Chapter 24: Coyote's Wrath

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Chapter 24:
Coyote's Wrath
Release dates
Cover date November 14th, 2020
Page date November 16th, 2020 - ???
Link Chapter 24
Script Script
Character debuts Cashier, Eddy, General Plastro, Helgrim (full appearance), Mauller
Other chapters
Previous chapter The conclusion - Part 3
Next chapter ???

Coyote's Wrath is the 24th chapter of Tails Gets Trolled.


A Promise

The chapter opens with a flashback to the second night spent by the newly created Neutrals following the fateful events that would change the lives of Coyote and his friends. That night, Coyote speaks with Sylvester regarding their current situation. Sylvester reveals that he had retrieved the corpses of Porky and his family from the Satanists. He also reveals that he had inserted his strings into the other characters, a fact that is no surprise to Coyote. It is revealed that the two have been practicing with their powers, discovering new tricks and abilities to use.

Coyote mentions that since the death of Porky, Fudd and Tom have gone silent and that a devide between Coyote and Sylvester has grown. Coyote laments this divide, and suggests that he and Sylvester should speak more. Sylvester reveals that he feels that he and the rest of the group are responsible for driving Porky to suicide and that the "gift" of becoming Neutrals is their punishment. He then lashes out at Coyote for not being responsible, but calms himself before his life force is drained. Sylvester then ponders over the future of their group and the difficulties in maintaining emotional neutrality that lie ahead.

Sylvester then makes two promises to Coyote: one to find a way to remove their "gift" of Neutrality, and one to train Tom and Elmer (who are seen as the weaker of Sylvester and Coyote) to become stronger. Coyote becomes emotional at seeing Sylvester's drive and begins to tear up, losing a portion of his lifespan in the process before giving Sylvester a thumbs up, showing his approval.

In the present, Coyote begins to run towards Troll King's castle to exact his revenge. Silver, noting that he would not able to stop him, asks for Coyote to bring back Blaze and Rob due to not being able to find them before retreating. Coyote looks at Silver, silent, before turning around and going back towards Troll King's castle.


The scene then moves over to Hulk, who is seen purchasing some Wonder Bread. The cashier asks Hulk about his love life, who replies that he is waiting for the "right one". Hulk then leaves to do "Troll Slaiyer shit", as the cashier admires him from a distance.

The scene shows what's happening with Troll King and his group as his group fools around, this makes him berate them as he hears a branch snap. He then berates the trolls again, causing Eddy to mock him and beg for money to get candy. Hearing this, Troll King socks him in the mouth and knocks out his teeth. He then grabs his head and throws him at the tree Alex is behind, and Eddy gets ripped in half. Alex, seeing this, lies that he was trolling a lizard as he squishes it. Troll King asks why he is there, and after receiving his answer tells Alex to leave. Travous enters and tells Troll King that he found nothing, causing Troll King to threaten him with death. Travous persuades him telling him Mr. Clair would get angry at him for it, gaining permission to get rest. Then, General Plastro enters and informs the Troll King that Troll Fortress is under attack. Troll King is infuriated and rushes to his fortress to deal with them. The trolls get ready to help strike the attackers as Ronald commentates on the situation.

It then cuts to Elmer Fud and Luigi who are insulted by a troll. Luigi throws fire in his face and ask him to never call him stupid so many times again. Elmer Fudd then runs off. It cuts to tails, who is hiding and trying to be as stealthy as possible. He then drinks swamp water from a pond. At the Defenders' Base, Dexter and Vivian talk about Hello Kitty and discuss monitoring Tails through the night. Tails is interrupted by a fox in the swamp and goes back to drinking his water as he gets scared by a crocodile and runs off. In a flashback, Tails is being taught by Amy on ants and their nature as Amy slowly degrades into a deformity of her self and tries to kiss Tails. Tails tries to pull her off as he wakes up from his day dream struggling for air.

The Battle of Troll Fortress

Mean while, Rob, who is now riding on his dragon Helgrim, continues his battle with Hindo, who has ascended to a new form in which he can generate black lightning. Rob and Helgrim then see a badly injured Blaze climbing up a ladder. They go in closer to Hindo to stop him from attacking Blaze, only for Helgrim to be struck with Hindo's lightning. Helgrim explains to Rob that while he's slowly dying he will attempt to make it to Blaze and urges them to escape as "Rob can not win this battle". Helgrim makes for Blaze's location as he bleeds out, as Hindo brags about his accomplishment in slaying "another" dragon.

Elsewhere, Mauller is seen raising a barrier, having blocked an incoming attack. Admitting that the attackers are powerful, he makes his way for Troll Fortress to aid in the defense of the castle. However, as he is climbing up top, he is ambushed by Magma Garry / Coyote. Coyote, using Magma Garry, spews lava on Mauller. On the top of the castle, Hindo prepares to finish off Rob. Blaze, arriving just in time, attempts to stop Hindo by launching a fireball at him, momentarily distracting Hindo. Unfazed, Hindo prepares to finish off both and fires lightning at the two, but Rob and Blaze are suddenly shielded by a barrier of strings forming around them.



  • The cover of Chapter 24 is the first cover to not feature a collage of characters on it.
  • The title was first revealed on October 19th, 2020 in a question answered on the admin's CuriousCat[1], before the cover itself was released.
  • The cover was stated to be completed on November 12th, 2020[2]. However, Lazerbot was unable to send the cover to the admin due to relying on his brother's phone for internet access. Said brother was (briefly) away to see the birth of his child.
  • Hulk purchasing Wonder Bread may be the result of a user on the official Discord suggesting that Hulk should buy Wonder Bread, posted on October 3rd, 2020.[3]
    • Hulk (attempting) to read the Bible was another suggestion from the same user, posted on November 28th, 2020.[4]
