleeping pills ??? "Hey man, i heard you can get really high off of sleeping pills. And what will make us cooler then the other kids? We will swallow a whole bottles worth of it."

(Kill #: 1)
Overdosed on sleeping pulls ??? "Yeah man, even know it said for under aged kids to not do it, and to not take more then 2 pills or risk of dying. But we're gonna do it anyways, cuzz we are so cool. Hell yeeeahhh."

Chapter 18

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue
Jim's Prostitute Unknown Mentioned to be shot ??? N/A

Chapter 20

Character(s) killed Killer Method Corpse status Last words / Most recent dialogue

(Kill #: 1)
killed offscreen for having the clap dumped in the pipeline "Knuckles, let go.."

(Kill #: 2)
killed offscreen for having the clap dumped in the pipeline "Yeaaaahhh..."

(Kill #: 3)
killed offscreen for having the clap dumped in the pipeline "I'm sure you finna enjoy it more here in a few baby."

(Kill #: 4)
killed offscreen for having the clap dumped in the pipeline "Yeah, you're right. But i'm pretty fucking happy i didn't make a move, id rather not go through the akwardness of him trying to explain why his dick didn't work hahahaa."

(Kill #: 5)
killed offscreen for having the clap dumped in the pipeline "That, was, amazing..."

(Kill #: 6)
unknown dumped in the pipleline N/A
(Kill #: 7)
unknown dumped in the pipeline N/A
Tyler the Gay Frog
(Kill #: 8)
unknown dumped in the pipeline N/A
25 Pipeline corpses
(Kill #: 33)
unknown dumped in the pipeline N/A

