Tails Gets Trolled Censored

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For other uses, see Tails Gets Trolled (disambiguation)
Tails gets trolled chapter 1 Censored
Release dates
Cover date March 28, 2014
Page date March 30, 2014 -
June 26, 2014
Link Tails Gets Trolled Censored
Script Script
Other chapters
Screw you trolls.
Shadow, Page 2

Tails Gets Trolled Censored or Tails gets trolled chapter 1 Censored was a short "spin-off" of the first chapter of Tails Gets Trolled that edited certain moments of the comic to be more safe for work. It was intended to be a project that would censor all chapters of Tails Gets Trolled, but ultimately, only the first chapter would be released in this fashion.


Tails Gets Trolled Censored was originally made as a response to some feedback Lazerbot received around the time of Chapter 19: THE Storm part 1, where people criticized the excessive gore and foul language in the comic.[1] As a result, Lazerbot began a project in which he would redo earlier chapters, toning down the amount of violence and swearing in an attempt to make it more family friendly.

The project was intended to cover all chapters as evidenced by Tails Gets Trolled Censored having a section for all chapters on Lazerbot's old DeviantArt account (ultimatelazerbot), but in the end, only the first chapter would be censored. Certain pages would be posted to the Something Awful thread for goons to look at, but the other pages would be lost when Lazerbot moved all Tails Gets Trolled related content away from his DeviantArt accounts. However, the pages would resurface in 2020 after Lazerbot and Embergram found the original files on their computer.


In General

Much of the grammar has been cleaned up to use proper punctuation. A red banner is also added to the bottom of the pages, with several boxes saying "Censored" to indicate that this is the Censored version of the comic.

The more notably changed lines are listed below, with words in bold indicating a change.

Page 1

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Butter Tits (Panel 5) your gay and a retard . you look so stupid . your a noob and your such a retard that has no friends and your ugly. you should fix that ugly face of yours retard You're a gay idiot, you look so stupid.. You noob, you're such a dummy that has no friends. And, you're ugly. You should fix that ugly face of yours moron.
Butter Tits (Panel 6) you mad. you mad. you look mad.you stupid bitch You mad? You mad? You look mad you stupid cow.
Butter Tits (Panel 7) you have no talent . you big retarded hoe You have no telent you big dumb animal.

Page 2

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Sonic (Panel 4) [...] there calling tails gay and shit he cant take it [...] You know, they're calling Tails names and crap. he can't take it..
Shadow (Panel 6) that is bull shit. [...] That's bull crap. [...]
Shadow (Panel 9) fuck you trolls Screw you trolls.

In addition, Shadow's middle finger has been edited out so that he is clenching his fist instead.

Page 3

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Shadow (Panel 10) dumb ass will learn , Dumb fox will learn.

Page 4

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Butter Tits (Panel 1) and your a little faggot that has no friends , And you're a little fairy that has no friends.
Butter Tits (Panel 2) you retarded mushroom You moronic mushroom!
Dick Taker (Panel 4) hey man.look that dumbass fox brought his gay friend to talk to us, Hey man look, that derpy fox brought his feminine friend to talk to us.
Sonic (Panel 5) im not gay [...] I'm not feminine, [...]
Butter Tits (Panel 6) [...] your a retarded faggot that has no friends and your so ugly ,noob trolololol [...] You're a idiotic butt pirate that has no friends. And you're so ugly, noob trollololol.
Butter Tits (Panel 8) retard , your so stupid Derp, you're so stupid.
Sonic (Panel 9) [...] this is stupid [...] This is pointless.
Butter Tits (Panel 10) i bet your girl friend is a stupid cow and the town slut [...] I bet your girl friend is a stupid cow, and the town tease. [...]
Butter Tits (Panel 12) your girl friends a stupid hoe and becuase of that your gay with that retared fox Your girl friend's a stupid tease, and because of that, you're frisky with that doofus fox.

Page 5

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Butter Tits (Panel 2) your girl is a bitch and your a retard Your girl is easy, and you're mentally challenged.
Sonic (Panel 7) I'm so mad. im gonna have sex with my girl friend so i wont be so mad I'm so mad.. I'm gonna make love to my girl friend so i won't be so mad.
Shadow (Panel 10) i fucking knew it I freakin knew it.

Page 6

No notable changes aside from sentence structure.

Page 7

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Butter Tits (Panel 3) oh shit its that retarded fox again and he brought two of his gay friends Oh shiznit! It's that re-re fox again! And he brought two more of his butt munch friends.
Shadow (Panel 4) hello dickheads so your the trolls i heard about Hello crotch heads, so you're the trolls i've heard about?
Butter Tits (Panel 5) [...] your a retard that is a faggot that has no talent [...] [...] You're a brainless fagle. You have no talent [...]
Shadow (Panel 6) hey it looks like you ate a little to much KFC fat fuck Hey, it looks like you ate a little too much KFC fatso.
Butter Tits (Panel 7) well your stupid and you have no friends Well.. You're ignorant, and you have no friends.
Shadow (Panel 8) you need to cut down on the McDonald's fatass You need to cut down on the Mcdonald's fat hinie.
Dick Taker (Panel 10) hey em→
→breaded donkey [...]
Hey, deformed donkey. [...]
Shadow (Panel 11) for a em→
→breaded donkey i can sure fuck your mom hard
I guess your mom is into deformed donkey's then.
Butter Tits (Panel 12) shut up your a retarded noob that's stupid and ugly Shut up.. You're a huge noob that's defected and ugly.

Once again, Shadow's middle finger has been edited out in Panel 11.

Page 8

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Shadow (Panel 1) only retarded people and fat retarded people repat the same insults Only dumb people and fat dumb people repeat the same insults.
Butter Tits (Panel 2) your stupid.you don't know anything you dumb faggot You're stupid.. You don't know anything, you dumb fruit cake.
Shadow (Panel 7) what do you got to say now you stupid fucking troll What do you got to say now you stupid freaking troll?

Page 9

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Shadow (Panel 10) to late for that fucker Too late for that f***er!
Shadow (Panel 12) fucker F***er.

The panels depicting Dick Taker's throat being slashed and Butter Tits being sliced by Shadow's knife were also edited to not explicitly show the two being gored.

Page 10

No changes.

Page 11

No changes.

Page 12

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Knuckles (Panel 7) what the fuck? What the f**k?
Shadow (Panel 10) sonic go away im trying to sleep. ill hear your bitching later Sonic, go away. I'm trying to sleep.. I'll hear your whining later.

Page 13

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Pori (Panel 7) [...] someone saw you last night high as shit with a shovel. [...] someone saw you last night high as crap holding a shovel.

Page 14

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Shadow (Panel 5) shit hes getting away Crap he's getting away!
Shadow (Panel 7) fuck hes gone F**k he's gone.

Page 15

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Shadow (Panel 1) alright there's sonic . ehhh hear comes his bitching. i know tails bitched out and told him Alright, there's Sonic.. Ehh, here comes his whining.. I know Tails wimped out and told him.
Shadow (Panel 3) there is something i need to talk about so why dont you just shut the fuck up and listen. [...] There is something we need to talk about, so why don't you shut the f**k up and listen. [...]
Shadow (Panel 5) [...] you need to stop thinking your everyone's boss i can do what the fuck i like and i'm glad them fuckers are dead they needed to die and if you would of been more like me egg man would also be dead .so don't give me this no bloodshed shit . [...] [...] You need to stop thinking your everyones boss! I can do what the heck i like, and i'm glad those crackers are dead, they need to die. And if you would have been more like me, Eggman would also be dead. So don't give me this no bloodshed duty. [...]
Shadow (Panel 7) fuck you sonic F**k you Sonic.

Shadow's middle finger in Panel 7 is edited out as well.

Page 16

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Toke (Panel 1) the blue faggot is mine The blue Homosexual is mine.
Knuckles (Panel 8) so your telling me you wasn't drunk or fucked up in anyway, when you had sex with me and that monkey So you're telling me. You wasn't drunk or messed up in any way, when you made love with me and that monkey?

Page 17

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Toke (Panel 1) your a fag that likes taking miracle whip in the face like a faggot hoe . your such a retard that sucks on dinosuar nipples You're a cross dresser who likes taking miracle whip in the face like a manly girl. You're such a degenerate who sucks on dinosaur nipples.
Kei-so (Panel 5) i bet your girl friend knows how to suck my big hairy balls like a Pro . i heard your girlfriend is a slutty bitch I bet your girl friend knows how to suck my big hairy toe like a pro. I also heard that your girlfriend is a skanky trick.
Brandon (Panel 7) shes a bitch that fucks all the fags in town . because that bitch of yours has a dick She's a trick that licks all the toes in town, because that trick of yours has a weener.
Sonic (Panel 8) you shut the fuck up!! You shut the f**k up!!
Toke (Panel 9) your girl goes around fucking all the fags with her man penis.they call her big daddy Your girl friend goes around licking all the toes with her man tongue, they call her big daddy.

Page 18

The dialouge remains the same with exception of grammar corrections, but Toke and Kei-so's deaths are edited heavily. Kei-so is no longer split in half by Sonic's leg and is instead knocked to the ground, though he is still stated to be killed by Toke. Toke is also punched in the face and knocked down normally, as opposed to Sonic's fist piercing through his face.

Page 19

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Sonic (Panel 4) shit i failed Crap, I failed..
Shadow (Panel 6) sonic thank you for proving that peace isn't shit. [...] Sonic, thank you for proving that peace isn't crap [...]
Sonic (Panel 7) fuck you shadow. [...] F**k you Shadow! [...]
Shadow (Panel 8) that's what i was trying to tell you while you was bitching . [...] That's what I was trying to tell you before you started whining. [...]

Shadow's knife is also edited out while he is standing over Brandon's corpse (alongside the pool of blood by his body), making it look as if he beat Brandon to death using his fist.

Page 20

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Alex (Panel 7) [...] it is trully sad that peaces of shit are born into this world.without a meaning [...] It is truly sad that pathetic people ar eborn into this world, without a meaning.

Page 21

Character (Panel) Original Censored
Freckles troll (Panel 1) hahahahah look at that dumbass noob always feeding . your the worse badguy of all time. you just walk around like a retard HAHAHAHAAA!! Look at that dummy nob always feeding. You're the worst baddie of all time, you just walk around like a dimwit.
Freckles troll (Panel 2) [...] stuck with fucking dumb none existing creatures [...] Stuck with dumb useless creatures.
Rectangle Face troll (Panel 3) you tell that small ballsack looking mother fucker. that hes a little punk bitch and will be nothing more then some stupid monster You tell that small sack looking mofo that he's a little punk, and will be nothing more than some stupid monster.
Rectangle Face troll (Panel 6) yea what the fuck are you anyways? What the heck are you anyway?

The two trolls' deaths are additionally edited so that no blood is shown, and their faces are simply crunched by Luigi and Mario.

