Chapter 27.5: Shadow's Nightmare 2

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Chapter 27.5:
Shadow's Nightmare 2
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Release dates
Cover date October 3rd, 2023
Page date October 3rd, 2023 -
May 8th, 2024
Link Chapter 27.5
Script Script
Character debuts Skinny, Steven, GEYER ASSOFF MAHLAWN, Brittany, Warren, Diana, Renee, Adna, TJ
Other chapters
Previous chapter Shadow's Nightmare
Next chapter Shadow vs Cheeto Man

Chapter 27.5: Shadow's Nightmare 2 is the second half of the twenty-seventh chapter of Tails Gets Trolled.


The Final Dragon Ball Z Episode

Narrateur descends and shows off his power.

The chapter opens with the finale of the famed Tails Gets Trolled Z series, with Spongebob and Narrator Guy confronting Vageness and Hailyon. Narrator Guy recalls a memory of himself getting his arm broken by Vageness which angers him and gives him the power to defeat the trolls. The heroes defeat the two trolls, and are ambushed by the trio who had trolled Narrator Guy at the beginning of Chapter 26. Spongebob recognizes the trio as slave drivers who had enslaved Toads, a memory which gives him the resolve to defeat the evil trio. As the three trolls are melted away, the Narrateur enters the scene radiating a purple aura. Narrator Guy reveals that his father was slain by the Narrateur during a previous encounter. Spongebob and the Narrarator are overpowered and resort to doing a fusion dance to even the odds, resulting in a hideous abomination being formed. Despite the new fusion, the Narrateur defeats the fused monstrosity and then proceeds to gloat over his victory.

Searching for Tails

The scene then moves to Shadow resting in his tent after fighting Knuckles. He appears to have a nightmare in which a grotesque Bugs appears. Bugs threatens Shadow that one day, he will pay for the consequences of his violent actions, to which Shadow replies that he has no regrets. Shadow attempts to attack Bugs but fails as he moves straight through his ghostly body. Unfazed, Bugs warns Shadow that he will haunt him for the rest of his days while screaming maniacally.

Shadow standing over the hastily made grave for Amy.

Shadow awakens from his nightmare screaming and heads outside his tent to begin the day. Meanwhile, the Troll Slaiyers are shown relaxing, with Hulk having successfully made it back to the group, and having idle conversations. Shadow passes by and is noticed by Tiny Kong who passes him a water bottle and orange. She offers to join Shadow in the search for Tails but is told to stay behind with the others to focus on their plan for Mario. Before Shadow leaves he also advises Tiny Kong to keep an eye on Bowser as he feels that he is planning something.

Shadow begins to follow his steps backwards to try and trace Knuckles' path. Along the way he reminisces over various events of the past, including one in which he violently murders Teemo. As he moves along he also remembers a time in which he and Tails were fishing. During this time, Shadow appears to unintentionally worry Tails when trying to reassure him that Sonic and Amy's relationship will be okay. Shadow then promises to protect Tails before the scene moves to the current time with him showing regret over not being able to fulfill this promise.

Eventually Shadow discovers the corpse pit containing Amy and the many victims of Cheeto Man's wrath. Shadow, angered upon seeing the state his friend was left in, pull Amy's body out of the pit to bury her elsewhere before setting the entire pipe on fire, swearing revenge against Cheeto Man.

A Long Bus Ride

Boah delivers justice to Chad.

Meanwhile, Alice and her group are shown trudging through the woods making their way back to camp after the massacre at the House of God. Chad continues to complain incessantly, raising tensions in the group before making a remark over how delicious the bodies of Porky's family were (also revealing that he had the other Christians had eaten them). His lack of empathy unnerves Alice, which Boah notices and decks Chad in the face for. The group then moves on ignoring Chad's complaints.

Alice reminisces upon her time shortly after leaving her home and riding the bus to the camp with Boah. Boah is shown to be extremely distrustful of the other churchgoers present due to their highly eccentric personalities and quirks. A small child, Skinny, begins to smoke weed on the bus irritating Alice and the bus driver, Diana. Skinny eventually stops smoking but throws out some vulgar words, much to the dismay of Vinny the Piss. Another passenger, Steven, "threatens" Skinny using his wartime experience causing skinny to pull out a gun. This act causes Diana to slam the brakes, and then proceed to toss Skinny out of the bus.

Brogan expressing his lack of money.

The bus then makes a pit stop at a gas station. Boah waits by the bus and watches as Alice and the others go in to resupply. Diana attempts to make small talk with Boah but falls flat as Boah decides to walk off. Within the store, Alice attempts to chat with Brittany and Warren but is brushed off before Brogan talks to her. Brogan, having no money, is saddened by the fact that he has no money to buy any snacks is then pulled aside by Chris Chin. Chris mentions to Brogan that he can simply take the bar and so long as he is not caught there would be no problem, causing Brogan to smile deviously.

Alice and the others then reconvene on the bus. Alice notices Brogan's candy bar and is disheartened, but does not tell anyone. As the day turns to night Alice is kept awake by the sounds of sex before GEYER ASSOFF MAHLAWN suddenly strikes up a conversation. GEYER ASSOFF MAHLAWN encourages Alice to not let the sinful acts she has seen to turn her away from God's light before snorting crack and doing shrooms in front of her, when suddenly, the bus arrives at the camp. The scene then moves to the present time when Alice and her group arrive at the camp, but they are taken aback when they see many of the their fellow campers, including the body of Alice's friend Adna, brutally killed and their corpses strewn about.

Tails Gets a Cave

Tails meets the bear again.

Meanwhile, Tails is shown smoking in the cold after his battle with Alex, having made his way back to an area close to the body pit. He reminisces on old times, back to when he was still with Sonic and thinks about his past friends, as well as the lost stories of those who have been dumped in the pit. Recalling his past victories over Alex and various wildlife, Tails then resolves to get the cave from the bear he had encountered earlier.

Upon making his way back to the cave, Tails uses his Cheeto ball power to create light. He spots the bear from behind and, in a panic, throws the Cheeto ball at the bear, angering it. The bear roars in Tails face and swipes at him, knocking him into a wall. Tails pre-emptively creates a barrier to protect himself and then aims his rocket launcher at the bear, but the bear dodges. The resulting explosion causes the debris to fall on Tails' head, knocking the Cheeto ball out of his hand which then fizzles out. Now in the dark the bear rushes at Tails again who manages to stab it in the chest using his knife. The bear barely reacts, and then proceeds to bite into Tails, lifting him up above its head, and hurls him across the room.

Now bleeding out, Tails' dark side emerges, and offers to deal with the bear. Tails allows his dark side to take over resulting in the full emergence of Dark Tails. Dark Tails fires a beam of evil energy at the bear, which causes the bears heart to shrivel up. The bear then falls over, and just as Tails returns to normal, the cave fully collapses on him.

Into the Cheetah's Den

Shadow hears Doug fapping.

Ronald, having followed Tails, then appears over the rubble and pulls Tails out. Noting that Tails has some potential within him, he lets of an evil grin as he carries Tails out. Meanwhile, Shadow is shown making his move into the Defenders' Base. He enters and listens in on various rooms, overhearing things such as Batman training and Doug pleasuring himself. As he turns a corner, Shadow listens in on a conversation between Skeeter and Woodstock. The two talk about Hello Kitty and Tails, with Shadow having a perturbed expression upon hearing the news that Tails has had sex with Cheeto Man's wife. After the two pass, Shadow notices Trix Rabbit approaching and leaps up high, clutching onto the wall to stay out of sight.

Shadow watches as Trix Rabbit drags along TJ, the newest addition to Trix Rabbit's circle. TJ attempts to threaten Trix Rabbit by saying that his friends will come, but Trix Rabbit boasts that he has already sold his friends off to other people. Having seen enough, the area around Shadow grows dark and he drops from the ceiling. From behind, Shadow jumps Trix Rabbit and slits his throat, before dragging his body away into the darkness. Moments later, Shadow finds his way to the master bedroom and sees his prey looking over the pregnancy stick. Cheeto Man, talking to himself, swears to kill Tails and that he'll find a new wife. He then hears a movement and stands up, calling out to the intruder.