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Biographical info
Alt. spellings and titles Nouveau Narrateur (French for "New Narrator")
Physical description
Species Human
Gender Male
Skin color Light
Hair color Gray
Eye color Blue
Personal information
Occupation Narrator of the comic
Affiliation None
Weapons/powers mean while
First appearance Chapter 24, Page 1
(first mean while)
Chapter 26, Page 11
(in person)
Last appearance Chapter 28, Page 32
In real life
Actual name Narrateur
First appearance Tails Gets Trolled
Chapter 24, Page 1 (2020)
Chapter 26, Page 11 (2022)
Franchise Tails Gets Trolled

The Narrateur (French for "Narrator") is Narrator Guy's replacement after the latter was fired from his job. He first makes his actual appearance in person on Chapter 26, Page 11.


The Narrateur appears with long, white hair decorated with several red hair accessories. He wears a fancy blue suit with a red rose and red/white cravat, contrasting Narrator Guy's more simple attire.


Like Narrator Guy, he provides the comic's Meanwhiles which help guide the reader through different scenes. It is unknown if he has any special powers beyond that however.

Liste des récits

Tails Gets Trolled


The Narrateur inside his home.

After Narrator Guy is removed from his position, the Narrateur takes over his role in providing the comic's mean whiles and transitions. He first appears in person on Chapter 26: Anguish, Page 11 providing the transition to Mario's scene, and is surprised as he does not recall Mario being a part of the comic.

From then on he makes gradual appearances in person alongside his meanwhile's. He is occasionally seen with more detail, such as on Chapter 27: Shadow's Nightmare, Page 13 where he appears inside his house.


In contrast to Narrator Guy, who prefers to use more simple meanwhile boxes, the Narrateur appears to be more fond of showing himself in person when announcing meanwhile's. It is unknown why he feels the need to act this way.